由于这个链接,我已经知道如何解决这个问题:'.' and constant-expression
事实上,我遇到的问题与上面链接中描述的问题相同。 我只是想了解为什么恢复比较会使它工作。 谢谢。 这是我的代码:
template <typename Key> std::vector<Segment<Key> > findIntersections(const Interval<Key> &interval ,Segment<Key> segment)
Interval<Key> *x = &interval;
vector<Segment<Key> > intersections;
while( x!= NULL)
if(x->intersects(segment.gety1(),segment.gety2())) intersections.push_back(segment);
else if (x->left == NULL) x = x->right;
//else if (x->left->max < segment.gety1()) x = x->right;//this line gives the error
else if (segment.gety1() > x->left->max) x = x->right;//this line is OK
else x = x->left;
return intersections;
template <class Key> class Interval
Key low;
//Key high;//previous implementation
std::vector<Key> high;//to implement... may be better to use a max priority queue
//A priority queue is better since accessing a value is in o(log N) - vector is in o(N)
//as well deleting and inserting is in o(log N) for priority queue
//a binary tree is good as well.
Key max;//to implement
Key back;//represent the maximum of the list of high
bool color;
int N; //number of nodes under this subtree
Interval *left, *right;
Interval(Key lo, Key hi, Key val, bool c): low(lo),max(val),back(val),color(c),N(1),left(NULL),right(NULL)
bool intersects(Key lo, Key hi);
template <class Type> class Segment
Type x1, y1, x2, y2;
Segment(Type x1, Type y1, Type x2, Type y2):x1(x1), y1(y1), x2(x2), y2(y2){}
inline bool isHorizontal(){return x1 == x2;}
inline bool isVertical (){return y1 == y2;}
int compare(Segment segment);
inline Type getx1(){return x1;}
inline Type getx2(){return x2;}
inline Type gety1(){return y1;}
inline Type gety2(){return y2;}
template <class Key> bool Interval<Key>::intersects(Key lo, Key hi)
if(lo <= this->low && this->back <= hi) return true;
if(this->low <= lo && hi <= this->back) return true;
if(lo <= this->low && hi <= this->back) return true;
if(this->low <= lo && this->back <= hi) return true;
return false;
如果您需要更多,请告诉我...... 谢谢大家的帮助......
我正在为windows使用gcc 4.6.1编译器:MinGW-32位