按照我的测试来源进行操作。从枚举对象获取值的好方法是什么?必须支持多久。我正在尝试没有try / catch块。
enum ELong: long { a = 0x100000000 };
enum ENormal { a = 25 }
var l = (object) ELong.a;
var n = (object)ENormal.a;
//will cast into the correct size
int ii = (int)n; //ok
long ll = (long)l; //ok
//wont cast if its too big
ll = (long)n; //cast exception
//or too small
n = (int)l; //cast exception//compile error. Cannot cast
//lets try preventing the exception with is
if (n is int)
ii = (int)n;//doesnt get here.
if (n is long)
ll = (long)n;//doesnt get here.
if (l is int)
ii = (int)l;//doesnt get here
if (l is long)
ll = (long)l;//doesnt get here
//Maybe as will do the trick?
if (n as int? != null)
ii = (int)n;//doesnt get here.
if (n as long? != null)
ll = (long)n;//doesnt get here.
if (l as int? != null)
ii = (int)l;//doesnt get here
if (l as long? != null)
ll = (long)l;//doesnt get here
//geez. What is more stange is (int) will work while (int?) will not
int? ni = (int?)n;//cast exception
int iii = (int)n; //works
ll = (long)n;
答案 0 :(得分:6)
long test1 = Convert.ToInt64(l); // 4294967296
long test2 = Convert.ToInt64(n); // 25
答案 1 :(得分:5)
if (n is int)
ii = (int)n;//doesnt get here.
if (n is long)
ll = (long)n;//doesnt get here.
if (l is int)
ii = (int)l;//doesnt get here
if (l is long)
ll = (long)l;//doesnt get here
n 和 l 既不是 int / long 也不是 long?/ int?,它们属于类型你的枚举,所以这是预期的行为。
答案 2 :(得分:3)
static object GetAsUnderlyingType(Enum enval)
Type entype = enval.GetType();
Type undertype = Enum.GetUnderlyingType(entype);
return Convert.ChangeType( enval, undertype );