包来预测手写数字。 MNIST database用于训练和测试此算法。以下是我使用的R
# Importing the data into R
path <- "path_to_data_folder/MNIST_database_of_handwritten_digits/" # Data can be downloaded from: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/
to.read = file(paste0(path, "train-images-idx3-ubyte"), "rb")
to.read_Label = file(paste0(path, "train-labels-idx1-ubyte"), "rb")
magicNumber <- readBin(to.read, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
magicNumber_Label <- readBin(to.read_Label, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
numberOfImages <- readBin(to.read, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
numberOfImages_Label <- readBin(to.read_Label, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
rowPixels <- readBin(to.read, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
columnPixels <- readBin(to.read, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
# image(1:rowPixels, 1:columnPixels, matrix(readBin(to.read, integer(), n=(rowPixels*columnPixels), size=1, endian="big"), rowPixels, columnPixels)[,columnPixels:1], col=gray((0:255)/255))
trainDigits <- NULL
trainDigits <- vector(mode="list", length=numberOfImages)
for(i in 1:numberOfImages)
trainDigits[[i]] <- as.vector(matrix(readBin(to.read, integer(), n=(rowPixels*columnPixels), size=1, endian="big"), rowPixels, columnPixels)[,columnPixels:1])
trainDigits <- t(data.frame(trainDigits)) # Takes a minute
trainDigits <- data.frame(trainDigits, row.names=NULL)
# i <- 1 # Specify the image number to visualize the image
# image(1:rowPixels, 1:columnPixels, matrix(trainDigits[i,], rowPixels, columnPixels), col=gray((0:255)/255))
trainDigits_Label <- NULL
for(i in 1:numberOfImages_Label)
trainDigits_Label <- c(trainDigits_Label, readBin(to.read_Label, integer(), n=1, size=1, endian="big"))
# appending the labels to the training data
trainDigits <- cbind(trainDigits, trainDigits_Label)
#################### Modelling ####################
# Considering only 500 rows for training due to time and memory constraints
myNnet <- neuralnet(formula = as.formula(paste0("trainDigits_Label ~ ", paste0("X",1:(ncol(trainDigits)-1), collapse="+"))),
data = trainDigits[1:500,], hidden = 10, algorithm='rprop+', learningrate=0.01)
#################### Test Data ####################
to.read_test = file(paste0(path, "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte"), "rb")
to.read_Label_test = file(paste0(path, "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte"), "rb")
magicNumber <- readBin(to.read_test, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
magicNumber_Label <- readBin(to.read_Label_test, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
numberOfImages_test <- readBin(to.read_test, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
numberOfImages_Label_test <- readBin(to.read_Label_test, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
rowPixels <- readBin(to.read_test, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
columnPixels <- readBin(to.read_test, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
testDigits <- NULL
testDigits <- vector(mode="list", length=numberOfImages_test)
for(i in 1:numberOfImages_test)
testDigits[[i]] <- as.vector(matrix(readBin(to.read_test, integer(), n=(rowPixels*columnPixels), size=1, endian="big"), rowPixels, columnPixels)[,columnPixels:1])
testDigits <- t(data.frame(testDigits)) # Takes a minute
testDigits <- data.frame(testDigits, row.names=NULL)
testDigits_Label <- NULL
for(i in 1:numberOfImages_Label_test)
testDigits_Label <- c(testDigits_Label, readBin(to.read_Label_test, integer(), n=1, size=1, endian="big"))
#################### 'neuralnet' Predictions ####################
predictOut <- compute(myNnet, testDigits)
table(round(predictOut$net.result), testDigits_Label)
#################### Random Forest ####################
# Cross-validating NN results with Random Forest
myRF <- randomForest(x=trainDigits[,-ncol(trainDigits)], y=as.factor(trainDigits_Label), ntree=100)
predRF <- predict(myRF, newdata=testDigits)
table(predRF, testDigits_Label) # Confusion Matrix
sum(diag(table(predRF, testDigits_Label)))/sum(table(predRF, testDigits_Label)) # % of correct predictions
有60,000个训练图像(28 * 28像素图像),数字0到9在整个数据集中(几乎)均匀分布。与上面仅使用500个图像的“建模”部分不同,我使用整个训练数据集来训练myNnet
模型(28 * 28 = 784个输入和10个输出),然后预测10,000个图像的输出在测试数据集中。 (由于内存限制,我在隐藏层中只使用了10个神经元。)
> table(round(predictOut$net.result), testDigits_Label)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-2 1 1 4 1 1 3 0 4 1 2
-1 8 17 12 9 7 8 8 12 7 10
0 38 50 44 45 35 28 36 40 30 39
1 77 105 86 80 71 69 68 75 67 77
2 116 163 126 129 101 97 111 101 99 117
3 159 205 196 174 142 140 153 159 168 130
4 216 223 212 183 178 170 177 169 181 196
5 159 188 150 183 183 157 174 176 172 155
6 119 111 129 125 143 124 144 147 129 149
7 59 53 52 60 74 52 51 91 76 77
8 22 14 18 14 32 36 28 38 35 41
9 6 5 3 7 15 8 8 16 9 16
> table(predRF, testDigits_Label)
predRF 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 967 0 6 1 1 7 11 2 5 5
1 0 1123 0 0 0 1 3 7 0 5
2 1 2 974 9 3 1 3 25 4 2
3 0 3 5 963 0 21 0 0 9 10
4 0 0 12 0 940 1 4 2 7 15
5 4 0 2 16 0 832 6 0 11 4
6 6 5 5 0 7 11 929 0 3 2
7 1 1 14 7 2 2 0 979 4 6
8 1 1 12 7 5 11 2 1 917 10
9 0 0 2 7 24 5 0 12 14 950
对此数据集有这种奇怪的行为? (顺便说一句,当我检查时,neuralnet
时,每个输出类(这里是10个类)只有一个输出节点(或者它是神经元?)而不是节点。因此,在计算反向传播的 delta 时,算法计算“预期输出”与“计算输出”的差异,对于所有实例的聚合,对于那些实例的聚合最少。输出为4或5. neuralnet
给出的高斯输出的原因。 问题2:我还想知道如何纠正neuralnet
答案 0 :(得分:10)
# Read in data.
trainDigits <- replicate(numberOfImages,c(matrix(readBin(to.read, integer(), n=(rowPixels*columnPixels), size=1, endian="big"),rowPixels,columnPixels)[,columnPixels:1]))
trainDigits <- data.frame(t(trainDigits),row.names=NULL)
trainDigits_Label<-replicate(numberOfImages,readBin(to.read_Label, integer(), n=1, size=1, endian="big"))
# appending the labels to the training data
output <- class.ind(trainDigits_Label)
# Considering only 500 rows
# neuralnet:::varify.variables (sic) does not pass "data" when calling "terms".
# If it did, you wouldn't have to construct the formula like this.
myNnet <- neuralnet(formula = paste(paste(output.names,collapse='+'),'~',
data = trainDigits[1:trainsize,],
hidden = 10,
# Accuracy on training data
prop.table(table(trainDigits_Label[1:trainsize] == picks))
# 0.376 0.624
# Accuracy on test data
prop.table(table(trainDigits_Label[(trainsize+1):60000] == picks))
# 0.8612268908 0.1387731092
# 14% accuracy
myRF <- randomForest(trainDigits_Label~.,
# Train
p <- as.numeric(as.character(predict(myRF)))
# Accuracy: 79%
# Test
p <- as.numeric(as.character(predict(myRF,trainDigits[(trainsize+1):60000,])))
# Accuracy: 76%
答案 1 :(得分:2)
我要感谢所有以前的作者在本次讨论中,因为它是网上 neuralnet 包使用情况最丰富的资料来源!这个讨论非常有助于我学习 neuralnet R包。
关于问题2 :可以使用 neuralnet 使用这些提示预测数字标签更准确:
[1] "NN to predict Labels." [1] "Confusion matrix for training set:" Expected Predicted 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 116 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 93 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 104 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 1 91 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 94 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 117 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 87 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 [1] "Model accuracy on training set is 99.7%" [1] "Confusion matrix for test set:" Expected Predicted 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 337 380 257 160 87 85 67 25 45 30 1 134 169 97 77 60 64 70 32 41 16 2 121 179 112 109 59 79 69 31 55 27 3 119 136 138 114 99 102 96 67 66 55 4 87 102 91 135 106 102 104 86 87 54 5 84 75 95 114 114 91 142 104 82 66 6 48 41 80 98 106 116 144 138 104 92 7 22 28 55 82 103 78 100 146 104 124 8 16 9 42 56 80 60 65 123 93 125 9 12 16 65 65 168 115 101 276 297 420 [1] "Model accuracy on test set is 17.32%"
测试结果远非好,但是混淆矩阵具有对角线形状,这意味着模型正在朝着正确的方向工作。通过使用训练集大小和阈值可以改善该模型的准确性。我的准确率达到了30%左右。但是这个模型是有限的,并且可以使用预测Label Class而不是Label的模型获得最佳结果。通过使用 neuralnet packge,我能够从shuch模型中获得大约80%的准确度。
[1] "NN to predict Label Classes." [1] "Confusion matrix for training set:" Expected Predicted 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 113 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 98 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 3 1 2 0 93 1 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 104 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 1 0 0 0 90 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 93 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 112 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86 0 9 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 98 [1] "Model accuracy on training set is 98.2%" [1] "Confusion matrix for test set:" Expected Predicted 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 791 0 32 28 11 62 12 25 20 22 1 1 1050 13 4 10 10 2 13 31 35 2 24 2 580 59 8 13 39 73 26 24 3 42 14 105 607 79 112 74 68 106 124 4 10 12 40 28 495 62 59 20 83 83 5 39 31 25 126 35 444 71 6 54 22 6 13 3 45 7 22 15 554 3 18 13 7 4 4 31 11 37 10 7 732 11 66 8 21 7 92 79 51 96 50 19 518 21 9 35 12 69 61 234 68 90 69 107 599 [1] "Model accuracy on test set is 63.7%"
#################### Importing the data into R ##########
#path <- "path_to_data_folder/MNIST_database_of_handwritten_digits/" # Data can be downloaded from: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/
path <- "../MNIST_DATA/UNZIP/"
to.read = file(paste0(path, "train-images.idx3-ubyte"), "rb")
to.read_Label = file(paste0(path, "train-labels.idx1-ubyte"), "rb")
magicNumber <- readBin(to.read, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
magicNumber_Label <- readBin(to.read_Label, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
numberOfImages <- readBin(to.read, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
numberOfImages_Label <- readBin(to.read_Label, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
rowPixels <- readBin(to.read, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
columnPixels <- readBin(to.read, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
trainDigits <- NULL
#Trick #1: read unsigned data
trainDigits <- replicate(numberOfImages,c(matrix(readBin(to.read, integer(), n=(rowPixels*columnPixels),
size=1, endian="big", signed=F),
trainDigits <- data.frame(t(trainDigits),row.names=NULL)
trainDigits_Label<-replicate(numberOfImages,readBin(to.read_Label, integer(), n=1, size=1, endian="big", signed=F))
#################### Test Data ####################
to.read_test = file(paste0(path, "t10k-images.idx3-ubyte"), "rb")
to.read_Label_test = file(paste0(path, "t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte"), "rb")
magicNumber <- readBin(to.read_test, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
magicNumber_Label <- readBin(to.read_Label_test, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
numberOfImages_test <- readBin(to.read_test, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
numberOfImages_Label_test <- readBin(to.read_Label_test, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
rowPixels <- readBin(to.read_test, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
columnPixels <- readBin(to.read_test, integer(), n=1, endian="big")
#read unsigned data
testDigits <- replicate(numberOfImages_test,c(matrix(readBin(to.read, integer(), n=(rowPixels*columnPixels),
size=1, endian="big", signed=F),
testDigits <- data.frame(t(testDigits),row.names=NULL)
testDigits_Label<-replicate(numberOfImages_test,readBin(to.read_Label_test, integer(), n=1, size=1, endian="big", signed=F))
#################### Modelling ####################
#add Label data to training data.frame
trainData <- cbind(trainDigits_Label, trainDigits)
names(trainData)[1] <- "Label"
#Reduce training data for speedup
trainSample <- 1000 #use more then 500 rows to get better model accuracy (slow!)
trainData <- trainData[1:trainSample,]
myThreshold <- trainSample/5000 #use smaller threshold to get better model accuracy (slow!)
#Trick #2: normalize and center pixel data before trainig and testing
normFactor <- max(trainData) #=255
trainData[,-1] <- trainData[,-1]/normFactor #normalize inputs
centerFactor <- mean(as.matrix(trainData[,-1])) #0.5 mean по столбцу?
trainData[,-1] <- trainData[,-1]- centerFactor #center inputs
testDigits <- testDigits/normFactor - centerFactor
#Trick #3: use more neurons in the hidden layer to rise the model accuracy
#train model which predicts Labels
myFormula <- as.formula(paste0("Label ~ ", paste0("X",1:(ncol(trainDigits)), collapse="+")))
myNnet <- neuralnet(formula = myFormula, data = trainData, hidden = c(nHidden),
algorithm='rprop+', #learningrate=0.01,
learningrate.limit=list(min=c(1e-10), max=c(0.01)), #default values min/max = 1e-10/0.1
learningrate.factor=list(minus=c(0.5), plus=c(1.2)), #default values minus/plus = 0.5/1.2
err.fct="sse", #Using "sum square errors" function for Error
act.fct="tanh",#Using tangent hyperbolicus activation smoothing function
lifesign="full", lifesign.step=500,
#Trick #4: get rid of negative predictions. consider them to be equal to zero.
#The same with too big predictions (>9)
#################### 'neuralnet' Predictions ####################
predictOut <- compute(myNnet, testDigits)
predictOut$net.result[predictOut$net.result<0] <- 0
predictOut$net.result[predictOut$net.result>9] <- 9
#################### Result analysis ####################
#Model accuracy on training data
confTrain <- table(Predicted=round(myNnet$net.result[[1]]), Expected=(trainData[,"Label"]))
print("NN to predict Labels.")
print("Confusion matrix for training set:")
print (confTrain)
print(paste0("Model accuracy on training set is ", round(sum(diag(confTrain))/sum(confTrain)*100,4), "%"))
#Model accuracy on test data
confTest <- table(Predicted=round(predictOut$net.result), Expected=testDigits_Label)
print("Confusion matrix for test set:")
print (confTest)
print(paste0("Model accuracy on test set is ", round(sum(diag(confTest))/sum(confTest)*100,4), "%"))
#Trick #5: Predict digit Class instead of predicting digit Label
#Replace each Label with a vector of 10 bits "Label classes"
library (nnet)
# appending the Label classes to the training data
output <- class.ind(trainData[,"Label"])
trainData <-cbind(output,trainData)
#train model which predicts Label classes
myFormula <- as.formula(paste0(paste0(output.names,collapse='+')," ~ ",
paste0(input.names, collapse="+")))
myNnetClass <- neuralnet(formula = myFormula, data = trainData, hidden = c(nHidden),
algorithm='sag', #learningrate=0.01,
learningrate.limit=list(min=c(1e-10), max=c(0.01)), #default values min/max = 1e-10/0.1
learningrate.factor=list(minus=c(0.5), plus=c(1.2)), #default values minus/plus = 0.5/1.2
err.fct="sse", #Using "sum square errors" function for Error
act.fct="tanh",#Using tangent hyperbolicus activation smoothing function
lifesign="full", lifesign.step=500,
# Convert binary output to categorical output (labels)
myNnetClass$net.result[[1]] <- (0:9)[apply(myNnetClass$net.result[[1]],1,which.max)]
#################### 'neuralnet' Predictions ####################
predictOutClass <- compute(myNnetClass, testDigits)
colnames(predictOutClass$net.result) <- paste0("Cl", 0:9)
predictedLabel <- (0:9)[apply(predictOutClass$net.result, 1, which.max)]
#################### Result analysis ####################
#Model accuracy on training data
confTrain <- table(Predicted=myNnetClass$net.result[[1]], Expected=trainData[,"Label"])
print("NN to predict Label Classes.")
print("Confusion matrix for training set:")
print (confTrain)
print(paste0("Model accuracy on training set is ", round(sum(diag(confTrain))/sum(confTrain)*100,4), "%"))
#Model accuracy on test data
confTest <- table(Predicted=predictedLabel, Expected=testDigits_Label)
print("Confusion matrix for test set:")
print (confTest)
print(paste0("Model accuracy on test set is ", round(sum(diag(confTest))/sum(confTest)*100,4), "%"))