
时间:2013-12-19 22:52:05

标签: c# javascript .net webbrowser-control

我正在开展一个项目,涉及从供应商的网站上抓取一些产品数据(有他们的祝福,但不是他们的帮助)。我在C#商店工作,所以我使用.NET Windows Forms WebBrowser控件。


在查看页面上的javascript时,我可以看到它在页面加载完成后动态地改变现有的DOM内容(设置someDomElement.innerHTML)。它没有进行任何ajax调用,它使用的是原始页面加载中已有的数据。 (我可以尝试解析该数据,但它嵌入在javascript中并且有点混淆。)显然,我以某种方式获取文档已完成事件在javascript运行完毕之前。




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  1. 假设数据的解析永远不会改变,请查看Javascript如何处理数据并在页面加载时立即执行相同操作
  2. 将javascript注入网页并检测DOM修改以了解何时从C#获取数据
  3. 使用PhantomJS编写纯JavaScript解决方案

答案 1 :(得分:1)


    /// <summary>
    /// Waits for a tag that matches a given criteria to show up on the page.
    /// Note: This function returns a browser DOM element from the foreground thread, and this scraper is running in a background thread,
    /// so use an invoke [ scraperForm.Browser.Invoke(new Action(()=>{ ... })); ] when doing anything with the returned DOM element.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="tagName">The type of tag, or "" if all tags are to be searched.</param>
    /// <param name="id">The id of the tag, or "" if the search is not to be by id.</param>
    /// <paran name="className">The class name of the tag, or "" if the search is not to be by class name.</paran>
    /// <param name="keyContent">A string to search the tag's innerText for.</param>
    /// <returns>The first tag to match the criteria, or null if such a tag was not found after the timeout period.</returns>
    public HtmlElement WaitForTag(string tagName, string id, string className, string keyContent, int timeout) {
        Log(string.Format("WaitForTag('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}',{4}) --", tagName, id, className, keyContent, timeout));
        HtmlElement result = null;
        int timeleft = timeout;
        while (timeleft > 0) {
            //Log("time left: " + timeleft);
            // Access the DOM in the foreground thread using an Invoke call.
            // (required by the WebBrowser control, otherwise cryptic errors result, like "invalid cast")
            scraperForm.Browser.Invoke(new Action(() => {
                HtmlDocument doc = scraperForm.CurrentDocument;
                if (id == "") {
                    //Log("no id supplied..");
                    // no id was supplied, so get tags by tag name if a tag name was supplied, or get all the tags
                    HtmlElementCollection elements = (tagName == "") ? doc.All : doc.GetElementsByTagName(tagName);
                    //Log("found " + elements.Count + " '" + tagName + "' tags");
                    // find the tag that matches the class name (if given) and contains the given content (if any)
                    foreach (HtmlElement element in elements) {
                        if (element == null) continue;
                        if (className != "" && !TagHasClass(element, className)) {
                            //Log(string.Format("looking for className {0}, found {1}", className, element.GetAttribute("className")));
                        if (keyContent == "" || 
                            (element.InnerText != null && element.InnerText.Contains(keyContent)) ||
                            (tagName == "input" && element.GetAttribute("value").Contains(keyContent)) ||
                            (tagName == "img" && element.GetAttribute("src").Contains(keyContent)) || 
                            result = element;
                        else if (keyContent != "") {
                            //Log(string.Format("searching for key content '{0}' - found '{1}'", keyContent, element.InnerText));
                else {
                    //Log(string.Format("searching for tag by id '{0}'", id));
                    // an id was supplied, so get the tag by id 
                    // Log("looking for element with id [" + id + "]");
                    HtmlElement element = doc.GetElementById(id);
                    // make sure it matches any given class name and contains any given content
                    if (
                        element != null 
                        (className == "" || TagHasClass(element, className))
                        (keyContent == "" || 
                            (element.InnerText != null && element.InnerText.Contains(keyContent))
                    ) {
                        // Log("  found it");
                        result = element;
                    else {
                        // Log("  didn't find it");
            if (result != null) break;   // the searched for tag appeared, break out of the loop 
            Thread.Sleep(200);           // wait for more milliseconds and continue looping 
            // Note: Make sure sleeps like this are outside of invokes to the foreground thread, so they only pause this background thread.
            timeleft -= 200;
        return result;