在每第N个模式匹配后添加一个特定的行.AWK SED你得到的任何东西

时间:2014-02-03 22:13:55

标签: shell search sed awk grep


Go to Vegas
Play the blackjack
Earn a  lucky wad
Find a hot chick
Do the best part now

Go to Vegas
Play the blackjack
Earn a  lucky wad
Find a hot chick
Do the best part now

Go to Vegas
Play the blackjack
Earn a  lucky wad
Find a hot chick
Do the best part now

Go to Vegas
Play the blackjack
Earn a  lucky wad
Find a hot chick
Do the best part now

Go to Vegas
Play the blackjack
Earn a  lucky wad
Find a hot chick
Do the best part now



Go to Vegas
Play the blackjack
Earn a  lucky wad
Find a hot chick
Do the best part now

Go to Vegas
Play the blackjack
Earn a  lucky wad
Find a hot chick
Do the best part now

Go to Vegas
Play the blackjack
Earn a  lucky wad
Find a hot chick
Do the best part now

Go to Vegas
Play the blackjack
Earn a  lucky wad
Find a hot chick
Do the best part now

Go to Vegas
Play the blackjack
Earn a  lucky wad
Find a hot chick
Do the best part now

如何才能做到最好 我可以在每个模式匹配后添加一个新行 但是我希望在每个第N个模式匹配后添加一个特定的行 喜欢这个

sed '/"Find a hot chick"/ a\
    wait ' <filename>

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


awk '1;/Find a hot chick/{if(i++==3){print "New line";i=0}}' yourfile


答案 1 :(得分:1)


#!/usr/bin/awk -f
  counter = 0

  if ( $0 == "Find a hot chick" )
  if ( counter == 3 ){
    print "**wait**"
    counter = 0

将其放入文件中,例如file.awk,然后:./file.awk your_file

答案 2 :(得分:1)


sed  '/Find a hot chick/{x;s/^/./;/.\{3\}/{s/.\{3\}//;x;s/.*/&\n**wait**/;b};x}' file


/Find a hot chick/ {           # find the key words
    x                          # Exchange the contents of the hold and pattern spaces.
    s/^/./                     # add one dot in hold space. (such as ..$, ...$ etc)
    /.\{3\}/ {                 # check if there are 3 dots in hold space or not.
        s/.\{3\}//             # find the third pattern match, clean the dots in hold space.
        x                      # Exchange the contents of the hold and pattern spaces.
        s/.*/&\n**wait**/      # add the contents OP asked.
        b                      # b label, Unconditionally branch to label. The label may be omitted, in which case the next cycle is started. 
    x                          # Exchange the contents of the hold and pattern spaces.


awk '/Find a hot chick/{k++;if (!(k%3)){$0=$0 RS "**wait**"}}1' file

答案 3 :(得分:1)

grebnekes awk

awk '/Find a hot chick/ && !(++i%3) {$0=$0"\n**wait**"}1' file
