Karma angularjs测试:超时中的测试代码永远不会执行

时间:2014-01-24 09:39:56

标签: angularjs kendo-grid karma-runner angular-kendo

永远不会调用$ timeout中的以下代码。我可以在那里进行任何错误的测试,测试总是通过(有一个类似的问题(Karma e2e testing: how to know when the DOM is ready?),但它没有提供解决方案):

it('should display a filter row when attribute sg-live-filtering is present', function()   
   angular.mock.inject(function($compile, $rootScope, $timeout) {
      var elem = $compile('<div sg-grid sg-data="api/grid/accounts" sg-live-filtering></div>')(scope); // the angular-kendo grid
      var table = elem.find('table[role="grid"]'); // find the kendo grid
      var header = table.find('thead'); // find the grid's table header 
      $timeout(function () {
         // get the second row in the header and check it has a specific class
         // e.g. I could do this and it would still pass!!!             

PhantomJS 1.9.2(Windows 7):执行1 871(跳过383)成功(0秒/ 0


enter image description here


angular.module('sgComponents').directive('sgGrid', [
   templateUrl: 'sg-grid.html',
   // lots of kendo code follows to build the grid       


<div sg-grid sg-data="api/grid/accounts"             
     sg-live-filtering> <!-- the attribute I want to test -->        

当指令代码运行时,检查是否存在sg-live-filtering attr。如果是,则调用实用程序函数将您在图像中突出显示的行附加到网格的表格标题

if (attrs.sgLiveFiltering) {
    timeout is needed to ensure DOM is ready. COULD THIS BE THE PROBLEM?
   $timeout(function () { 
      this function adds the filter row to the grid. 
      THE NEW ROW HAS CLASS 'sg-grid-filter-row' THAT I USE FOR TESTING
      buildGridFilterRow(elm, scope, attrs);

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

你能显示你的测试代码吗? 因为你必须等待才能执行超时或只是使用$ timeout.flush(); 这是一个例子: Unit testing an asynchronous service in angularjs

答案 1 :(得分:2)

最后(2周后!)让这个工作。 @idursun和igorzg在他们建议使用$ timeout.flush(100)时是正确的,但正如@idursun在他的评论中进一步提到的那样,它也需要删除$ timeout块。


it('should display a filter row when attribute sg-live-filtering is present', function () {
   angular.mock.inject(function($compile, $rootScope, $timeout) {
   var scope = $rootScope.$new();
   scope.accountColumnsForAdvSearch = [
      {field: 'accountId', title: 'AccountId', dataType: 'string'},
      {field: 'name', title: 'Account Name', dataType: 'string'},
      {field: 'shortName', title: 'Short Name', dataType: 'string'},
      {field: 'status', title: 'Status', dataType: 'string'}

   $httpBackend.when('GET', 'api/grid/accounts').respond(accountData);    

   var elem = $compile('<div sg-grid sg-data="api/grid/accounts" sg-columns="accountColumnsForAdvSearch" sg-live-filtering="true"></div>')(scope);
   $timeout.flush(100); // wait for DOM to load
   var table = elem.find('table[role="grid"]'); // the kendo grid
   var filterRow = table.find('.sg-grid-filter-row'); // the filter row