
时间:2014-02-27 02:07:33

标签: r ggplot2


pie_grid <- ggplot(my_dat, aes(x = factor(""), y = value, fill = variable)) + 
   geom_bar(stat = "identity") +       # bar plot
   facet_grid(Cation ~ Anion) +        # grid
   coord_polar(theta = "y") +          # pie chart by converting to polar coord
   scale_x_discrete("") +              # no x-axis label

Just one dataframe without labels


pie_grid <- pie_grid + geom_text( aes(x = 0, y = 0, size = 4,
               label = formatC(round(value, digits =2), format = 'f', digits = 2)), 
               data = tot.E.dat,
               show_guide = FALSE,
               hjust = 0, vjust = 1)

数据来自另一个名为tot.E.dat的数据框,基本上我想在每个方面的中心加一个数字。结果如下: Added the label data frame




   Cation  Anion        variable        value
1     im    bf4    Electrostatic -388.8225640
2     im     br    Electrostatic -440.0319478
3     im     cl    Electrostatic -462.6507643
4     im    dca    Electrostatic -387.0396472
5     im    mes    Electrostatic -434.2880350
17    im    bf4        Repulsion   79.0755418
18    im     br        Repulsion  180.1054541
19    im     cl        Repulsion  181.7249981
20    im    dca        Repulsion  105.0390379
21    im    mes        Repulsion  112.6103998
74   pyr     br  Charge_Transfer    0.5827333
75   pyr     cl  Charge_Transfer    0.3390909
76   pyr    dca  Charge_Transfer   -0.9314203
77   pyr    mes  Charge_Transfer   -2.2744731
78   pyr   ntf2  Charge_Transfer   -1.0463488
79   pyr    pf6  Charge_Transfer   -1.6858646
80   pyr    tos  Charge_Transfer   -2.0899762


   Cation  Anion         variable     value
1     im    bf4  Total_EFP_Energy -405.5935
2     im     br  Total_EFP_Energy -382.3632
3     im     cl  Total_EFP_Energy -407.9164
4     im    dca  Total_EFP_Energy -399.4065
5     im    mes  Total_EFP_Energy -463.8081
6     im   ntf2  Total_EFP_Energy -380.7301
7     im    pf6  Total_EFP_Energy -376.5059
8     im    tos  Total_EFP_Energy -498.7680
9    pyr    bf4  Total_EFP_Energy -375.3014
10   pyr     br  Total_EFP_Energy -373.2262
11   pyr     cl  Total_EFP_Energy -404.0563
12   pyr    dca  Total_EFP_Energy -366.3844
13   pyr    mes  Total_EFP_Energy -428.7498
14   pyr   ntf2  Total_EFP_Energy -341.2173
15   pyr    pf6  Total_EFP_Energy -353.0248
16   pyr    tos  Total_EFP_Energy -419.7708

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


你可以试试这样的事吗 -

ggplot() + 
geom_bar(my_dat, aes(x = factor(""), y = value, fill = variable), stat = "identity") +
geom_text( aes(x = 0, y = 0, size = 4,
               label = formatC(round(value, digits =2), format = 'f', digits = 2)), 
               data = tot.E.dat,
               show_guide = FALSE,
               hjust = 0, vjust = 1)

我的想法是,不是在ggplot调用中指定美学,而是应用于整个购物车,我现在在geom中指定它,所以它应该只适用于那个geom 。 fill = variable部分不应该适用于geom_text,现在不应该出现在图例上。