我希望这是有道理的。无论如何,这是我得到的代码。你在看TranVC。用户使用警报视图将数据输入到表中。您正在查看Alert View委托方法的一部分。这是用户将数据输入单元格时(按下完成)。使用*******评论查找关键区域。
StatusViewController *statVC = [[StatusViewController alloc]init]; //*******init
// Set the amount left in the budget
NSString *amountToSpend = statVC.amountLeftInBudget.text;
double budgetLabel = [amountToSpend doubleValue];
NSString *lastItem = [transactions objectAtIndex:0];
double lastLabel = [lastItem doubleValue];
double totalValue = budgetLabel - lastLabel;
NSString *amountToSpendTotal = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%.2f", totalValue];
statVC.amountLeftInBudget.text = amountToSpendTotal; //*******set text (but not save), either way, this doesn't work
// Set the amount spent
NSString *sum = [transactions valueForKeyPath:@"@sum.self"];
double sumLabel = [sum doubleValue];
NSString *finalSum = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f", sumLabel];
//Set the amountSpent label
statVC.amountSpent.text = finalSum; //*******set text (but not save), either way, this doesn't work
// The maxed out budget section
if ([statVC.amountLeftInBudget.text isEqualToString: @"0.00"]) //*******set color (but not save), either way, this doesn't work
statVC.amountLeftInBudget.textColor = statVC.currencyLabel.textColor = [UIColor redColor];
} else if ([statVC.amountLeftInBudget.text compare:@"0.00"] == NSOrderedAscending)
statVC.amountLeftInBudget.textColor = statVC.currencyLabel.textColor = [UIColor redColor];
} else if ([statVC.amountLeftInBudget.text compare:@"0.00"] == NSOrderedDescending)
statVC.amountLeftInBudget.textColor = statVC.currencyLabel.textColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:23.0/255.0 green:143.0/255.0 blue:9.0/255.0 alpha:1.0];
if ([statVC.amountLeftInBudget.text compare:@"0.00"] == NSOrderedAscending)
// Create our Installation query
UIAlertView *exceed;
exceed = [[UIAlertView alloc]
initWithTitle: @"Budget Exceeded"
message: @"You have exceeded your budget amount"
delegate: self
cancelButtonTitle: @"Okay"
otherButtonTitles: nil];
[exceed show];
答案 0 :(得分:2)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
<强> MyModel.m
@implementation MyObject
- (id) init
return nil; // We force the use of a singleton. Probably bad practice?
// Private initializer used by the singleton; not included in the header file.
- (id)initAsSingleton {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Initialize your singleton instance here.
return self;
+ (MyModel *)sharedMyModel {
static MyModel *myModel = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
myModel = [[MyModel alloc] initAsSingleton];
return myModel;
<强> MyModel.h
@interface MyModel : NSObject
+ (MyModel *)sharedMyModel; // Singleton instance.
这不能防止您使用[[MyModel alloc] init];
MyModel *model = [MyModel sharedMyModel];
- (id)init {
return [MyModel sharedMyModel];