我正在编写一段代码,它基本上通过多次调用TextOut在屏幕上绘制文本。这是一个C ++ Win32应用程序,我正在使用Visual Studio 2012.如何在标记拼写错误等时以Word的方式绘制波浪下划线?
答案 0 :(得分:4)
BOOL SomeClass::drawWavyUnderline (WPPoint ptTextPos, int nWidth, COLORREF col)
// Draws a wavy underline below the position a run of text at the given
// position and of the given width would occupy. This method consults the
// height of the currently selected font in order to find the baseline where
// the underline is drawn.
// NOTE: The method will fail to find the correct position of the underline
// if the current text alignment is not set to TA_LEFT!
// @param ptTextPos (in): TextOut reference point.
// @return: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
Gdiplus::Graphics *pGfx = NULL;
Gdiplus::Pen *pPen = NULL;
Gdiplus::PointF *arrPts = NULL;
// Determine the number of points required.
static const float fNumPixelsPerSample = 1.2f;
int nNumPts = (int)(nWidth / fNumPixelsPerSample);
if (nNumPts <= 1)
goto outpoint; // width too small or even negative!
// Retrieve information about the current GDI font.
if (!::GetTextMetrics (/* HDC... */, &tm))
goto outpoint; // failed to retrieve TEXTMETRIC!
// Create points array.
arrPts = new Gdiplus::PointF [nNumPts];
if (arrPts == NULL)
goto outpoint; // out of mem!
// Fill points array.
static const float fYOffset = 1.0f;
static const float fAmp = 1.5f;
Gdiplus::PointF *pScan = arrPts;
for (int i = 0; i < nNumPts; i++, pScan++)
pScan->X = (Gdiplus::REAL)(ptTextPos.x + (float) i * nWidth / (nNumPts - 1));
// The amplitude is computed as a function of the absolute position x rather
// than the sample index i in order to make sure the waveform will start at
// the correct point when two runs are drawn very near each-other.
float fValue = (float)(fAmp * sin ((pScan->X / fNumPixelsPerSample)*(M_PI / 3.0)));
pScan->Y = (Gdiplus::REAL)(ptTextPos.y + tm.tmAscent + tm.tmDescent*0.5f + fYOffset + fValue);
// Create GDI+ graphics object.
HDC hdc = /* code to retrieve the HDC... */ ;
if (hdc == NULL)
goto outpoint; // missing HDC
pGfx = new Gdiplus::Graphics (hdc);
if (pGfx == NULL)
goto outpoint; // out of mem!
// Draw the lines.
pPen = new Gdiplus::Pen (Gdiplus::Color (GetRValue (col), GetGValue (col), GetBValue (col)));
if (pPen == NULL)
goto outpoint; // out of mem!
pGfx->SetSmoothingMode (Gdiplus::SmoothingModeHighQuality);
if (pGfx->DrawLines (pPen, arrPts, nNumPts) != Gdiplus::Ok)
goto outpoint; // failed to draw the lines!
bResult = TRUE;
// Clean up.
if (pPen != NULL) delete pPen;
if (pGfx != NULL) delete pGfx;
if (arrPts != NULL) delete[] arrPts;
return bResult;
答案 1 :(得分:1)
#include <gdiplus.h>
#include <corecrt_math_defines.h>
#include <vector>
bool drawWavyUnderline(HDC hDC, const POINT& ptTextPos, int nWidth, COLORREF col)
// Draws a wavy underline below the position a run of text at the given
// position and of the given width would occupy. This method consults the
// height of the currently selected font in order to find the baseline where
// the underline is drawn.
// NOTE: The method will fail to find the correct position of the underline
// if the current text alignment is not set to TA_LEFT|TA_TOP.
// @param ptTextPos (in): TextOut reference point.
// @return: TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.
bool bResult = false;
// Determine the number of points required.
const float fNumPixelsPerSample = 1.2f;
const int nPts = (int)(nWidth / fNumPixelsPerSample);
if (nPts > 1) {
try {
// Retrieve information about the current GDI font.
if (::GetTextMetrics(hDC, &tm)) {
// Fill points array.
const float fAmp = 1.5f;
const float fYOffset = ptTextPos.y + tm.tmAscent + tm.tmDescent * 0.5f + 1.0f;
float xOffset = 0.0;
std::vector< Gdiplus::PointF> arrPts;
for (auto& pt : arrPts) {
pt.X = (Gdiplus::REAL)(ptTextPos.x + xOffset++ * nWidth / (nPts - 1));
// The amplitude is computed as a function of the absolute position x rather
// than the sample index i in order to make sure the waveform will start at
// the correct point when two runs are drawn very near each-other.
const float fValue = (float)(fAmp * sin((pt.X / fNumPixelsPerSample) * (M_PI / 3.0)));
pt.Y = (Gdiplus::REAL)(fYOffset + fValue);
// Draw the wavy line:
Gdiplus::Graphics gfx(hDC);
Gdiplus::Pen pen(Gdiplus::Color(GetRValue(col), GetGValue(col), GetBValue(col)));
bResult = gfx.DrawLines(&pen, arrPts.data(), nPts) == Gdiplus::Ok;
catch (...) {
return bResult;