global gAllLines,gSelectedCategories,gMyCategories
on mouseUp
put empty into gAllLines
put fld "alllines" of cd "settings_files" of stack "settingsandfiles" into gAllLines
put empty into gMyCategories
repeat for each line i in gAllLines
if item 2 of i is among the items of gSelectedCategories then put i & cr after gMyCategories
end repeat
set the dgText of group "mycategories_compact" to gMyCategories
end mouseUp
答案 0 :(得分:1)
global gAllLines,gSelectedCategories,gMyCategories
on mouseUp
put empty into gAllLines
put fld "alllines" of cd "settings_files" of stack "settingsandfiles" into gAllLines
put empty into gMyCategories
replace comma with tab in gSelectedCategories
set the itemDelimiter to tab
repeat for each line i in gAllLines
if item 2 of i is among the items of gSelectedCategories then put i & cr after gMyCategories
end repeat
set the dgText of group "mycategories_compact" to gMyCategories
end mouseUp
我从不使用dgText所以我不确定为什么购买这个datagrid似乎不再接受dgText [“firstLineContainsColumnNames”]。所以对我来说,逻辑解决方案是使用dgData:
global gAllLines,gSelectedCategories,gMyCategories
on mouseUp
set the dgData of group "mycategories_compact" to empty
put empty into gMyCategories
replace comma with tab in gSelectedCategories
set the itemDelimiter to tab
local tIndex = 1,tDataA
repeat for each line i in gAllLines
if item 2 of i is among the items of gSelectedCategories then
put item 1 of i into tDataA[tIndex]["Text"]
put item 2 of i into tDataA[tIndex]["Category"]
add 1 to tIndex
end if
end repeat
set the dgData of group "mycategories_compact" to tDataA
end mouseUp
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我没有看过你的堆栈,但处理程序的工作正常。也就是说,全局变量" gSelectedCategories"如果其中一个复选框按钮的名称中包含您正在检查的单词之一,那么您是否加载了什么?