如何处理Spring MVC中的验证和严重错误

时间:2014-01-22 07:52:32

标签: java spring validation spring-mvc spring-validator

我有一个Spring MVC应用程序,我使用数据绑定来填充自定义表单对象someForm和发布的值。控制器的有趣部分如下所示:

@RequestMapping(value = "/some/path", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String createNewUser(@ModelAttribute("someForm") SomeForm someForm, BindingResult result){
    SomeFormValidator validator = new SomeFormValidator();
    validator.validate(someForm, result);


        return "/some/path";

SomeFormValidator 类正在实现Springs org.springframework.validation.Validator 接口。虽然这对于验证用户输入和创建与输入相关的错误消息非常有用,但这似乎不太适合处理更多关键错误,这些错误无法呈现给用户但仍与控制器输入相关,如缺失预计将在发布时间出现的隐藏字段。此类错误应导致应用程序错误。什么是Spring MVC处理此类错误的方法?

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public class MyController {

    protected MyService myService;

    //This method will be executed when an exception of type SomeException1 is thrown
    //by one of the controller methods
    public String handleSomeException1(...) {
        //do some stuff

        return "view-saying-some-exception-1-occured";

    //This method will be executed when an exception of type SomeException2 is thrown
    //by one of the controller methods
    public String handleSomeException2(...) {
        //do some stuff

        return "view-saying-some-exception-2-occured";

    //The controller method that will entertain request mappings must declare 
    //that they can throw the exception class that your exception handler catches
    @RequestMapping(value = "/someUrl.htm", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public String someMethod(...) throws SomeException1, SomeException2{

        //do some stuff, call to myService maybe

        return "the-happy-path-view-name";