Cutoff Fee
------ ---
0 1
25 2
100 3
Id Price
------ ------
1 32
2 18
3 2
4 100
Id Price Fee Total Price with fee
----- ------- ------- -----------
1 32 2 34
2 18 1 19
3 2 1 3
4 100 3 103
Id Price Cutoff Fee
--- ------- ------- ---
1 32 0 1 -- eliminate because price is above the next cut 25
2 18 0 1
3 2 0 1
4 100 0 1 -- eliminate because price is above the next cut 25
1 32 25 2
2 18 25 2 -- eliminate because price is below this cut
3 2 25 2 -- eliminate because price is below this cut
4 100 25 2 -- eliminate because price is above (equal to) the next cut 100
1 32 100 3 -- eliminate because price is below this cut
2 18 100 3 -- eliminate because price is below this cut
3 2 100 3 -- eliminate because price is below this cut
4 100 100 3
where price >= cut
Id Price Cutoff Fee
--- ------- ------- ---
1 32 0 1 -- eliminate because price is above the next cut 25
2 18 0 1
3 2 0 1
4 100 0 1 -- eliminate because price is above the next cut 25
1 32 25 2
4 100 25 2 -- eliminate because price is above (equal to) the next cut 100
4 100 100 3
select price, cutoff, fee from item, fee
where price >= cutoff;
select price, cutoff, fee,
(select min(cutoff), fee from fee where cutoff > price) as nextfee
from item, fee
where price >= cutoff;
答案 0 :(得分:2)
select id, price, fee, (price + fee) as totalprice
from (select id, price,
(select fee
from fee
where price >= cutoff
order by cutoff desc
limit 1
) as fee
from item
) i
答案 1 :(得分:0)
SELECT i.id, i.price, MAX(f.fee), i.price + MAX(f.fee)
FROM item i INNER JOIN fee f
ON i.price > f.cutoff
GROUP BY i.id, i.price