include 'connect.php' ;
session_start() ; //basically for all the session data we need
$user = $_SESSION['username'] ;
$queryFUF = mysql_query("SELECT friends FROM profile WHERE user = '$user'") ; //query for retrieving the users friends
while($arrayFUF = mysql_fetch_array($queryFUF)) {
$usersFriends = "".$arrayFUF['friends']."" ; //spliting friends out of the array we just got
$strWordCountFriends = str_word_count($usersFriends,1,'_0.9') ;
foreach($strWordCountFriends as $key => $value) {
$Ors = 'user = \''.$value.'\' OR ' ;
echo $Ors;
echo '<br>';
$mysqlNewsQueryCounstructRaw = 'SELECT user,selfieid,selfieurl,caption,`currenttime`,likes FROM selfiestatusupdates WHERE '.$Ors ;
$mysqlNewsQueryCounstructEdited = substr($mysqlNewsQueryCounstructRaw,0,strlen($mysqlNewsQueryCounstructRaw) -3) ;
echo $mysqlNewsQueryCounstructEdited.'<br>' ;
echo $mysqlNewsQueryCounstructRaw ;
user = 'username' OR user = 'username1' OR
SELECT user,selfieid,selfieurl,caption,`currenttime`,likes FROM selfiestatusupdates WHERE user = 'username'
SELECT user,selfieid,selfieurl,caption,`currenttime`,likes FROM selfiestatusupdates WHERE user = 'username' OR
当我回显 $ mysqlNewsQueryCounstructEdited
时,为什么不会显示变量 $ Ors 的第一部分?答案 0 :(得分:1)
因此,$Ors = ...
应为$Ors .= ...
while($arrayFUF = mysql_fetch_array($queryFUF)) {
$usersFriends .= "".$arrayFUF['friends']."" ; //spliting friends out of the array we just got
foreach($strWordCountFriends as $key => $value) {
$Ors .= 'user = \''.$value.'\' OR ' ;
echo $Ors;