
时间:2014-01-18 05:30:17

标签: java io writer

UPDATE2:我自己的适配器版本,只在构造函数中调用instanceof并在flush()close()函数中使用(Java 1.5)delta(避免需要)对于任何反射或对象构造后的逻辑),包含在本文的底部。 UPDATE1:Marc Baumbach编写了一个简单的适配器,这正是我需要的。包括在下面。原始问题如下。



我看到您可以扩展Writer,这是抽象的,并将所有write(...)函数重定向到相应的append(...) - s。但是你还必须实现flush()close(),我很清楚如何干净地编写它们,以便这个包装类可以接受任何 Appendable。



回答此问题的适配器代码。由Marc Baumbach撰写(我自己的版本如下):

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.Flushable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;

public class AppendableWriterAdapter extends Writer {

      private Appendable appendable;

      public AppendableWriterAdapter(Appendable appendable) {
            this.appendable = appendable;

      public void write(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException {
            appendable.append(String.valueOf(cbuf), off, len);

      public void flush() throws IOException {
            if (appendable instanceof Flushable) {
                  ((Flushable) appendable).flush();

      public void close() throws IOException {
            if (appendable instanceof Closeable) {
                  ((Closeable) appendable).close();


这是我自己的版本,基于Marc,仅在构造函数中使用instanceof,在flush()close()中仅使用(Java 1.5)delta。这是为了避免在对象构造之后使用任何逻辑或反射。这也是gisthttps://gist.github.com/aliteralmind/8494917



   import  java.io.Closeable;
   import  java.io.Flushable;
   import  java.io.IOException;
   import  java.io.Writer;
   <P>{@code java NewWriterForAppendable}.</P>
public class NewWriterForAppendable  {
      <P>Demonstrates {@code newWriterForAppendable(apbl)} for creating a new {@code Writer} that wraps around {@code System.out} (writes to the console).</P>
   public static final void main(String[] igno_red)  {
      try  {
      }  catch(IOException iox)  {
         throw  new RuntimeException("WriterForAppendableXmpl", iox);
      <P>A {@code Flushable} whose {@code flush()} function does nothing. This is used by {@link #newWriterForAppendable(Appendable ap_bl) newWriterForAppendable}{@code (apbl)} as a (Java 1.5) delta.</P>

      @see  #newWriterForAppendable(Appendable) newWriterForAppendable(apbl)
   public static final Flushable FLUSHABLE_DO_NOTHING = new Flushable()  {
      public void flush()  {
      <P>A {@code Closeable} whose {@code close()} function does nothing. This is used by {@link #newWriterForAppendable(Appendable ap_bl) newWriterForAppendable}{@code (apbl)} as a (Java 1.5) delta.</P>

      @see  #newWriterForAppendable(Appendable) newWriterForAppendable(apbl)
   public static final Closeable CLOSEABLE_DO_NOTHING = new Closeable()  {
      public void close()  {
      <P>Creates a new {@code java.io.Writer} that wraps around a {@code java.lang.Appendable}. It properly {@link java.io.Writer#flush() flush}es and {@link java.io.Writer#close() close}s appendables that happened to also be {@link java.io.Flushable}s and/or {@link java.io.Closeable Closeable}s. This uses {@code instanceof} only in the constructor, and a delta in {@code flush()} and {@code close()}, which avoids having to use any logic or reflection after object construction.</P>

      <P>This function is released as a <A HREF="https://gist.github.com/aliteralmind/8494917">gist</A>, and is an example of the <A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adapter_pattern#Object_Adapter_pattern">Object Adapter pattern</A>. Thanks to <A HREF="http://stackoverflow.com/users/1211906/marc-baumbach">Marc Baumbach</A> on <A HREF="http://stackoverflow.com">{@code stackoverflow}</A> for the assistance. See (viewed 1/18/2014)
      <BR> &nbsp; &nbsp; <CODE><A HREF="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21200421/how-to-wrap-a-java-lang-appendable-into-a-java-io-writer">http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21200421/how-to-wrap-a-java-lang-appendable-into-a-java-io-writer</A></CODE></P>

      @return  A new writer that uses an appendable to do its output.
   public static final Writer newWriterForAppendable(Appendable ap_bl)  {
      return  (new WFA(ap_bl));
   private NewWriterForAppendable()  {
      throw  new IllegalStateException("constructor: Do not instantiate.");
class WFA extends Writer  {
   private final Appendable apbl;
   private final Flushable  flbl;
   private final Closeable  clbl;
   public WFA(Appendable ap_bl)  {
      if(ap_bl == null)  {
         throw  new NullPointerException("ap_bl");
      apbl = ap_bl;

      //Avoids instanceof at every call to flush() and close()
      flbl = (Flushable)((ap_bl instanceof Flushable) ? ap_bl
         :  NewWriterForAppendable.FLUSHABLE_DO_NOTHING);
      clbl = (Closeable)((ap_bl instanceof Closeable) ? ap_bl
         :  NewWriterForAppendable.CLOSEABLE_DO_NOTHING);
   public void write(char[] a_c, int i_ndexStart, int i_ndexEndX) throws IOException {
      apbl.append(String.valueOf(a_c), i_ndexStart, i_ndexEndX);
   public Writer append(char c_c) throws IOException {
      return  this;
   public Writer append(CharSequence c_q) throws IOException {
      return  this;
   public Writer append(CharSequence c_q, int i_ndexStart, int i_ndexEndX) throws IOException  {
      apbl.append(c_q, i_ndexStart, i_ndexEndX);
      return  this;
   public void flush() throws IOException {
   public void close() throws IOException {


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

通常在Writer中,flush()close()用于清除可能尚未提交或发送到流的任何其他写入。只需将所有write方法直接重定向到append中的Appendable方法,您就不必担心flush()close(),除非您{ {1}}实施Appendable和/或Closeable


这是一个非常标准的设计模式,名为Adapter pattern


答案 1 :(得分:0)



public void myMethod(Appendable app) throws InvalidAppendableException {

   if (app instanceof Writer) {
      someObj.thatMethod((Writer) app);
   } else {
      throw new InvalidAppendableException();

答案 2 :(得分:0)


实施不是最快的(see),如果你想获得最佳性能,你可能想看一下spf4j Streams.asWriter