我正在使用Node.js和WebSocket创建一个基本的一对一聊天。每次客户端连接时,都会向他们发送他们的ID,以及salt + id的MD5哈希值。然后,他们需要与另一个客户配对。当它们配对时,会向它们发送salt + partnerid的ID和MD5哈希值。每次发送消息时,都会检查散列。这是为了确保他们不仅可以更改Javascript ID变量的值并重新路由他们的消息。
[strong> server.js
的一部分var salt = "kPNtvp2UoBQRBcJ";
var count = 0;
var clients = {};
wsServer.on('request', function(r){
var connection = r.accept('echo-protocol', r.origin);
var id = count++;
clients[id] = connection;
console.log((new Date()) + ' Connection accepted [' + id + ']');
clients[id].sendUTF(JSON.stringify({"type": "id", "id": id, "hash": md5(salt+id)}));
connection.on('message', function(message) {
var data = JSON.parse(message.utf8Data);
console.log((new Date()) + ' New ' + data.type + ' sent from ' + data.from.id + ' to ' + data.to.id + ': ' + data.message);
if(checkHash(data.from.id, data.from.hash) && checkHash(data.to.id, data.to.hash)){
console.log((new Date()) + ' Client hashes invalid, alerting sender and intended recipient.');
clients[data.from.id].sendUTF(JSON.stringify({"type": "message", "message": "Our system has detected that you attempted to reroute your message by modifying the Javascript variables. This is not allowed, and subsequent attempts may result in a ban. The user you attempted to contact has also been notified.", "from": {"id": "system", "hash": ""}, "to": {"id": data.to.id, "hash": ""}}));
clients[data.to.id].sendUTF(JSON.stringify({"type": "message", "message": "Someone you are not chatting with just attempted to send you a message by exploiting our system, however we detected it and blocked the message. If you recieve any subsequent messages that seem unusual, please be sure to report them.", "from": {"id": "system", "hash": ""}, "to": {"id": data.to.id, "hash": ""}}));
connection.on('close', function(reasonCode, description) {
delete clients[id];
console.log((new Date()) + ' Peer ' + connection.remoteAddress + ' disconnected.');
{"type": "partner", "id": PARTNERID, "hash": md5(sald+id)}
答案 0 :(得分:2)