我从Rhino将我客户的3D模型导入Unity。他们给我从Rhino导出的fbx文件,我可以将它们导入Unity。现在我想为模型导入Camera视图。在Rhino中,他们无法将摄像机视图导出为fbx的一部分。所以他们把它作为一个脚本给我,信息看起来像下面的样本3相机视图。现在我需要找到一种方法来使用这些信息在Unity中添加摄像机视图。我们无法手动完成,它应该是自动化的,因为我们必须为许多fbx模型执行此操作。 我能想到的一种方法是编写一个脚本,使用这些值将摄像机添加到场景中。但是它会在运行时发生。 还有其他更好的选择吗?
camName "Name View 1"
camGroup "Name View 1_Grp"
focalLen "49"
Cx "29.1070392477262"
Cy "32.2508470958018"
Cz "89.5861273886465"
Tx "0"
Ty "0"
Tz "0"
camName "Name View 2"
camGroup "Name View 2_Grp"
focalLen "49"
Cx "2.9038526478832"
Cy "99.2149465666948"
Cz "7.80852804487048"
Tx "0"
Ty "0"
Tz "0"
camName "Side View"
camGroup "Side View_Grp"
focalLen "49"
Cx "82.9710911032618"
Cy "31.0804895092999"
Cz "14.463142097058"
Tx "10.4951110723463"
Ty "0.999934019398793"
Tz "-4.14650803054286"
答案 0 :(得分:1)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
public class LoadCameras : ScriptableObject
[MenuItem ("CameraLoader/Load")]
static void MenuCameraLoader()
var path = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel(
"Load cameras",
// * parse the file here for your values
// * assume we get a position and orientation
// * for each camName call
// CreateCamera(camName,position,orientation/*, other stuff*/);
static void CreateCamera(string name,Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation /*, other props*/){
GameObject newCamera = new GameObject(name);
newCamera.transform.position = position;
newCamera.transform.rotation = rotation;
// load camera with other properties