我是c#的新手,刚从c ++切换到c#。 我在c ++中做了类似的事情:
Class A
public : A(char *argv);//declaration of constructor
int main(int argc, char **argv)
A Obj(argv[1]);
A::A(char * argv)
//Here i use this command line argument argv which contains a file.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace shekhar_final
class Huffman
public int data_size,length,i,is_there, total_nodes;
string code;
Huffman(char *args);
public Huffman(char *args) //called from MyClass Line:16
using (var stream = new BinaryReader(System.IO.File.OpenRead(args[0]))) //Line : 18
while (stream.BaseStream.Position < stream.BaseStream.Length)
byte processingValue = stream.ReadByte();
public class MyClass
public static void Main(string[] args)
Huffman ObjSym =new Huffman(args);//object creation
}// Line:34
我得到的几个错误是:// 我已经指出对应于我的代码中的错误的行
shekhar_c#.cs(16,25): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `Huffman', expecting `class', `delegate', `enum', `interface', `partial', or `struct'
shekhar_c#.cs(18,33): error CS1530: Keyword `new' is not allowed on namespace elements
shekhar_c#.cs(18,36): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `BinaryReader', expecting `class', `delegate', `enum', `interface', `partial', or `struct'
shekhar_c#.cs(18,79): warning CS0658: `value' is invalid attribute target. All attributes in this attribute section will be ignored
shekhar_c#.cs(34,1): error CS8025: Parsing error
Compilation failed: 4 error(s), 1 warnings
请你帮我编写c#等效的c ++(删除这些错误)。我也欢迎额外的指导,因为我是c#的初学者。
答案 0 :(得分:3)
与C ++不同,你可以选择在头文件中组合声明和成员函数的定义,或者将声明放在头文件和cpp文件中的实现中,在C#中没有这样的选择:如果是函数有一个主体(即它不是抽象的),主体需要成为声明的一部分:
class Huffman
public int data_size,length,i,is_there, total_nodes;
string code;
Huffman(string args) {
using (var stream = new BinaryReader(System.IO.File.OpenRead(args)))
while (stream.BaseStream.Position < stream.BaseStream.Length)
byte processingValue = stream.ReadByte();
答案 1 :(得分:2)
您没有在C#中提前定义方法 - 它们是在类本身内定义的。试试这个:
class Huffman
public int data_size,length,i,is_there, total_nodes;
string code;
public Huffman(char *args) //called from MyClass Line:16
using (var stream = new BinaryReader(System.IO.File.OpenRead(args[0]))) //Line : 18
while (stream.BaseStream.Position < stream.BaseStream.Length)
byte processingValue = stream.ReadByte();
public class MyClass
public static void Main(string[] args)
Huffman ObjSym =new Huffman(args); //Here is the error
答案 2 :(得分:2)
namespace shekhar_final
class Huffman
public int DataSize {get; set;}
public int Length {get; set;}
public int I {get;set;}
public int IsThere {get;set;}
public int TotalNodes {get;set;}
private string code;
public Huffman(string[] args) //called from MyClass Line:16
using (var stream = new BinaryReader(System.IO.File.OpenRead(args[0]))) //Line : 18
while (stream.BaseStream.Position < stream.BaseStream.Length)
byte processingValue = stream.ReadByte();
public class MyClass
public static void Main(string[] args)
Huffman objSym = new Huffman(args);//object creation
}// Line:34
答案 3 :(得分:2)
C#和C ++之间的主要哲学是不同的。在C ++中,您有一个头文件和一个实现文件。在C#中,everthing需要在一个类中。因此,您将构造函数声明为类并将实现放在其中。
class funny {
public funny() {
... add your constructor stuff here
... other stuff ...
答案 4 :(得分:1)
在c#中,您不会将声明和定义分开。由于所有类型在程序集中一起存在,因此c#中没有声明这样的概念。如果您希望在c3中为类使用多个文件,则可以使用partial classes的概念。
答案 5 :(得分:1)
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace shekhar_final
public class Huffman{
public int data_size,length,i,is_there, total_nodes;
string code;
public Huffman(string[] args) //called from MyClass Line:16
using (var stream = new BinaryReader(System.IO.File.OpenRead(args[0]))) //Line : 18
while (stream.BaseStream.Position < stream.BaseStream.Length)
byte processingValue = stream.ReadByte();
public class MyClass
public static void Main(string[] args)
Huffman ObjSym =new Huffman(args);//object creation
}// Line:34