# Chapter 3 Challenge part 3
# use the code below and the following
# directions to see if you can solve the problem
# Your Co-Worker has been asked to write a
# 1st time "Log-in" program in which a user has to
# sign in with their user name. If they enter
# the correct id name they need to be asked
# to create their password.
# They were required to make sure the user did
# not leave the username entry blank and must have the
# correct user name or the progam should re-ask
# them to sign in... They cannot figure out what
# to do, so they have called on you to help...
# Here is what they have so far...
# They started their program like this....
# and included some of their documentation.
# Get username, check to see if not empty,
# then verify that username is correct.
# using username "jalesch" as test user.
name = False
while not name:
name = raw_input("Enter your user name: ")
print "Welcome," , name , "you must create a password."
password = False
while not password:
password = raw_input("""Enter a password.
Password must be at least 6 characters in length,
and must include one of these symbols (!, $, ?, &): """)
while len(password) < 6:
for "!" in password or "$" in password or "?" in password or "&" in password:
password = raw_input("""Enter a password.
Password must be at least 6 characters in length,
and must include one of these symbols (!, $, ?, &): """)
print "This has met the requirements."
check = raw_input("Please re-enter your password:")
while check != password:
print "You have entered the wrong password"
check = raw_input("Please re-enter your password:")
print "Welcome to the program!"
# prompt user to create a password that meets the
# following requirements:
# - Must be at least 6 characters in length
# - Must include at least one of these 4 symbols
# - ! $ ? &
# Once the user has entered their password, the program
# must check to see if it meets the requirements.
# If the requirements are not met, it should reask them
# to put in a password that meets the requirements
# until they get it correct.
# Test password is: $program!
# If it meets the requirements then prompt the user
# to re enter the password, and check that the
# first and second entry matches.
# If the 1st and 2nd match. display "Welcome to the program"
# If the 1st and 2nd don't match, re-prompt for the password
# until they get a correct match.
答案 0 :(得分:4)
for "!" in password or "$" in password or "?" in password or "&" in password:
if "!" in password or "$" in password or "?" in password or "&" in password:
for x in y
答案 1 :(得分:0)
def get_name(prompt):
while True:
name = raw_input(prompt).strip()
if name:
return name
def get_password(prompt):
while True:
name = raw_input(prompt).strip()
if len(name) >= 6 and (set(name) & set("!$?&")):
return name
name = get_name("Enter your user name: ")
print("Welcome, {}, you must create a password.".format(name))
while True:
print("Now enter a password. It must be at least 6 characters in length, and must include a symbols (!, $, ?, &).")
pass1 = get_password("Enter a password: ")
pass2 = get_password("Please re-enter your password: ")
if pass1 == pass2:
print("Welcome to the program")
print("No match! Please try again")