
时间:2014-02-05 15:03:18

标签: excel vba excel-vba range


我正在尝试编写一个函数来减去Excel范围。它应该有两个输入参数:范围A和范围B.它应该返回一个范围对象,该范围对象由作为范围A一部分的单元组成,并且不属于范围B(如set subtraction中所述)



经过一番思考后,我想出了这段代码{1} ,效果更快,但仍然很慢。从代表整个工作表的范围中减去需要1到5分钟,具体取决于第二个范围的复杂程度。

当我查看代码试图找到使其更快的方法时,我看到了应用分而治之范例的可能性,我做了 {2} 。但这使我的代码变慢了。我不是一个CS人,所以我可能做错了,或者这个算法根本就不应该使用分而治之,我不知道。

我还尝试使用大部分递归来重写它,但这需要永远完成或(更经常地)抛出Stack of Space Space错误。我没有保存代码。

我能够做的唯一(略微)成功的改进是添加翻转开关{3} 并首先通过行,然后(在下一次调用中)通过列而不是去通过两个同一个电话,但效果不如我所希望的那么好。现在我看到即使我们没有在第一次调用中遍历所有行,在第二次调用中我们仍然循环通过与第一次调用相同的行数,只有这些行稍微短一些:)< / p>


解决方案基于Dick Kusleika


Dick Kusleika,非常感谢您提供答案!我想我会通过一些修改来使用它:

  • 摆脱全局变量(mrBuild)
  • 修正了“一些重叠”条件以排除“无重叠”案例
  • 添加了更复杂的条件,以选择是从上到下还是从左到右分割范围




  • 选择如何分割范围(按列或按行)的启发式方法


Public Function SubtractRanges(rFirst As Range, rSecond As Range) As Range
' Returns a range of cells that are part of rFirst, but not part of rSecond
' (as in set subtraction)
' This function handles big input ranges really well!
' The reason for having a separate recursive function is
' handling multi-area rFirst range
    Dim rInter As Range
    Dim rReturn As Range
    Dim rArea As Range

    Set rInter = Intersect(rFirst, rSecond)
    Set mrBuild = Nothing

    If rInter Is Nothing Then 'no overlap
        Set rReturn = rFirst
    ElseIf rInter.Address = rFirst.Address Then 'total overlap
        Set rReturn = Nothing
    Else 'partial overlap
        For Each rArea In rFirst.Areas
            Set mrBuild = BuildRange(rArea, rInter) 'recursive
        Next rArea
        Set rReturn = mrBuild
    End If

    Set SubtractRanges = rReturn
End Function

Private Function BuildRange(rArea As Range, rInter As Range, _
Optional mrBuild As Range = Nothing) As Range
' Recursive function for SubtractRanges()
' Subtracts rInter from rArea and adds the result to mrBuild
    Dim rLeft As Range, rRight As Range
    Dim rTop As Range, rBottom As Range
    Dim rInterSub As Range
    Dim GoByColumns As Boolean

    Set rInterSub = Intersect(rArea, rInter)
    If rInterSub Is Nothing Then 'no overlap
        If mrBuild Is Nothing Then
            Set mrBuild = rArea
            Set mrBuild = Union(mrBuild, rArea)
        End If
    ElseIf Not rInterSub.Address = rArea.Address Then 'some overlap
        If Not rArea.Cells.CountLarge = 1 Then 'just in case there is only one cell for some impossible reason

            ' Decide whether to go by columns or by rows
            ' (helps when subtracting whole rows/columns)
            If Not rInterSub.Columns.Count = rArea.Columns.Count And _
            ((Not rInterSub.Cells.CountLarge = 1 And _
            (rInterSub.Rows.Count > rInterSub.Columns.Count _
            And rArea.Columns.Count > 1) Or (rInterSub.Rows.Count = 1 _
            And Not rArea.Columns.Count = 1)) Or _
            (rInterSub.Cells.CountLarge = 1 _
            And rArea.Columns.Count > rArea.Rows.Count)) Then
                    GoByColumns = True
                    GoByColumns = False
            End If

            If Not GoByColumns Then
                Set rTop = rArea.Resize(rArea.Rows.Count \ 2) 'split the range top to bottom
                Set rBottom = rArea.Resize(rArea.Rows.Count - rTop.Rows.Count).Offset(rTop.Rows.Count)
                Set mrBuild = BuildRange(rTop, rInterSub, mrBuild) 'rerun it
                Set mrBuild = BuildRange(rBottom, rInterSub, mrBuild)
                Set rLeft = rArea.Resize(, rArea.Columns.Count \ 2) 'split the range left to right
                Set rRight = rArea.Resize(, rArea.Columns.Count - rLeft.Columns.Count).Offset(, rLeft.Columns.Count)
                Set mrBuild = BuildRange(rLeft, rInterSub, mrBuild) 'rerun it
                Set mrBuild = BuildRange(rRight, rInterSub, mrBuild)
            End If
        End If
    End If

    Set BuildRange = mrBuild
End Function



Function SubtractRanges(RangeA, RangeB) As Range
' Returns a range of cells that are part of RangeA, but not part of RangeB
' This function handles big RangeA pretty well (took less than a minute
' on my computer with RangeA = ActiveSheet.Cells)
    Dim CommonArea As Range
    Dim Result As Range

    Set CommonArea = Intersect(RangeA, RangeB)
    If CommonArea Is Nothing Then
        Set Result = RangeA
    ElseIf CommonArea.Address = RangeA.Address Then
        Set Result = Nothing
        'a routine to deal with A LOT of cells in RangeA
        'go column by column, then row by row
        Dim GoodCells As Range
        Dim UnworkedCells As Range

        For Each Area In RangeA.Areas
            For Each Row In Area.Rows
                Set RowCommonArea = Intersect(Row, CommonArea)
                If Not RowCommonArea Is Nothing Then
                    If Not RowCommonArea.Address = Row.Address Then
                        Set UnworkedCells = AddRanges(UnworkedCells, Row)
                    End If
                    Set GoodCells = AddRanges(GoodCells, Row)
                End If
            Next Row

            For Each Column In Area.Columns
                Set ColumnCommonArea = Intersect(Column, CommonArea)
                If Not ColumnCommonArea Is Nothing Then
                    If Not ColumnCommonArea.Address = Column.Address Then
                        Set UnworkedCells = AddRanges(UnworkedCells, Column)
                    End If
                    Set GoodCells = AddRanges(GoodCells, Column)
                End If
            Next Column
        Next Area

        If Not UnworkedCells Is Nothing Then
            For Each Area In UnworkedCells
                Set GoodCells = AddRanges(GoodCells, SubtractRanges(Area, CommonArea))
            Next Area
        End If

        Set Result = GoodCells
    End If

    Set SubtractRanges = Result
End Function


Function SubtractRanges(RangeA, RangeB) As Range
' Returns a range of cells that are part of RangeA, but not part of RangeB
    Dim CommonArea As Range
    Dim Result As Range

    Set CommonArea = Intersect(RangeA, RangeB)
    If CommonArea Is Nothing Then
        Set Result = RangeA
    ElseIf CommonArea.Address = RangeA.Address Then
        Set Result = Nothing
        'a routine to deal with A LOT of cells in RangeA
        'go column by column, then row by row
        Dim GoodCells As Range
        Dim UnworkedCells As Range

        For Each Area In RangeA.Areas

            RowsNumber = Area.Rows.Count
            If RowsNumber > 1 Then
                Set RowsLeft = Range(Area.Rows(1), Area.Rows(RowsNumber / 2))
                Set RowsRight = Range(Area.Rows(RowsNumber / 2 + 1), Area.Rows(RowsNumber))
                Set RowsLeft = Area
                Set RowsRight = CommonArea.Cells(1, 1) 'the next best thing to Nothing - will end its cycle rather fast and won't throw an error with For Each statement
            End If
            For Each Row In Array(RowsLeft, RowsRight)
                Set RowCommonArea = Intersect(Row, CommonArea)
                If Not RowCommonArea Is Nothing Then
                    If Not RowCommonArea.Address = Row.Address Then
                        Set UnworkedCells = AddRanges(UnworkedCells, Row)
                    End If
                    Set GoodCells = AddRanges(GoodCells, Row)
                End If
            Next Row

            ColumnsNumber = Area.Columns.Count
            If ColumnsNumber > 1 Then
                Set ColumnsLeft = Range(Area.Columns(1), Area.Columns(ColumnsNumber / 2))
                Set ColumnsRight = Range(Area.Columns(ColumnsNumber / 2 + 1), Area.Columns(ColumnsNumber))
                Set ColumnsLeft = Area
                Set ColumnsRight = CommonArea.Cells(1, 1)
            End If
            For Each Column In Array(ColumnsLeft, ColumnsRight)
                Set ColumnCommonArea = Intersect(Column, CommonArea)
                If Not ColumnCommonArea Is Nothing Then
                    If Not ColumnCommonArea.Address = Column.Address Then
                        Set UnworkedCells = AddRanges(UnworkedCells, Column)
                    End If
                    Set GoodCells = AddRanges(GoodCells, Column)
                End If
            Next Column
        Next Area

        If Not UnworkedCells Is Nothing Then
            For Each Area In UnworkedCells
                Set GoodCells = AddRanges(GoodCells, SubtractRanges(Area, CommonArea))
            Next Area
        End If

        Set Result = GoodCells
    End If

    Set SubtractRanges = Result
End Function


Function SubtractRanges(RangeA, RangeB, Optional Flip As Boolean = False) As Range
' Returns a range of cells that are part of RangeA, but not part of RangeB
' This function handles big RangeA pretty well (took less than a minute
' on my computer with RangeA = ActiveSheet.Cells)
    Dim CommonArea As Range
    Dim Result As Range

    Set CommonArea = Intersect(RangeA, RangeB)
    If CommonArea Is Nothing Then
        Set Result = RangeA
    ElseIf CommonArea.Address = RangeA.Address Then
        Set Result = Nothing
        'a routine to deal with A LOT of cells in RangeA
        'go column by column, then row by row
        Dim GoodCells As Range
        Dim UnworkedCells As Range

        For Each Area In RangeA.Areas
            If Flip Then
                For Each Row In Area.Rows
                    Set RowCommonArea = Intersect(Row, CommonArea)
                    If Not RowCommonArea Is Nothing Then
                        If Not RowCommonArea.Address = Row.Address Then
                            Set UnworkedCells = AddRanges(UnworkedCells, Row)
                        End If
                        Set GoodCells = AddRanges(GoodCells, Row)
                    End If
                Next Row
                For Each Column In Area.Columns
                    Set ColumnCommonArea = Intersect(Column, CommonArea)
                    If Not ColumnCommonArea Is Nothing Then
                        If Not ColumnCommonArea.Address = Column.Address Then
                            Set UnworkedCells = AddRanges(UnworkedCells, Column)
                        End If
                        Set GoodCells = AddRanges(GoodCells, Column)
                    End If
                Next Column
            End If
        Next Area

        If Not UnworkedCells Is Nothing Then
            For Each Area In UnworkedCells
                Set GoodCells = AddRanges(GoodCells, SubtractRanges(Area, CommonArea, Not Flip))
            Next Area
        End If

        Set Result = GoodCells
    End If

    Set SubtractRanges = Result
End Function


Function AddRanges(RangeA, RangeB)
' The same as Union built-in but handles empty ranges fine.
    If Not RangeA Is Nothing And Not RangeB Is Nothing Then
        Set AddRanges = Union(RangeA, RangeB)
    ElseIf RangeA Is Nothing And RangeB Is Nothing Then
        Set AddRanges = Nothing
        If RangeA Is Nothing Then
            Set AddRanges = RangeB
            Set AddRanges = RangeA
        End If
    End If
End Function

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


Private mrBuild As Range

Public Function SubtractRanges(rFirst As Range, rSecond As Range) As Range

    Dim rInter As Range
    Dim rReturn As Range
    Dim rArea As Range

    Set rInter = Intersect(rFirst, rSecond)
    Set mrBuild = Nothing

    If rInter Is Nothing Then 'No overlap
        Set rReturn = rFirst
    ElseIf rInter.Address = rFirst.Address Then 'total overlap
        Set rReturn = Nothing
    Else 'partial overlap
        For Each rArea In rFirst.Areas
            BuildRange rArea, rInter
        Next rArea
        Set rReturn = mrBuild
    End If

    Set SubtractRanges = rReturn

End Function

Sub BuildRange(rArea As Range, rInter As Range)

    Dim rLeft As Range, rRight As Range
    Dim rTop As Range, rBottom As Range

    If Intersect(rArea, rInter) Is Nothing Then 'no overlap
        If mrBuild Is Nothing Then
            Set mrBuild = rArea
            Set mrBuild = Union(mrBuild, rArea)
        End If
    Else 'some overlap
        If rArea.Columns.Count = 1 Then 'we've exhausted columns, so split on rows
            If rArea.Rows.Count > 1 Then 'if one cell left, don't do anything
                Set rTop = rArea.Resize(rArea.Rows.Count \ 2) 'split the range top to bottom
                Set rBottom = rArea.Resize(rArea.Rows.Count - rTop.Rows.Count).Offset(rTop.Rows.Count)
                BuildRange rTop, rInter 'rerun it
                BuildRange rBottom, rInter
            End If
            Set rLeft = rArea.Resize(, rArea.Columns.Count \ 2) 'split the range left to right
            Set rRight = rArea.Resize(, rArea.Columns.Count - rLeft.Columns.Count).Offset(, rLeft.Columns.Count)
            BuildRange rLeft, rInter 'rerun it
            BuildRange rRight, rInter
        End If
    End If

End Sub


?subtractranges(range("a1"),range("a1")) is nothing

答案 1 :(得分:1)


Sub RangeSubtraction()

    Dim firstRange As Range
    Dim secondRange As Range
    Dim rIntersect As Range
    Dim rOutput As Range
    Dim x As Range

    Set firstRange = Range("A1:B10")
    Set secondRange = Range("A5:B10")

    Set rIntersect = Intersect(firstRange, secondRange)

    For Each x In firstRange
        If Intersect(rIntersect, x) Is Nothing Then
            If rOutput Is Nothing Then 'ugly 'if-else' but needed, can't use Union(Nothing, Range("A1")) etc.
                Set rOutput = x
                Set rOutput = Application.Union(rOutput, x)
            End If
        End If
    Next x

    Msgbox rOutput.Address

End Sub

答案 2 :(得分:0)

虽然是迭代的而不是递归的,但这是我的解决方案。 该函数返回rangeA减去rangeB

public Function SubtractRange(rangeA Range, rangeB as Range) as Range
'rangeA is a range to subtract from
'rangeB is the range we want to subtract

 Dim existingRange As Range
  Dim resultRange As Range
  Set existingRange = rangeA
  Set resultRange = Nothing
  Dim c As Range
  For Each c In existingRange
  If Intersect(c, rangeB) Is Nothing Then
    If resultRange Is Nothing Then
      Set resultRange = c
      Set resultRange = Union(c, resultRange)
    End If
  End If
  Next c
  Set SubtractRange = resultRange
End Sub

答案 3 :(得分:0)

我最近在VBA中编写了一个名为[{1}}的[相当快]函数,该函数返回2个单元格区域之间的 Union –每个范围允许的区域-具有它们共有的单元格范围的 排除 。它实际上仅使用UnionExclusive()Application.Union(),并且不会循环单个单元格。

[编辑]注意:代码没有还没有[还] 捕获第二范围与多个 first 范围内的时间,例如Application.Intersect() ,因此最好在调用此函数之前进行检查。

Application.Intersect(r1, r2).AreasCount > 1



Function UnionExclusive(ByRef r1 As Excel.Range, r2 As Excel.Range) As Excel.Range
' This function returns the range of cells that is the Union of both ranges with the
' exclusion of the ranges or cells that they have in common.
On Error Resume Next
    Dim rngWholeArea      As Excel.Range
    Dim rngIndividualArea As Excel.Range
    Dim rngIntersection   As Excel.Range
    Dim rngIntersectArea  As Excel.Range
    Dim rngUnion          As Excel.Range
    Dim rngSection        As Excel.Range
    Dim rngResultingRange As Excel.Range
    Dim lngWholeTop       As Long
    Dim lngWholeLeft      As Long
    Dim lngWholeBottom    As Long
    Dim lngWholeRight     As Long
    Dim arrIntersection   As Variant
    Dim arrWholeArea      As Variant
' Must be on same sheet, return only first range.
    If Not r1.Parent Is r2.Parent Then Set UnionExclusive = r1: Exit Function
' No overlapping cells, return the union.
    If Application.Intersect(r1, r2) Is Nothing Then Set UnionExclusive = Application.Union(r1, r2): Exit Function
' Range to subtract must be contiguous. If the second range has multiple areas, loop through all the individual areas.
    If (r2.Areas.Count > 1) _
        Set rngResultingRange = r1
        For Each rngIndividualArea In r2.Areas
            Set rngResultingRange = UnionExclusive(rngResultingRange, rngIndividualArea)
        Next rngIndividualArea
        Set UnionExclusive = rngResultingRange
        Exit Function
    End If
' Get the overall size of the Union() since Rows/Columns "Count" is based on the first area only.
    Set rngUnion = Application.Union(r1, r2)
    For Each rngIndividualArea In rngUnion.Areas
        If (lngWholeTop = 0) Then lngWholeTop = rngIndividualArea.Row Else lngWholeTop = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(lngWholeTop, rngIndividualArea.Row)
        If (lngWholeLeft = 0) Then lngWholeLeft = rngIndividualArea.Column Else lngWholeLeft = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(lngWholeLeft, rngIndividualArea.Column)
        If (lngWholeBottom = 0) Then lngWholeBottom = (rngIndividualArea.Row + rngIndividualArea.Rows.Count - 1) Else lngWholeBottom = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(lngWholeBottom, (rngIndividualArea.Row + rngIndividualArea.Rows.Count - 1))
        If (lngWholeRight = 0) Then lngWholeRight = (rngIndividualArea.Column + rngIndividualArea.Columns.Count - 1) Else lngWholeRight = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(lngWholeRight, (rngIndividualArea.Column + rngIndividualArea.Columns.Count - 1))
    Next rngIndividualArea
    arrWholeArea = Array(lngWholeTop, lngWholeLeft, lngWholeBottom, lngWholeRight)
' Get the entire area covered by the various areas.
    Set rngWholeArea = rngUnion.Parent.Range(rngUnion.Parent.Cells(lngWholeTop, lngWholeLeft), rngUnion.Parent.Cells(lngWholeBottom, lngWholeRight))
' Get intersection, this is or are the area(s) to remove.
    Set rngIntersection = Application.Intersect(r1, r2)
    For Each rngIntersectArea In rngIntersection.Areas
        arrIntersection = Array(rngIntersectArea.Row, _
                                rngIntersectArea.Column, _
                                rngIntersectArea.Row + rngIntersectArea.Rows.Count - 1, _
                                rngIntersectArea.Column + rngIntersectArea.Columns.Count - 1)
' Get the difference. This is the whole area above, left, below and right of the intersection.
' Identify if there is anything above the intersection.
        Set rngSection = Nothing
        If (arrWholeArea(0) < arrIntersection(0)) _
        Then Set rngSection = Application.Intersect(rngWholeArea.Parent.Range(rngWholeArea.Parent.Cells(arrWholeArea(0), arrWholeArea(1)), _
                                                                              rngWholeArea.Parent.Cells(arrIntersection(0) - 1, arrWholeArea(3))), _
        If Not rngSection Is Nothing _
            If rngResultingRange Is Nothing _
            Then Set rngResultingRange = rngSection _
            Else Set rngResultingRange = Application.Union(rngResultingRange, rngSection)
        End If
' Identify if there is anything left of the intersection.
        Set rngSection = Nothing
        If arrWholeArea(1) < arrIntersection(1) _
        Then Set rngSection = Application.Intersect(rngWholeArea.Parent.Range(rngWholeArea.Parent.Cells(arrWholeArea(0), arrWholeArea(1)), _
                                                                              rngWholeArea.Parent.Cells(arrWholeArea(2), arrIntersection(1) - 1)), _
        If Not rngSection Is Nothing _
            If rngResultingRange Is Nothing _
            Then Set rngResultingRange = rngSection _
            Else Set rngResultingRange = Application.Union(rngResultingRange, rngSection)
        End If
' Identify if there is anything right of the intersection.
        Set rngSection = Nothing
        If arrWholeArea(3) > arrIntersection(3) _
        Then Set rngSection = Application.Intersect(rngWholeArea.Parent.Range(rngWholeArea.Parent.Cells(arrWholeArea(0), arrIntersection(3) + 1), _
                                                                              rngWholeArea.Parent.Cells(arrWholeArea(2), arrWholeArea(3))), _
        If Not rngSection Is Nothing _
            If rngResultingRange Is Nothing _
            Then Set rngResultingRange = rngSection _
            Else Set rngResultingRange = Application.Union(rngResultingRange, rngSection)
        End If
' Identify if there is anything below the intersection.
        Set rngSection = Nothing
        If arrWholeArea(2) > arrIntersection(2) _
        Then Set rngSection = Application.Intersect(rngWholeArea.Parent.Range(rngWholeArea.Parent.Cells(arrIntersection(2) + 1, arrWholeArea(1)), _
                                                                              rngWholeArea.Parent.Cells(arrWholeArea(2), arrWholeArea(3))), _
        If Not rngSection Is Nothing _
            If rngResultingRange Is Nothing _
            Then Set rngResultingRange = rngSection _
            Else Set rngResultingRange = Application.Union(rngResultingRange, rngSection)
        End If
        Set rngUnion = rngResultingRange
        Set rngResultingRange = Nothing
    Next rngIntersectArea
' Return the result. This is the area "around" the intersection.
    Set UnionExclusive = rngUnion
End Function

