我正在尝试在XPCE / Prolog中为一个项目编写一个简单的动画,但它不够流畅;它看起来闪烁或闪烁。 我在带有Intel i7(四核,2.4 Ghz +)的华硕N550jv笔记本电脑上运行,所以这应该不是问题。 移动物体总是相同的(只是在不同位置绘制),显式启用双缓冲,我使用40 FPS。
sm:- %run this
sm(600,4,40). %runs animation over 600 pixels, 4 seconds long, with 40 FPS
(object( @window),!,free(@window);true), %check is window exists; if it does, delete it
(object( @floor), !, free( @floor); true), %check is floor exists; if it does, delete it
(object( @box), !, free( @box); true), %%check if box exists; if it does, delete it
new( @window,picture('Window',size(900,300))), %create window
send( @window,open), %display window
send(@window,buffered_update,true), %make sure to use double-buffering
new( @floor,box(800,10)), %create floor
send( @floor,fill_pattern,colour(green)), %colour floor
send( @window,display,@floor,point(50,70)), %show floor
new( @box,box(50,50)), %creates box
send( @box,fill_pattern,colour(yellow)), %colours box yellow
Frames is Duration*FPS, %how many frames are to be drawn
Step is Length/Frames, %what's the distance between steps
Delay is 1/FPS, %what is the delay between steps
send( @window,display,@box,point(50,20)), %shows Object
send( @window,flush), %flushes window
ani(Step,Delay,Frames,point(50,20)), %actual animation
sleep(1), %wait 1 second, and then
free( @box), %delete box
free( @floor), %delete floor
free( @window). %delete window (and exit)
send( @box,x(X+Step)), %moves box to the right
send( @window,flush), %flushes
FramesLeft is Frames - 1,
NewX is X + Step,
答案 0 :(得分:3)
sm:- %run this
sm(600,4,40). %runs animation over 600 pixels, 4 seconds long, with 40 FPS
(object( @window),!,free(@window);true), %check is window exists; if it does, delete it
(object( @floor), !, free( @floor); true), %check is floor exists; if it does, delete it
(object( @box), !, free( @box); true), %%check if box exists; if it does, delete it
(object( @my_timer), !, free( @my_timer); true), %%check if box exists; if it does, del
new( @window,picture('Window',size(900,300))), %create window
send( @window,open), %display window
send(@window,buffered_update,true), %make sure to use double-buffering
new( @floor,box(800,10)), %create floor
send( @floor,fill_pattern,colour(green)), %colour floor
send( @window,display,@floor,point(50,70)), %show floor
new( @box,box(50,50)), %creates box
send( @box,fill_pattern,colour(yellow)), %colours box yellow
Frames is Duration*FPS, %how many frames are to be drawn
Step is Length/Frames, %what's the distance between steps
Delay is 1/FPS, %what is the delay between steps
send( @window,display,@box,point(50,20)), %shows Object
send( @window,flush), %flushes window
ani(Step,Delay,Frames,point(X,Y)) :-
send( @box,x(X+Step)), %moves box to the right
send( @window,flush), %flushes
new(@my_timer, my_timer(Step, Delay, Frames, X)).
:- pce_begin_class(my_timer, object).
variable(mytimer, timer, both, "timer lançant l'animation fréquence 20 fois par seconde").
variable(step, number, both, "delta x").
variable(frames, number, both, "number of moves").
variable(posX, number, both, "xpos of the box").
% initialisation of the tmer
initialise(P, Step, Delay, Frames, PosX) :->
send(P, slot, step, Step),
send(P, slot, frames, Frames),
send(P, slot, posX, PosX),
send(P, mytimer, new(_, timer(Delay,message(P, my_message)))),
send(P?mytimer, start).
% must be called before destruction
% avoid any problem of non-freed resources
unlink(F) :->
send(F?mytimer, stop),
send(F, send_super, unlink).
my_message(P) :->
get(P, slot, frames, Frame),
( get(Frame, value, 0)
-> send(P?mytimer, stop),
free( @box), %delete box
free( @floor), %delete floor
free( @window), %delete window (and exit)
; get(P, slot, step, Step),
get(P, slot, posX, PosX),
send( @box,x(PosX+Step)), %moves box to the right
send( @window,flush), %flushes
send(PosX, plus, Step),
send(Frame, minus, 1)).
:- pce_end_class.