call Start Caller direction Is_Internal continuation call duration party1name
------------------ ------------ --------- ----------- ------------ ------------------ -----------------
1/15/2014 8:47 346241552 I 0 0 0:00:18 VM Kanaal 1
1/15/2014 9:56 252621028 I 0 0 0:00:17 Kanaal 1
1/15/2014 9:58 252621028 I 0 0 0:00:17 Kanaal 1
1/15/2014 9:01 252621028 I 0 1 0:00:08 Kanaal 1
1/15/2014 9:01 252621028 I 0 0 0:01:57 Coen
1/15/2014 9:06 302 O 0 0 0:01:53 Coen
1/15/2014 9:07 306 O 0 0 0:01:33 koos de Bruijn
1/15/2014 9:11 644686793 I 0 0 0:00:08 VM Kanaal 1
1/15/2014 9:11 644686793 I 0 0 0:01:46 Coen
1/15/2014 9:27 306 O 0 0 0:00:43 koos de Bruijn
1/15/2014 9:25 302 O 0 0 0:06:46 Coen
1/15/2014 9:46 455426194 I 0 1 0:00:07 VM Kanaal 1
1/15/2014 9:46 455426194 I 0 0 0:00:50 Coen
1/15/2014 9:57 725716251 I 0 1 0:00:10 VM Kanaal 1
1/15/2014 10:00 0 I O 1 0:00:00 Voicemail
SELECT Convert(varchar,[call Start],101) Date,[Caller] [Phone No], Count(*) [Total Incomming calls] FROM tridip
where direction='I' and
CAST([call Start] AS datetime) >= CONVERT(datetime,'09:00:00') and
CAST([call Start] AS datetime) <= CONVERT(datetime,'17:30:00')
AND Is_Internal=0 and continuation=0 AND
CONVERT(datetime,CAST([call duration] AS DATETIME),108) <> CAST('00:00:00' AS DATETIME)
and party1name not in ('Voice Mail') and party1name not like 'VM %'
and party1name not like 'Line%'
group by [Caller],Convert(varchar,[call Start],101)
SELECT [Caller] [Phone No], Count(*) [Total Incomming calls] FROM tridip
where direction='I' and
CONVERT(VARCHAR,[call Start],108) >= '09:00:00' and
CONVERT(VARCHAR,[call Start],108) <= '17:30:00'
AND Is_Internal=0 and continuation=0 AND
[call duration] <> '00:00:00'
and party1name not in ('Voice Mail') and party1name not like 'VM %'
and party1name not like 'Line%' and [Caller]>0
group by [Caller]
答案 0 :(得分:5)
由于这种情况,你很可能没有得到结果 -
CAST([call Start] AS datetime) <= CONVERT(datetime,'17:30:00')
原因 -
试试这个 -
SELECT CONVERT(datetime,'17:30:00')
结果是 - 1900-01-01 17:30:00.000
我相信你的记录中没有一个[call start]时间少于此,因此没有结果。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
如前所述,您获得的值为1900-01-01 09:00
您还可以使用SQL Server的DATEPART
where direction='I'
and DATEPART(hour, CAST([call Start] AS datetime)) >= 9
and DATEPART(hour, CAST([call Start] AS datetime)) <= 17