当使用参数代理方法时,Castle DynamicProxy v1异常?

时间:2010-02-02 17:26:42

标签: c# .net inheritance castle-dynamicproxy dynamic-proxy

我在使用Castle DynamicProxy v1.1.5.0使用参数代理metod时遇到问题。 - 我得到异常“索引超出了数组的范围。”

如果我只使用没有参数的方法,或者使用DynamicProxy v2,一切正常 不幸的是,我无法说服我的项目上的线索向v2添加依赖项(我们已经在使用v1,因为它带有NHibernate)。



我已经实现了一种模拟继承的机制,而没有对基类的编译时依赖性。 Pleeease不问为什么,原因很难看:(

这是一个完整的例子,展示了这是如何打破的。我正在引用Castle.DynamicProxy.dll(v1)。如果我更改了对Castle.DynamicProxy [b] 2 [/ b] .dll(+ Castle.Core.dll)的引用,请在代码的开头取消注释#define。

对于长期代码感到抱歉,但我担心我可能会泄露一些重要的细节...... 另外:免责声明:代码示例有一些NASTY错误! (可能比我发现的还多:)

//#define DynamicProxyV2

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;

#if DynamicProxyV2
using Castle.Core.Interceptor;

using Castle.DynamicProxy;

namespace ProxyTest

    public interface IMyInterface
        void Foo(object a);
        void Bar(object a);
        void Baz(object a);
    public interface IParam
        string Value { get;}

    public class DefaultImplementation : IMyInterface{
        public virtual void Foo(object a) {
            Console.WriteLine("Default Foo");

        public virtual void Bar(object a){

        public virtual void Baz(object a){
            Console.WriteLine("Default Baz");

    class DerivedImpl : ProxyDerivedImplementation {
        public DerivedImpl(IMyInterface i_baseImpl)
            : base(i_baseImpl) { }

        public override void Foo(object a) {
            Console.WriteLine("Derived - Foo!");

        public override void Baz(object a) {
            Console.WriteLine("Derived - Baz!");

    public class DoStuff {
        public static void Main()
            Type t = typeof(DefaultImplementation);

            IMyInterface defaultImpl = (IMyInterface)Activator.CreateInstance(t);
            DerivedImpl derived = new DerivedImpl(defaultImpl);

    public class ProxyDerivedImplementation : IMyInterface, IInterceptor {
        private IMyInterface m_proxy;
        public ProxyDerivedImplementation(IMyInterface i_defaultImplementation)
            ProxyGenerator pg = new ProxyGenerator();

            Type tt = i_defaultImplementation.GetType();
            m_proxy = (IMyInterface)pg.CreateClassProxy(tt, this);

#if DynamicProxyV2
        #region DynProxy v2
        public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation) {
                MethodInfo i_method = invocation.Method;
                List<Type> types = new List<Type>();

                foreach (ParameterInfo info in i_method.GetParameters())
                MethodInfo method = this.GetType().GetMethod(i_method.Name, types.ToArray());
                object[] attrs = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NotOverridenAttribute), false);
                if (attrs.Length > 0)
                    invocation.ReturnValue = method.Invoke(this, invocation.Arguments);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //return null;

        #region DynProxy v1
        public object Intercept(IInvocation i_invocation, params object[] args) {
            try {
                MethodInfo proxiedMethod = i_invocation.Method;
                List<Type> types = new List<Type>();

                foreach (ParameterInfo info in proxiedMethod.GetParameters())

                //find the corresponding method in the inheritance tree having this class as root
                MethodInfo localMethod = this.GetType().GetMethod(proxiedMethod.Name, types.ToArray());
                object[] attrs = localMethod.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(NotOverridenAttribute), false);
                if (attrs.Length > 0)
                    //it's one of the methods in THIS class, i.e. it's not overridden
                    //-> we can't call the method in this class, because it will re-trigger this intercept
                    //   and we'd get an infinite loop
                    // => just dispatch the method to the original proxied type
                    return i_invocation.Proceed();
                //else we have an override for this method - call it.
                return localMethod.Invoke(this, args);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                return null;
        public virtual void Foo(object a) { m_proxy.Foo(a); }

        public virtual void Bar(object a) { m_proxy.Bar(a); }

        public virtual void Baz(object a) { m_proxy.Baz(a); }

    class NotOverridenAttribute : Attribute { }


呼!那是满口的。 这是使用v1时发生的异常:

{"Index was outside the bounds of the array."}
    [System.IndexOutOfRangeException]: {"Index was outside the bounds of the array."}
    Data: {System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal}
    HelpLink: null
    InnerException: null
    Message: "Index was outside the bounds of the array."
    Source: "DynamicAssemblyProxyGen"
    StackTrace: "   at CProxyTypeDefaultImplementationProxyTest0.__delegate_2.Call(Object[] )\r\n   at Castle.DynamicProxy.Invocation.AbstractInvocation.Proceed(Object[] args)\r\n   at ProxyTest.ProxyDerivedImplementation.Intercept(IInvocation i_invocation, Object[] args) in D:\\My Documents\\Visual Studio 2005\\Projects\\DefaultImpl\\AddedValue\\AddedValue.cs:line 133"
    TargetSite: {System.Object Call(System.Object[])}



派生 - Foo!   派生 - 巴兹!


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

不要使用旧的DynamicProxy。它长期不受支持。如果你正在使用它附带的NHibernate,我甚至不想问你正在使用哪个版本的NHibernate。 DPv1 真的