
时间:2014-02-21 16:28:58

标签: javascript jquery jquery-waypoints

当读者接近当前文章的末尾时,我正在使用jQuery Waypoints plugin动态加载系列中的下一篇文章。所以一个航点触发了ajax请求。

我还有一个附加到每篇文章的包装元素的路标点,当文章接近屏幕顶部时(向下滚动时)和当它到达屏幕中间时(向上滚动时)都会触发 - 这些功能更新地址栏中页面的标题和URL。


我认为向continuous: false航点添加.entry-wrapper会修复它(来自文档;:“如果为false,只有在它是最后一个航路点时才会触发。”),但是,唉,它没有。


    Load the next entry via AJAX when we near the end of each entry 
        url = $('.load-next:last').data('url');
            $.get(url, function(data)
                    We only want the content    
                entry = $(data).find('.entry-wrapper').hide();
                    Add it to the DOM   
                $(entry).fadeIn(500, function()
                        When scrolling down, push a new history state when the new entry reaches the top of the window  
                        if(direction === 'down')
                            history.pushState('', $(this).data('title'), $(this).data('url'));
                            document.title = $(this).data('title');
                        continuous: false,
                        offset: '100px'
                        When scrolling back up, push a new history state when the previous entry is filling roughly half of the window
                        (see offset)
                        if(direction === 'up')
                            history.pushState('', $(this).data('title'), $(this).data('url'));
                            document.title = $(this).data('title');
                        continuous: false,
                        offset: function(){ return ($(this).height() * -1) + ($.waypoints('viewportHeight') / 2) }
        offset: '120%'


<div class="content">
    <div class="entry-wrapper" data-title="Foo baz bar" data-url="http://foo.bar/bing>
        <div class="load-next" data-url="http://foo.bar/baz"></div>
<div class="load-trigger"></div>

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    When scrolling down, push a new history state when the new entry reaches the top of the window  
    if(direction === 'down')
        history.pushState('', $(this).data('title'), $(this).data('url'));
        document.title = $(this).data('title');
    continuous: false,
    offset: '100px'
    When scrolling back up, push a new history state when the previous entry is filling roughly half of the window
    (see offset)
    if(direction === 'up')
        history.pushState('', $(this).data('title'), $(this).data('url'));
        document.title = $(this).data('title');
    continuous: false,
    offset: function(){ return ($(this).height() * -1) + ($.waypoints('viewportHeight') / 2) }