
时间:2014-02-13 14:25:10

标签: regex multithreading perl

在下面的代码中,我正在尝试创建我想在多线程中使用的正则表达式。 问题是当使用传递给线程的正则表达式时,它被编译为'Regexp = SCALAR(0x268aed0)'而不是'(?-xism:(testme))',因此正则表达式不起作用。


我正在使用perl v5.10.1。


use threads;
use Thread::Queue;

my $q = Thread::Queue->new();

my @threads;
for ( 1..2 ) {
    push @threads, async {
        while ( defined( my $source = $q->dequeue() ) ) {
            my $text = "I want you to testme
            andmetoo please";
            my $re = $source->{regex};

            print "testing regex: " . $re . " for source $source->{id}\n";
            if ( $text =~ $re ) {
                 print "GOT IT: " . $1 . "\n";

my @sources = (
        regex => qr/(testme)/,
        id => 's1'
        regex => qr/(andmetoo)/,
        id => 's2'

for ( @sources ) {
    print "adding source with regex $_->{regex} for source $_->{id}\n";

$q->enqueue(undef) for @threads;
$_->join() for @threads;


adding source with regex (?-xism:(testme)) for source s1
adding source with regex (?-xism:(andmetoo)) for source s2
testing regex: Regexp=SCALAR(0x268aed0) for source s1
testing regex: Regexp=SCALAR(0x268aee8) for source s2

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

在调用Thread::Queue 1.46的5.18,threads::shared 3.02上运行代码,我收到'REGEXP'不支持的引用类型的错误。一个小小的研究告诉我threads::shared不允许共享正则表达式。正如您在此bug report中的答案中所看到的那样。

因此,您可以共享该字符串,并将其替换为已编译的 per 线程作为变通方法。看来答案是,你必须每个线程至少编译一次正则表达式,并且不能共享已编译的正则表达式。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


adding source with regex (?^:(testme)) for source s1
Unsupported ref type: REGEXP at a.pl line 37.
Perl exited with active threads:
        2 running and unjoined
        0 finished and unjoined
        0 running and detached

毫不奇怪,编译的正则表达式不能在线程之间共享。看来你的threads :: shared版本没有报告这个错误。


perl -Mthreads -Mthreads::shared -le'print shared_clone(qr/a/)'

使用新的Perl 5.10.1安装,导致以下错误输出:


从不发布thread :: shared版本会抛出错误。

Unsupported ref type: REGEXP at -e line 1

