深度实际上是距离孔的距离,而不是垂直深度。方位角来自磁北。 Dip基于0是水平的。我想从同一点绘制两条线(0,0,0很好),并根据这种信息看看它们有何不同。
我没有使用Matplotlib的经验,但我对Python感到满意,并希望了解这个绘图工具。我找到this page并且它有助于理解框架,但我仍然无法弄清楚如何使用3d向量绘制线条。有人可以给我一些关于如何做到这一点或在哪里找到我需要的指示的指示?谢谢
答案 0 :(得分:5)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# import for 3d plot
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# initializing 3d plot
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection = '3d')
# several data points
r = np.array([0, 14, 64, 114])
# get lengths of the separate segments
r[1:] = r[1:] - r[:-1]
phi = np.array([255.6, 255.6, 261.7, 267.4])
theta = np.array([-79.5, -79.5, -79.4, -78.8])
# convert to radians
phi = phi * 2 * np.pi / 360.
# in spherical coordinates theta is measured from zenith down; you are measuring it from horizontal plane up
theta = (90. - theta) * 2 * np.pi / 360.
# get x, y, z from known formulae
x = r*np.cos(phi)*np.sin(theta)
y = r*np.sin(phi)*np.sin(theta)
z = r*np.cos(theta)
# np.cumsum is employed to gradually sum resultant vectors
答案 1 :(得分:2)
cpdef dsmincurb( float len12,
float azm1,
float dip1,
float azm2,
float dip2):
dsmincurb(len12, azm1, dip1, azm2, dip2)
Desurvey one interval with minimum curvature
Given a line with length ``len12`` and endpoints p1,p2 with
direction angles ``azm1, dip1, azm2, dip2``, this function returns
the differences in coordinate ``dz,dn,de`` of p2, assuming
p1 with coordinates (0,0,0)
len12, azm1, dip1, azm2, dip2: float
len12 is the length between a point 1 and a point 2.
azm1, dip1, azm2, dip2 are direction angles azimuth, with 0 or
360 pointing north and dip angles measured from horizontal
surface positive downward. All these angles are in degrees.
out : tuple of floats, ``(dz,dn,de)``
Differences in elevation, north coordinate (or y) and
east coordinate (or x) in an Euclidean coordinate system.
See Also
The equations were derived from the paper:
The minimum curvature is a weighted mean based on the
dog-leg (dl) value and a Ratio Factor (rf = 2*tan(dl/2)/dl )
if dl is zero we assign rf = 1, which is equivalent to balanced
tangential desurvey method. The dog-leg is zero if the direction
angles at the endpoints of the desurvey intervals are equal.
>>> dsmincurb(len12=10, azm1=45, dip1=75, azm2=90, dip2=20)
(7.207193374633789, 1.0084573030471802, 6.186459064483643)
# output
float dz
float dn
float de
# internal
float i1
float a1
float i2
float a2
float DEG2RAD
float rf
float dl
i1 = (90 - dip1) * DEG2RAD
a1 = azm1 * DEG2RAD
i2 = (90 - dip2) * DEG2RAD
a2 = azm2 * DEG2RAD
# calculate the dog-leg (dl) and the Ratio Factor (rf)
dl = acos(cos(i2-i1)-sin(i1)*sin(i2)*(1-cos(a2-a1)))
if dl!=0.:
rf = 2*tan(dl/2)/dl # minimum curvature
rf=1 # balanced tangential
dz = 0.5*len12*(cos(i1)+cos(i2))*rf
dn = 0.5*len12*(sin(i1)*cos(a1)+sin(i2)*cos(a2))*rf
de = 0.5*len12*(sin(i1)*sin(a1)+sin(i2)*sin(a2))*rf
return dz,dn,de