是否可以使用gem prawn在表格单元格中嵌入图像和文本?
我正在使用gem "prawn", "~> 0.13.2"
Rails版本:3.2.13和Ruby 2.0.0
答案 0 :(得分:6)
text "Scale by setting only the width"
image "#{Prawn::DATADIR}/images/pigs.jpg", :width => 150
move_down 20
text "Scale by setting only the height"
image "#{Prawn::DATADIR}/images/pigs.jpg", :height => 100
move_down 20
text "Stretch to fit the width and height provided"
image "#{Prawn::DATADIR}/images/pigs.jpg", :width => 500, :height => 100
cell_1 = make_cell(:content => "this row content comes directly ")
cell_2 = make_cell(:content => "from cell objects")
two_dimensional_array = [ ["..."], ["subtable from an array"], ["..."] ]
my_table = make_table([ ["..."], ["subtable from another table"], ["..."] ])
image_path = "#{Prawn::DATADIR}/images/stef.jpg"
table([ ["just a regular row", "", "", "blah blah blah"],
[cell_1, cell_2, "", ""],
["", "", two_dimensional_array, ""],
["just another regular row", "", "", ""],
[{:image => image_path}, "", my_table, ""]])
有关自定义表格单元格图像的更多信息:Check out the Prawn documentation