
时间:2014-02-20 14:50:12

标签: jquery html




 * Prepare a rotator
 * @return null
    $.fn.prepRotator = function()
        return this.each(function()
            // Set the navigation
            var count = $(this).children().length;
        for (i = 1; i <= count; i++)
                $(this).siblings('#rotatorNavigation').append("<a href='#'      name='" + i + "'>" + i + "</a>");
            $(this).children(':eq(' + (i-1) + ')').attr('name', i);

        // Set the rotation
        function rotate()

            if ($('.rotator li.active').next('li').length > 0)
                $('.rotator li.active').next('li').showRotatorItem();
                $('.rotator li:first').showRotatorItem();
            globals.RotatorTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ rotate(); }, 5000);
        globals.RotatorTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ rotate(); }, 5000);

        // Set the buttons
        $('#rotatorNavigation a').unbind('click').click(function()
            $(".rotator").find("li[name='" + $(this).attr('name') + "']").showRotatorItem();
            globals.RotatorTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ rotate(); }, 5000);
            return false;

 * Show the given rotator item
 * @return null
$.fn.showRotatorItem = function()
    return this.each(function()
        $('#rotatorNavigation a.active').removeClass('active');
        $('#rotatorNavigation').find("a[name='" + $(this).attr('name') + "']").addClass('active');
        var num = Number($(this).attr('name'));
        $('#rotatorNavigation span.triangle').animate(
            left:       $('#rotatorNavigation a.active').position().left + (num > 9 ? 14 : 11)
        }, 'fast');


<ul id="homeRotator" class="rotator">
  <li class="active">
  <a href="products/parts">
    <span class="back">
    <img alt="Tool" src="images/homepage/rotator/tool.jpg" width="960" height="364" />
    <span class="heading">
      <br />Keep a good thing going.
    <span class="desc">
    <img alt="2-Cycle parts" src="images/homepage/img-2-cycle-parts.jpg" width="287" height="204" />
        <span class="copy">
          Genuine Detroit Diesel 2-Cycle parts are built to the latest engineering
specifications, resulting in uncompromised quality.
    <span class="link">> Parts</span>
  <a href="about/heritage">
    <span class="back">
    <img alt="Green Engine" src="images/homepage/rotator/img-detroit-diesel-engine-green.jpg" width="960" height="364" />
    <span class="heading">
      <br />A legacy of excellence.
    <span class="desc">
    <img alt="GM Diesel Flag" src="images/homepage/img-heritage.jpg" width="287" height="204" />
    <span class="copy">
          Since 1938, our engines have powered entire industries, including construction,
agricultural, marine, oil and gas, mining, rail, power generation and defense.
    <span class="link">> Heritage</span>
  <a href="stories-gallery/overview">
    <span class="back">
    <img alt="Deception Motor Master" src="images/homepage/rotator/decepticon.jpg" width="960" height="364" />
    <span class="heading">
          Reports from the field. 
      <br />Water. And road.
    <span class="desc">
    <img alt="Deception Motor Master" src="images/homepage/eng_ine.jpg" width="287" height="204" />
    <span class="copy">
      Read stories about earth movers, hot rods, ferries, yachts, trucks and more. All
  powered by Detroit Diesel 2-Cycle engines.
    <span class="link">> Stories</span>
  <a href="contact/sales-and-service-locator">
    <span class="back">
    <img alt="Reliabuilt 92 Engine" src="images/homepage/rotator/img-reliabuilt-92-engine.jpg" width="960" height="364" />
    <span class="heading">
      <br />Local support. Worldwide.
    <span class="desc">
    <img alt="MTU Clock Screensaver" src="images/homepage/img-distributor-locator.jpg" width="287" height="204" />
    <span class="copy">
      No matter where you are, MTU’s global sales and service network is committed to 
      providing you with genuine Detroit Diesel 2-Cycle parts, service and assistance.
    <span class="link">> Sales and service locator</span>
  <a href="extras/gallery/official-gallery">
    <span class="back">
    <img alt="Reliabuilt 92 Engine" src="images/homepage/rotator/pete.jpg" width="960" height="364" />
    <span class="heading">
      <br />Metal and machines on display.
    <span class="desc">
    <img alt="2-Cycle Distributor Locator" src="images/homepage/marines.jpg" width="287" height="204" />
    <span class="copy">
      View photos and videos of 2-Cycle-powered vehicles and equipment, 
      product shots and historical images. Or submit your own. 
    <span class="link">> Gallery</span>
    <a href="products/engines">
      <span class="back">
      <img src="images/homepage/rotator/img-engine-close-up.jpg" width="960" height="364" />
      <span class="heading">
        <br />A powerful commitment.
      <span class="desc">
          <img alt="Close up of 2-Cycle Engine" src="images/homepage/img-detroit-diesel-engine-cu.jpg" width="287" height="204" />
      <span class="copy">
        As the sole owner of the Detroit Diesel 2-Cycle product line, MTU is committed to
  providing parts, service and support for the long term.
      <span class="link">> Engines</span>



<div id="rotatorNavigation">

      <span class="triangle"></span>

    <div id="flameBottom">

      <div class="left">
        <h1>Detroit Diesel 2-Cycle</h1>
        <div class="purpleCornerLeft"></div>

      <div class="right">

        <a class="find-a-distributor" href="contact/sales-and-service-locator">
          <span class="img">
            <img src="images/homepage/img-small-engine.png" />
          <span class="copy">
            <span class="heading">
              Sales and service locator
            <span class="cta">
              > Search

        <a class="got-a-story" href="stories-gallery/overview">
          <span class="img">  
            <img src="images/homepage/img-notepad.png" />
          <span class="copy">  
            <span class="heading">
              2-Cycle stories
            <span class="cta">
              > Read and share your own

        <div class="grayCornerRight"></div>



我只是难以将整个事情随机化。我可以让它随机化第二张幻灯片,但它仍保留相同的顺序 - 这不是我想要的。我希望整个事情完全随机。任何帮助/见解将不胜感激!

我已经考虑过复制ul 6x然后在页面加载时显示一个随机版本,但是当我知道有些东西按原样随机化时,这似乎太多余了。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

上面的代码比我现在可以查看的要多一些,但假设可以重写内容,而不是简单地以不同的顺序显示它们,你可以将幻灯片内容拉成jQuery包装集,随机播放设置,并用新内容替换homeRotator UL的内容:

// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2450954/how-to-randomize-shuffle-a-javascript-array
function shuffle(array) {
    var currentIndex = array.length,
        temporaryValue, randomIndex;

    // While there remain elements to shuffle...
    while (0 !== currentIndex) {

        // Pick a remaining element...
        randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex);
        currentIndex -= 1;

        // And swap it with the current element.
        temporaryValue = array[currentIndex];
        array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
        array[randomIndex] = temporaryValue;

    return array;

var $slides = $('#homeRotator li');
$slides = shuffle($slides);


