在Google Apps脚本网络应用中使用Facebook API?

时间:2014-01-30 11:18:11

标签: facebook-graph-api google-apps-script facebook-apps

我正在尝试使用Google Apps脚本作为网络应用创建Facebook应用,作为后端。唯一适用的Facebook API是Javascript SDK,但我甚至无法使用它 我目前遇到的问题是Facebook JS SDK使用以“__”结尾的Javascript标识符。 Google Apps脚本restricts名称以双下划线结尾。

Refused to display [URL] in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:17)

我已经找到了如何使用Apps脚本UrlFetchApp.fetch和HTML服务将用户登录到我的Apps脚本应用程序与Facebook。我也可以使用Apps Script发布到Facebook。

  • 您不需要Facebook Javascript SDK



Facebook Platforms



  • 与Facebook互动的网站与Facebook页面标签之间存在差异。 Facebook Page Tab运行嵌入Facebook。我的经验是,Apps脚本网址会导致Facebook Page Tab出现问题。 Apps脚本的URL有很多东西附加到Facebook似乎剥离的末尾。 (或类似的东西)我已经尝试了许多不同版本的谷歌产品与Facebook。您可以将Google网站用作Facebook页面标签,但如果您在网站内嵌入Google Apps脚本,然后在Facebook页面标签中,则会导致跨域错误。因此,我可以选择的唯一选择是网站选项。

我用于页面选项卡问题的一种解决方法是使用Thunderpenny Static HTML作为Facebook页面选项卡,然后链接到我的Apps脚本应用程序或GAE应用程序。 (取决于我是否需要HTTP S

您可以使用Google网站作为网页标签,但Thunderpenny可以像往常一样使用HTML,Javascript和CSS设计应用。哦!我已经尝试在Thunderpenny中使用Facebook Javascript SDK,并且无处可去。此外,Thunderpenny应用程序没有后端,Apps脚本有一个后端(.gs代码),您可以隐藏您的Facebook应用程序令牌。


  • 从您的应用程序中触发指向Facebook oauth的链接。
  • HREF =“https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=yourIDhereNoQuotes&redirect_uri=https://script.google.com/macros/s
  • 使用OnLoad函数从URL捕获返回的Facebook令牌
  • 您无法使用doGet(e)将Facebook重定向网址处理回您的应用程序。这就是原因。 Apps脚本需要在URL中查看问号以解析URL。 Facebook返回具有不同配置的URL。
  • 在您的应用加载处理Facebook令牌时运行脚本
  • 的window.onload =函数(){};
  • onload函数运行.gs函数来验证令牌
  • 使用UrlFetchApp.fetch debug令牌
  • 在私有缓存中缓存登录状态
  • var cache = CacheService.getPrivateCache();
  • 在需要时检查登录状态。



Brand Resources - Facebook



<div id="FbLog">
    <a href="https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id=YourClientID&redirect_uri=https://script.google.com/macros/s/YourAppsScript/exec?&response_type=token&scope=publish_stream"><img src="https://FacebookGraphic.png" height="95%" width="95%"></a>


#FbLog {
    padding: 10px;
    background-color: white;
    cursor: pointer;

Window OnLoad Code

这是我用来捕获Facebook令牌的window.onload客户端代码。这仅用于捕获Facebook令牌,而不是用于验证令牌。我的应用程序允许Facebook登录和定期登录。 Facebook令牌的验证是在另一个代码中完成的。

  //console.log("This onload did run");

  //get the URL out of the browsers address bar
  //the URL can have multiple different strings attached depending upon the situation.
  //1)Sign in with Facebook. 2) Someone wanting to buy an item 3) Someone wanting to input an item for sale.
  //Any situation other than the FB log in is initiated in the back end.
  window.daURL = window.location;
  window.urlStrng = daURL.toString();

  //console.log("url: " + urlStrng);
  //If there was a FaceBook login, there will be a hashtag in the url string
  window.hashPos = urlStrng.indexOf("#");
  if (window.hashPos > 0) {
    mainStart('InputBlock', 'InputForm');
    window.urlEnd = urlStrng.split("#", 2);
    window.urlTkn = urlEnd[1].split("&", 2);
    window.fbAcsTkn = urlTkn[0].split("=", 2);
    window.finalTkn = fbAcsTkn[1];

    window.scndExpire = urlStrng.substring(urlStrng.indexOf("_in=")+4, urlStrng.length);
    console.log("scndExpire: " + scndExpire);

    .processFB_LogIn(window.finalTkn, scndExpire)
  else {
    //If it's not a Facebook log in, go to next two choices
    //If the URL string has &L in it, then item listing info is being passed because someone clicked 'Buy'
    window.whatToLoad = urlStrng.indexOf("&L");
    console.log("Second option of onload ran");
    if (window.whatToLoad > 0) {
     } else {




//I put this cache line at the very top of the `.gs` file. The other code
// can be put somewhere lower.

var cache = CacheService.getPrivateCache();

function processFB_LogIn(argFB_Tkn, expTime) {
    cache.put('fbTkn', argFB_Tkn, 4000);
    cache.put('fbExpr', expTime, 4000);

    var meFBtkn = cache.get('fbTkn');

    Logger.log("FaceBook Token: " + meFBtkn);

     //This section is for verifying (debug) the user actually signed in through Facebook
    //The first FB token is passed in from the URL right after the user signs in, and when this apps Script loads.
    //IMPORTANT!!!    IMPORTANT!!!   You MUST escape the | character with code %7C

    var AppAccssTkn = 'YourAppID%7YourAppToken'; //This never changes unless app secret changes
    var optnGetTkn = {"method" : "get", "muteHttpExceptions" : true};
      //This 'Debugs' the token returned in the URL after the user signed in with Facebook.  You "should" verify that the token is real.
      var rsltDebug = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://graph.facebook.com/debug_token?input_token="  + meFBtkn  + "&access_token=" + AppAccssTkn, optnGetTkn);
      var debugTxt = rsltDebug.getContentText();
      Logger.log("debugTxt: " + debugTxt);

      var jsonObj = JSON.parse(debugTxt);
      Logger.log("jsonObj: " + jsonObj);
      //This is the FB user ID
      var useIdTxt = jsonObj.data.user_id;
      cache.put('pubIDcache', useIdTxt, 4000);

      var tknValid = jsonObj.data.is_valid;

      Logger.log("reslt of the debug: " + useIdTxt);
      Logger.log("tknValid: " + tknValid);

      var getFbUseName = UrlFetchApp.fetch("https://graph.facebook.com/" + useIdTxt + "/?fields=first_name&access_token=" + AppAccssTkn, optnGetTkn);

      var objUseName = JSON.parse(getFbUseName);
      var arryFirstName = objUseName.first_name;
      Logger.log("user name: " + arryFirstName);

      cache.put('fbFrstName', arryFirstName, 4000);

   if (tknValid === false) {
     return 'notValid';
   else if (arryFirstName != null) {
     //This is how it's determined if someone is logged in or not.
     cache.put('imin', '9847594ujglfugfjogj', 4000);
     return arryFirstName;

除非App Secret更改,否则您需要一个one time App令牌,该令牌不会更改。您必须使用一次运行的代码生成它。


//A Facebook App Token never changes unless you go to the Facebook Developers Console, and you
//change the App Secret.  So, do NOT keep requesting a new App Token.  Just get it once, then
//hard code it into a backend secret function.
// The App Token can be used to modify your App, but you can just do that 'Manually'
function getOneTimeFB_AppToken() {
  Logger.log("getOneTimeFB_AppToken ran");
  //keep this info secret
  //Generate an App Access Token
  var ysshAppID = 'Your App ID';
  var ysshAppSecret = 'Your App Secret';
  var optnAppTkn = {"method" : "get"};
  var getAppTknURL = "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=" + ysshAppID + "&client_secret=" + ysshAppSecret + "&grant_type=client_credentials"
  var getAppTkn = UrlFetchApp.fetch(getAppTknURL, optnAppTkn);
  Logger.log("Object returned from GET: " + getAppTkn)
  var myAppTkn = getAppTkn.getContentText();
  Logger.log("myAppTkn: " + myAppTkn);

发布到Facebook GS代码

function fncPostItemFB(arg1ToPost, arg2ToPost, arg3ToPost, argEtcToPost) {
  var fbCacheTkn = cache.get('fbTkn');
  Logger.log("fbCacheTkn: " + fbCacheTkn);

  if (fbCacheTkn === null) {
    return false;
  Logger.log("fncPostItemFB ran: " + fbCacheTkn);
  return fncPostSecurly_(arg1ToPost, arg2ToPost, arg3ToPost, argEtcToPost);

function fncPostSecurly_(arg1ToPost, arg2ToPost, arg3ToPost, argEtcToPost) {
  Logger.log("fncPostSecurly ran");

  var sttsUpdate = argToPost + "your text to post here" + argToPost;
  var fromLogInTkn = cache.get('fbTkn');

  Logger.log("cache FB token: " + fromLogInTkn);

  //This is added security https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/securing-requests/
  var appsecret_sig = Utilities.computeHmacSha256Signature(fromLogInTkn, "YourAppSecret");
  var optnPostFB = {"method" : "post"};  //
  var PostToFB_URL = "https://graph.facebook.com/FacebookPageOrGroupID/feed?message=" + sttsUpdate + "&access_token=" 
    + fromLogInTkn; // + "&appsecret_proof=" + appsecret_sig;

    //Make a post to the Page
    var whatHappened = UrlFetchApp.fetch(PostToFB_URL, optnPostFB );
    //The return from facebook is an object.  Has to be converted to a string.
    var strFrmFbObj = whatHappened.getContentText();
    Logger.log("Return value of Post: " + strFrmFbObj);

    //When a post is successfully made to Facebook, a return object is passed back with an id value.

    var rtrnVerify = strFrmFbObj.indexOf('{\"id\":\"');
    Logger.log("rtrnVerify: " + rtrnVerify);

    if (rtrnVerify != -1) {
      return true;
    } else {
      return false;


window.WriteInput = function(whereToPost) {

    window.strngCtgry = document.getElementById('id_Category').value;
    window.strngMaker = document.getElementById('id_Maker').value;
    window.strngAskingPrice = document.getElementById('id_AskingPrice').value;
    window.strngType = document.getElementById('id_ShrtDesc').value;
    window.strngFunction = document.getElementById('id_Function').value;
    window.strngCosmetic = document.getElementById('id_Cosmetic').value;  
    window.strngDescription = document.getElementById('id_Description').value;
    window.strngUserID = document.getElementById('pubID_Holder').textContent;
    window.addrIP = document.getElementById('IP_Holder').textContent;

  if (whereToPost === 'fb') {
    console.log("fncPostToFB ran" + strngDescription);
    if (strngDescription === "" || strngAskingPrice === "") {alert("Missing Input"); return false;};
    .fncPostItemFB(strngCtgry, strngMaker, strngAskingPrice, strngType, strngDescription, strngFunction, strngCosmetic, addrIP);
  } else {
      .fncSaveItem(strngCtgry, strngMaker, strngAskingPrice, strngType, strngDescription, strngFunction, strngCosmetic, addrIP);

window.savedLst = function(rtrnInput) {
   if (rtrnInput === false) {
     alert("Failed to Save Data");
   else if (rtrnInput === "NotLogged") {
     alert("You are not logged in!");
     mainStart('SignInBody', 'SignIn');
   else if (rtrnInput === "noItemForPic") {
     alert("You Need to Save an Item to attach the Picture to");
   else {
  alert("Your Data Was Saved!");
  //Show the listing that was just saved next to the upload Pics button
  document.getElementById('listToPic').innerHTML = document.getElementById('id_ShrtDesc').value +
    ", " + document.getElementById('id_Description').value +
    ", - Made By: " + document.getElementById('id_Maker').value +
    ", Price: $" + document.getElementById('id_AskingPrice').value;


window.postFbFail = function() {
  alert("Failed to Post to Facebook!  Try Signing In Again.");

window.savedToFB = function(pstFbStat) {
  if (pstFbStat === false) {
    alert("You are Not Signed in to Facebook!");
  } else {
    alert("Your Item was Posted to Facebook!");


答案 1 :(得分:-1)

您可以通过Google App脚本的oAuth2库连接到Facebook API 这是oAuth2库代码 1B7FSrk5Zi6L1rSxxTDgDEUsPzlukDsi4KGuTMorsTQHhGBzBkMun4iDF

和facebook .gs文件