ASP CDO如何添加条件检查(IF)以忽略空文本框和换行符

时间:2014-01-09 13:12:28

标签: asp-classic cdo.message








我希望代码忽略Box3& 4,换行并直接向下移动到下一段。






NAME="CDO for Windows 2000 Library" 

semaila = request.form("first name")
semailb = request.form("surname")
broker = request.form("broker name")
cust = request.form("cust name")
sapp = request.form("app number")
' Checks that the form value os1 is not empty, then appends the form value plus linebreaks,
' otherwise it is left empty.
If request.form("os1") <> "" Then
os1 = request.form("os1") + "<br><br>"
os1 = "";
End If
os2 = request.form("os2")
os3 = request.form("os3")
os4 = request.form("os4")
os5 = request.form("os5")
os6 = request.form("os6")
os7 = request.form("os7")
sadded = request.form("added")

Set cdoConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")  

With cdoConfig.Fields  
    .Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = cdoSendUsingPort  
    .Item(cdoSMTPServer) = ""  

End With 

With cdoMessage 

' Checks that the form value os1 is not empty, then appends the form value plus line     breaks,
' otherwise it is left empty.
If request.form("os1") <> "" Then
os1 = request.form("os1") + "<br><br>"
os1 = "";
End If

Set cdoMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")  

With cdoMessage 
    Set .Configuration = cdoConfig 
    .From = ""
    .To = "" 
    .Subject = QueryType 
    .HTMLBody = "<HTML><head><title></title></head><body><body bgcolor=""white"" TEXT=""black"" ALINK=""black"" VLINK=""black""> <font face=""ariel""> Dear "& broker &", <br><Br>We have today reviewed the mortgage application you submitted to us for your client in the name of: <br><br> <b> Name:</b> "& cust &" &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp <b>Application Number:</b> "& sapp &" <br><br> In order for us to process your application further we need to be in receipt of the following outstanding items and would be grateful if you could arrange to forward these at your earliest convenience. <br><br> "& os1 & " <br><br> "& os2 & " <br><br> "& os3 & " <br><br> "& os4 & " <br><Br> "& os5 & " <br><br> "& os6 & " <br><br> "& os7 & " <br><Br> Other outstanding items that we have chased today....(The rest of the email will follow..) </font></body></HTML>" 

End With 

Set cdoMessage = Nothing  
Set cdoConfig = Nothing  

Response.write "<HTML><head><title></title></head><body><body bgcolor=""#161712"" TEXT=""white"" ALINK=""white"" VLINK=""white""><center><br><br><Br><Br><Br><br><br><br><Br><br><Br><br>Your request has been submitted....<br><br><br><a href = ""javascript:window.close();""> Click here to close window </a> </center></body></HTML>"


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


dim os1 : os1 = request.form("os1") & ""
dim os2 : os2 = request.form("os2") & ""
dim os3 : os3 = request.form("os3") & ""
dim os4 : os4 = request.form("os4") & ""
dim os5 : os5 = request.form("os5") & ""
dim os6 : os6 = request.form("os6") & ""
dim os7 : os7 = request.form("os7") & ""

With cdoMessage 
    Set .Configuration = cdoConfig 
    .From = ""
    .To = "" 
    .Subject = QueryType 
    .HTMLBody = "<HTML><head><title></title></head><body><body bgcolor=""white"" TEXT=""black"" ALINK=""black"" VLINK=""black""> <font face=""ariel""> Dear " &_
                broker & ", <br><Br>We have today reviewed the mortgage application you submitted to us for your client in the name of: <br><br> <b> Name:</b> " &_
                cust & " &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp <b>Application Number:</b> " & sapp &_
                " <br><br> In order for us to process your application further we need to be in receipt of the following outstanding items and would be grateful " &_
                "if you could arrange to forward these at your earliest convenience. <br><br> " &_
                iif(os1<>"", os1 & "<br><br>", "") &_
                iif(os2<>"", os2 & "<br><br>", "") &_
                iif(os3<>"", os3 & "<br><br>", "") &_
                iif(os4<>"", os4 & "<br><br>", "") &_
                iif(os5<>"", os5 & "<br><br>", "") &_
                iif(os6<>"", os6 & "<br><br>", "") &_
                iif(os7<>"", os7 & "<br><br>", "") &_
                " <br><Br> Other outstanding items that we have chased today....(The rest of the email will follow..) </font></body></HTML>" 

End With 

function iif(i, j, k)
    if i then iif = j else iif = k
end function

答案 1 :(得分:0)


if Len(Request.Form("os1") > 0) Then

if Not IsEmpty(Request.Form("os1")) Then