
时间:2014-01-21 09:41:21

标签: c# ravendb

为什么我不能在新的 MVC网站上使用嵌入式RavenDB?




在我的错误查找过程中,我在localhost上安装了一个RavenDB服务器,我可以在我的MVC应用程序中连接它 - 这不是问题。但是在我安装localhost RavenDB之前以及之后的初始化错误。


public static class Store {
  private static IDocumentStore store = createStore();

  private static EmbeddableDocumentStore createStore() {
    var returnStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore();
    returnStore.DataDirectory = @"./PersistedData";
    returnStore.Initialize(); // It never gets past this in any MVC website
    return returnStore;

  public static myDocument Read(string key) {
    using (var session = store.OpenSession()) {
      var anEntity = session.Query<myDocument>().Where(item => item.key == key).Single();
      return anEntity;

  public static void Write(myDocument d) {
    using (var session = store.OpenSession()) {

public class myDocument {
  public string key { get; set; }
  public string description { get; set; }



INFORMATION: Raven (11096) 1-RT4um-C:\Users\***\RavenEmbed\./PersistedData\Data: 
The database engine attached a database (1, C:\Users\***\RavenEmbed\PersistedData\Data).
(Time=0 seconds) 

ERROR: Windows cannot open the 64-bit extensible counter DLL ASP.NET_64_2.0.50727 in a 
32-bit environment. Contact the file vendor to obtain a 32-bit version. Alternatively if 
you are running a 64-bit native environment, you can open the 64-bit extensible counter 
DLL by using the 64-bit version of Performance Monitor. To use this tool, open the 
Windows folder, open the System32 folder, and then start Perfmon.exe.

ERROR: Disabled performance counter data collection for this session from the 
"ASP.NET_64_2.0.50727" service because the performance counter library for that service 
has generated one or more errors. The errors that forced this action have been written 
to the application event log.

ERROR: The Open Procedure for service "BITS" in DLL "C:\Windows\System32\bitsperf.dll" 
failed. Performance data for this service will not be available. The first four bytes 
(DWORD) of the Data section contains the error code.

ERROR: The Open Procedure for service "Lsa" in DLL "C:\Windows\System32\Secur32.dll" 
failed. Performance data for this service will not be available. The first four bytes 
(DWORD) of the Data section contains the error code.

ERROR: The Open Procedure for service "MSDTC" in DLL "C:\Windows\system32\msdtcuiu.DLL" 
failed. Performance data for this service will not be available. The first four bytes 
(DWORD) of the Data section contains the error code.

ERROR: The configuration information of the performance library "perf-MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS-
sqlctr11.1.3000.0.dll" for the "MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS" service does not match the trusted 
performance library information stored in the registry. The functions in this library 
will not be treated as trusted.


我可以从此链接下载MVC 3项目,该项目有效。但我仍然不能将MVC 4嵌入式RavenDB工作。

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