指令时启动模块。引导后添加组件不太明显,但saving references to the various $provider
services in the config blocks does the trick,overwriting the module
API more seamlessly so。解决#3并以满足#4的方式完成所有这些工作更加难以捉摸。
答案 0 :(得分:10)
<强>角-UI-路由器lazy.js 强>
* Defines an AngularJS module 'lazy' which depends on and extends the ui-router
* module to lazy-load scripts specified in the 'scripts' attribute of a state
* definition object. This is accomplished by registering a $stateChangeStart
* event listener with the $rootScope, interrupting the associated state change
* to invoke the included $scriptService which returns a promise that restarts the
* previous state transition upon resolution. The promise resolves when the
* extended Script.js script loader finishes loading and inserting a new <script>
* tag into the DOM.
* Modules using 'lazy' to lazy-load controllers and services should call lazy.makeLazy
* on themselves to update the module API to inject references for the various $providers
* as the original methods are only useful before bootstrapping, during configuration,
* when references to the $providers are in scope. lazy.makeLazy will overwrite the
* module.config functions to save these references so they are available at runtime,
* after module bootstrapping.
* See http://ify.io/lazy-loading-in-angularjs/ for additional details on this concept
* Calls to $stateProvider.state should include a 'scripts' property in the object
* parameter containing an object with properties 'controllers', 'directives', 'services',
* 'factories', and 'js', each containing an array of URLs to JS files defining these
* component types, with other miscelleneous scripts described in the 'js' array.
* These scripts will all be loaded in parallel and executed in an undefined order
* when a state transition to the specified state is started. All scripts will have
* been loaded and executed before the 'resolve' property's promises are deferred,
* meaning services described in 'scripts' can be injected into functions in 'resolve'.
(function() {
// Instantiate the module, include the ui.router module for state functionality
var lazy = angular.module('lazy',['ui.router']);
* Hacking Angular to save references to $providers during module configuration.
* The $providers are necessary to register components, but they use a private injector
* only available during bootstrap when running config blocks. The methods attached to the
* Vanilla AngularJS modules rely on the same config queue, they don't actually run after the
* module is bootstrapped or save any references to the providers in this injector.
* In makeLazy, these methods are overwritten with methods referencing the dependencies
* injected at configuration through their run context. This allows them to access the
* $providers and run the appropriate methods on demand even after the module has been
* bootstrapped and the $providers injector and its references are no longer available.
* @param module An AngularJS module resulting from an angular.module call.
* @returns module The same module with the provider convenience methods updated
* to include the DI $provider references in their run context and to execute the $provider
* call immediately rather than adding calls to a queue that will never again be invoked.
lazy.makeLazy = function(module) {
// The providers can be injected into 'config' function blocks, so define a new one
module.config(function($compileProvider,$filterProvider,$controllerProvider,$provide) {
* Factory method for generating functions to call the appropriate $provider's
* registration function, registering a provider under a given name.
* @param registrationMethod $provider registration method to call
* @returns function A function(name,constructor) calling
* registationMethod(name,constructor) with those parameters and returning the module.
var register = function(registrationMethod) {
* Function calls registrationMethod against its parameters and returns the module.
* Analogous to the original module.config methods but with the DI references already saved.
* @param name Name of the provider to register
* @param constructor Constructor for the provider
* @returns module The AngularJS module owning the providers
return function(name,constructor) {
// Register the provider
// Return the module
return module;
// Overwrite the old methods with DI referencing methods from the factory
// @TODO: Should probably derive a LazyModule from a module prototype and return
// that for the sake of not overwriting native AngularJS code, but the old methods
// don't work after `bootstrap` so they're not necessary anymore anyway.
module.directive = register($compileProvider.directive);
module.filter = register($filterProvider.register);
module.controller = register($controllerProvider.register);
module.provider = register($provide.provider);
module.service = register($provide.service);
module.factory = register($provide.factory);
module.value = register($provide.value);
module.constant = register($provide.constant);
// Return the module
return module;
* Define the lazy module's star $scriptService with methods for invoking
* the extended Script.js script loader to load scripts by URL and return
* promises to do so. Promises require the $q service to be injected, and
* promise resolutions will take place in the Script.js rather than Angular
* scope, so $rootScope must be injected to $apply the promise resolution
* to Angular's $digest cycles.
lazy.service('$scriptService',function($q,$rootScope) {
* Loads a batch of scripts and returns a promise which will be resolved
* when Script.js has finished loading them.
* @param url A string URL to a single script or an array of string URLs
* @returns promise A promise which will be resolved by Script.js
this.load = function(url) {
// Instantiate the promise
var deferred = $q.defer();
// Resolve and bail immediately if url === null
if (url === null) { deferred.resolve(); return deferred.promise; }
// Load the scripts
$script(url,function() {
// Resolve the promise on callback
$rootScope.$apply(function() { deferred.resolve(); });
// Promise that the URLs will be loaded
return deferred.promise;
* Convenience method for loading the scripts specified by a 'lazy'
* ui-router state's 'scripts' property object. Promises that all
* scripts will be loaded.
* @param scripts Object containing properties 'controllers', 'directives',
* 'services', 'factories', and 'js', each containing an array of URLs to JS
* files defining those components, with miscelleneous scripts in the 'js' array.
* any of these properties can be left off of the object safely, but scripts
* specified in any other object property will not be loaded.
* @returns promise A promise that all scripts will be loaded
this.loadState = function(scripts) {
// If no scripts are given, instantiate, resolve, and return an easy promise
if (scripts === null) { var d = $q.defer; d.resolve(); return d; }
// Promise that all these promises will resolve
return $q.all([
this.load(scripts['directives'] || null),
this.load(scripts['controllers'] || null),
this.load(scripts['services'] || null),
this.load(scripts['factories'] || null),
this.load(scripts['js'] || null)
// Declare a run block for the module accessing $rootScope, $scriptService, and $state
lazy.run(function($rootScope,$scriptService,$state) {
// Register a $stateChangeStart event listener on $rootScope, get a script loader
// for the $rootScope, $scriptService, and $state service.
* Returns a two-state function for handing $stateChangeStart events.
* In the first state, the handler will interrupt the event, preventing
* the state transition, and invoke $scriptService.loadState on the object
* stored in the state definition's 'script' property. Upon the resolution
* of the loadState call, the handler restarts a $stateChangeStart event
* by invoking the same transition. When the handler is called to handle
* this second event for the original state transition, the handler is in its
* second state which allows the event to continue and the state transition
* to happen using the ui-router module's default functionality.
* @param $scriptService Injected $scriptService instance for lazy-loading.
* @param $state Injected $state service instance for state transitions.
var scriptLoaderFactory = function($scriptService,$state) {
// Initialize handler state
var pending = false;
// Return the defined handler
return function(event,toState,toParams,fromState,fromParams) {
// Check handler state, and change state
if (pending = !pending) { // If pending === false state
// Interrupt state transition
// Invoke $scriptService to load state's scripts
// When scripts are loaded, restart the same state transition
.then(function() { $state.go(toState,toParams); });
} else { // If pending === true state
// NOOP, 'ui-router' default event handlers take over
/** End 'lazy' module */
<强>的index.html 强>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Lazy App</title>
<script type='text/javascript' src='libs/script.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
$script.ready('lazyapp-module',function() { console.log('All Scripts Loaded.'); });
<div ui-view='mainView'></div>
$script.queue = function(aQueueBehind,aUrl,aLabel) {
if (aQueueBehind === null) { return $script((aUrl === null?[null]:aUrl),aLabel); }
$script.ready(aQueueBehind,function() {
if (aUrl !== null)
return $script;
<强> lazyapp.module.js 强>
(function() {
var lazyApp = angular && angular.module('lazyApp ',['lazy']);
lazyApp = angular.module('lazy').makeLazy(lazyApp);
lazyApp.config(function($stateProvider) {
name: 'root',
url: '',
views: {
'mainView': { templateUrl: '/lazyapp/views/mainview.html', controller: 'lazyAppController' }
scripts: {
'directives': [ 'lazyapp/directives/lazyheader/src/lazyheader.js' ],
'controllers': [ 'lazyapp/controllers/lazyappcontroller.js' ],
'services': [ 'lazyapp/services/sectionservice.js' ]
resolve: {
sections: function(sectionService) {
return sectionService.getSections();
<强> sectionservice.js 强>
(function() {
var lazyApp = angular.module('lazyApp');
lazyApp.service('sectionService',function($q) {
this.getSections = function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
'home': {},
'news': {},
'events': {},
'involved': {},
'contacts': {},
'links': {}
return deferred.promise;
<强> lazyheader.js 强>
(function() {
var lazyApp = angular.module('lazyApp ');
lazyApp.directive('lazyHeader',function() {
return {
templateUrl: 'lazyapp/directives/lazyheader/templates/lazyheader-main.html',
restrict: 'E'
<强> lazyappcontroller.js 强>
(function() {
var lazyApp = angular.module('lazyApp ');
lazyApp.controller('lazyAppController',function(sections) {
// @TODO: Control things.