我正在测试(我没有写这个模块)一个模块,它将课程成绩的等级值从B-改为B,但从不跨越基础等级(即B +到A- )。
原始模块名为transcript.py 我正在我自己的testtranscript.py
中测试它我正在通过导入它来测试该模块:'import transcript'和'import cornelltest' 我确保所有文件都在同一个文件夹/目录中。
transcript.py中存在函数raise_grade(此模块中有多个定义,但raise_grade是唯一一个给我带来麻烦的函数)。 ti的形式('class name','gradvalue')
已经有另一个定义将浮点数转换为字符串并返回(即3.0 - > B)。
def raise_grade(ti):
""""Raise gradeval of transcript line ti by a non-noticeable amount.
# value of the base letter grade, e.g., 4 (or 4.0) for a 4.3
bval = int(ti.gradeval)
print 'bval is:"' + str(bval) + '"'
# part after decimal point in raised grade, e.g., 3 (or 3.0) for a 4.3
newdec = min(int((ti.gradeval + .3)*10) % 10, 3)
print 'newdec is:"' + str(newdec) + '"'
# get result by add the two values together, after shifting newdec one
# decimal place
newval = bval + round(newdec/10.0, 1)
ti.gradeval = newval
print 'newval is:"' + str(newval) + '"'
def test_raise():
"""test raise_grade"""
testobj = transcript.Titem('CS1110','B-')
我是从cmd shell获得的: TypeError:raise_grade只需1个参数(给定2个)
LETTER_LIST = ['B', 'A']
# List of valid modifiers to base letter grades.
MODIFIER_LIST = ['-','+']
def lettergrade_to_val(lg):
"""Returns: numerical value of letter grade lg.
The usual numerical scheme is assumed: A+ -> 4.3, A -> 4.0, A- -> 3.7, etc.
Precondition: lg is a 1 or 2-character string consisting of a "base" letter
in LETTER_LIST optionally followed by a modifier in MODIFIER_LIST."""
# if LETTER_LIST or MODIFIER_LIST change, the implementation of
# this function must change.
# get value of base letter. Trick: index in LETTER_LIST is shifted from value
bv = LETTER_LIST.index(lg[0]) + 3
# Trick with indexing in MODIFIER_LIST to get the modifier value
return bv + ((MODIFIER_LIST.index(lg[1]) - .5)*.3/.5 if (len(lg) == 2) else 0)
class Titem(object):
"""A Titem is an 'item' on a transcript, like "CS1110 A+"
Instance variables:
course [string]: course name. Always at least 1 character long.
gradeval [float]: the numerical equivalent of the letter grade.
Valid letter grades are 1 or 2 chars long, and consist
of a "base" letter in LETTER_LIST optionally followed
by a modifier in MODIFIER_LIST.
We store values instead of letter grades to facilitate
calculations of GPA later.
(In "real" life, one would write a function that,
when displaying a Titem, would display the letter
grade even though the underlying representation is
numerical, but we're keeping things simple for this
def __init__(self, n, lg):
"""Initializer: A new transcript line with course (name) n, gradeval
the numerical equivalent of letter grade lg.
Preconditions: n is a non-empty string.
lg is a string consisting of a "base" letter in LETTER_LIST
optionally followed by modifier in MODIFIER_LIST.
# assert statements that cause an error when preconditions are violated
assert type(n) == str and type(lg) == str, 'argument type error'
assert (len(n) >= 1 and 0 < len(lg) <= 2 and lg[0] in LETTER_LIST and
(len(lg) == 1 or lg[1] in MODIFIER_LIST)), 'argument value error'
self.course = n
self.gradeval = lettergrade_to_val(lg)
Edit2:我理解原来的问题......但似乎原作者搞砸了代码,因为raise_grade对于3.7 --->的等级值不能正常工作。 4.0,因为bval采用原始的float并使其成为int,在这种情况下不起作用。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
def test_raise():
"""test raise_grade"""
testobj = transcript.Titem('CS1110','B-')