在MAC O.S.上,如何获取已放到apple脚本上的文件名,以使用文件名作为JAR的参数来引导JAR

时间:2010-02-02 13:13:29

标签: macos applescript


执行shell脚本“cd / Desktop / RunJar /; java -jar RunMyJar.jar”




我已在Windows中实现此功能但在MAC O.S上无法正常工作


我已将BAT文件与绝对文件名一起放入Boot JAR,该文件名已被删除在Windows上的bat文件中。 @echo%*将为我提供已删除到批处理文件的文件列表。

@echo%* @暂停 java -jar RunMyJar.jar%*

类似我想在MAC O.S。



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我在Ben's AppleScript Snippets找到了以下示例:

on open of finderObjects -- "open" handler triggered by drag'n'drop launches
  repeat with i in (finderObjects) -- in case multiple objects dropped on applet
    displayName(i) -- show file/folder's info
    if folder of (info for i) is true then -- process folder's contents too
      tell application "Finder" to set temp to (entire contents of i)
      repeat with j in (temp)
        display dialog j as string -- example of doing something with each item
      end repeat
    end if
  end repeat
end open

答案 1 :(得分:1)

您也可以轻松modify my answer to a similar question

on open of theFiles -- Executed when files are dropped on the script

    set fileCount to (get count of items in theFiles)

    repeat with thisFile from 1 to fileCount
        set theFile to item thisFile of theFiles
        set theFileAlias to theFile as alias

        tell application "Finder"
                set fileInfo to info for theFileAlias
                set fileName to name of fileInfo

                -- something to this effect, but now that you have the file name,
                -- do what you will...
                do shell script "cd /Desktop/RunJar/; java -jar " & fileName

        end tell

    end repeat

end open

答案 2 :(得分:0)


on open of finderObjects

repeat with currFile in finderObjects
   -- ok, we have our current item. But it's an "alias": a Mac OS path
   -- not a POSIX path
   set unixPath to POSIX path of currFile

   set base to do shell script "dirname " & unixPat
   set fname to do shell script "basename " & unixPath
   -- you could ask the Finder to give this to you too -- I'll use this way because
   -- I'm guessing it's more familiar to you

   do shell script "cd '" & base & "';" & " java -jar " & fname
end repeat  

repeat with currFile in finderObjects -- ok, we have our current item. But it's an "alias": a Mac OS path -- not a POSIX path set unixPath to POSIX path of currFile set base to do shell script "dirname " & unixPat set fname to do shell script "basename " & unixPath -- you could ask the Finder to give this to you too -- I'll use this way because -- I'm guessing it's more familiar to you do shell script "cd '" & base & "';" & " java -jar " & fname end repeat