在Rcpp中排序排列,即base :: order()

时间:2014-02-06 17:31:42

标签: r rcpp

我使用 base :: order()命令有大量代码,我真的懒得在rcpp中编写代码。由于Rcpp只支持排序,而不支持订单,我花了2分钟创建了这个功能:

// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector order_cpp(Rcpp::NumericVector invec){
  int leng = invec.size();
  NumericVector y = clone(invec);
  for(int i=0; i<leng; ++i){
    y[sum(invec<invec[i])] = i+1;




Unit: microseconds
         expr      min       lq   median       uq      max neval
     order(c)   33.507   36.223   38.035   41.356   78.785   100
 order_cpp(c) 2372.889 2427.071 2466.312 2501.932 2746.586   100

哎哟! 我需要一个有效的算法。 好的,所以我dug up一个bubbleort实现并对其进行了调整:

 // [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector bubble_order_cpp2(Rcpp::NumericVector vec){                                  
       double tmp = 0;
       int n = vec.size();
              Rcpp::NumericVector outvec = clone(vec);
       for (int i = 0; i <n; ++i){

       int no_swaps;
       int passes;
       passes = 0;
       while(true) {
           no_swaps = 0;
           for (int i = 0; i < n - 1 - passes; ++i) {
               if(vec[i] > vec[i+1]) {
                   tmp = vec[i];
                   vec[i] = vec[i+1];
                   vec[i+1] = tmp;
                   tmp = outvec[i]; 
                   outvec[i] = outvec[i+1];  
                   outvec[i+1] = tmp; 
           if(no_swaps == 0) break;

嗯,这样更好 - 但不是很好:

Unit: microseconds
                 expr      min       lq    median        uq      max neval
             order(c)   33.809   38.034   40.1475   43.3170   72.144   100
         order_cpp(c) 2339.080 2435.675 2478.5385 2526.8350 3535.637   100
 bubble_order_cpp2(c)  219.752  231.977  234.5430  241.1840  322.383   100
              sort(c)   59.467   64.749   68.2205   75.4645  148.815   100
          c[order(c)]   38.336   41.204   44.3735   48.1460   93.878   100



Unit: microseconds
                 expr    min       lq   median       uq     max neval
             order(c) 10.566  11.4710  12.8300  14.1880  63.089   100
         order_cpp(c) 95.689 100.8200 102.7825 107.3105 198.018   100
 bubble_order_cpp2(c)  9.962  11.1700  12.0750  13.2830  64.598   100
              sort(c) 39.242  41.5065  42.5620  46.3355 155.758   100
          c[order(c)] 11.773  12.6790  13.5840  15.9990  82.710   100


// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector ordera(arma::vec x) {
  return(Rcpp::as<Rcpp::NumericVector>(Rcpp::wrap(arma::sort_index( x )+1)) );

Unit: microseconds
      expr   min     lq median     uq    max neval
  order(c) 9.660 11.169 11.773 12.377 46.185   100
 order_(c) 4.529  5.133  5.736  6.038 34.413   100
 ordera(c) 4.227  4.830  5.434  6.038 60.976   100

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:9)

这是一个利用Rcpp sugar实现order函数的简单版本。我们检查了重复项,以便我们保证事情按预期工作。 (当有sort时,Rcpp的NA方法也存在一个错误,因此可能也需要检查 - 这将在下一个版本中修复。)

#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
IntegerVector order_(NumericVector x) {
  if (is_true(any(duplicated(x)))) {
    Rf_warning("There are duplicates in 'x'; order not guaranteed to match that of R's base::order");
  NumericVector sorted = clone(x).sort();
  return match(sorted, x);

/*** R
x <- runif(1E5)
identical( order(x), order_(x) )


> Rcpp::sourceCpp('~/test-order.cpp')

> set.seed(456)

> library(microbenchmark)

> x <- runif(1E5)

> identical( order(x), order_(x) )
[1] TRUE

> microbenchmark(
+   order(x),
+   order_(x)
+ )
Unit: milliseconds
      expr      min       lq   median       uq      max neval
  order(x) 15.48007 15.69709 15.86823 16.21142 17.22293   100
 order_(x) 10.81169 11.07167 11.40678 11.87135 48.66372   100

当然,如果您对输出不匹配R感到满意,可以删除重复检查 - x[order_(x)]仍然会正确排序;更具体地说,all(x[order(x)] == x[order_(x)])应该返回TRUE

答案 1 :(得分:5)

另一种基于C ++ 11的解决方案:

// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;

template <int RTYPE>
IntegerVector order_impl(const Vector<RTYPE>& x, bool desc) {
    auto n = x.size();
    IntegerVector idx = no_init(n);
    std::iota(idx.begin(), idx.end(), static_cast<size_t>(1));
    if (desc) {
        auto comparator = [&x](size_t a, size_t b){ return x[a - 1] > x[b - 1]; };
        std::stable_sort(idx.begin(), idx.end(), comparator);
    } else {
        auto comparator = [&x](size_t a, size_t b){ return x[a - 1] < x[b - 1]; };
        std::stable_sort(idx.begin(), idx.end(), comparator);
        // simulate na.last
        size_t nas = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++nas)
            if (!Vector<RTYPE>::is_na(x[idx[i] - 1])) break;
        std::rotate(idx.begin(), idx.begin() + nas, idx.end());
    return idx;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
IntegerVector order2(SEXP x, bool desc = false) {
    switch(TYPEOF(x)) {
    case INTSXP: return order_impl<INTSXP>(x, desc);
    case REALSXP: return order_impl<REALSXP>(x, desc);
    case STRSXP: return order_impl<STRSXP>(x, desc);
    default: stop("Unsupported type.");

int <- sample.int(1000, 1E5, replace = TRUE)
dbl <- runif(1E5)
chr <- sample(letters, 1E5, replace = TRUE)
benchmark(order(int), order2(int))
benchmark(order(dbl), order2(dbl))
benchmark(order(chr), order2(chr))


R> int <- sample.int(1000, 1E5, replace = TRUE)

R> dbl <- runif(1E5)

R> chr <- sample(letters, 1E5, replace = TRUE)

R> library(benchr)

R> benchmark(order(int), order2(int))
Benchmark summary:
Time units : microseconds 
        expr n.eval  min lw.qu median mean up.qu  max  total relative
 order(int)    100  442   452    464  482   486 1530  48200      1.0
order2(int)    100 5150  5170   5220 5260  5270 6490 526000     11.2

R> benchmark(order(dbl), order2(dbl))
Benchmark summary:
Time units : milliseconds 
        expr n.eval   min lw.qu median  mean up.qu  max total relative
 order(dbl)    100 13.90 14.00  14.20 14.80  15.8 17.4  1480     1.98
order2(dbl)    100  7.11  7.13   7.15  7.26   7.3  8.8   726     1.00

R> benchmark(order(chr), order2(chr))
Benchmark summary:
Time units : milliseconds 
        expr n.eval   min lw.qu median  mean up.qu   max total relative
 order(chr)    100 128.0 131.0  133.0 133.0 134.0 148.0 13300     7.34
order2(chr)    100  17.7  17.9   18.1  18.2  18.3  22.2  1820     1.00


答案 2 :(得分:4)


typedef std::pair<int, double> paired;

bool cmp_second(const paired & left, const paired & right) {
    return left.second < right.second;

Rcpp::IntegerVector order(const Rcpp::NumericVector & x) {
    const size_t n = x.size();
    std::vector<paired> pairs;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
        pairs.push_back(std::make_pair(i, x(i)));

    std::sort(pairs.begin(), pairs.end(), cmp_second<paired>);

    Rcpp::IntegerVector result = Rcpp::no_init(n);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
        result(i) = pairs[i].first;
    return result;