
时间:2013-12-08 21:48:42

标签: fortran notepad++





  program Main
     implicit none

     character :: selection                   ! Method of summation
                                              ! L = left Riemann sum
                                              ! R = right Riemann sum 
                                              ! M = Midpoint rule
                                              ! T = Trapezoidal rule sum
                                              ! S = Simpson's rule            
     integer :: n                             ! Number of subintervals the integral is to
                                              !  be divided into
     integer :: func                          ! The function to be integrated
                                              !  f = (28.0/5) + 2*sin(4*x) - (1/x)
                                              !  g = ln(4x) + (19x)^3 - 43
                                              !  h = 1/(sqrt(2.0*PI))*exp(-(x**2)/2.0)  
     character(20) :: filename

     real, external :: f
     real, external :: g
     real, external :: h
     real, dimension(1000) :: area

     !Declare functions used
     real :: Quad

     write(*,*) "Written in the form ",
 +              "Quad(func, n, left, right, selection):"
     write(*,*) " "

     !Test Drivers

     write(*, *) Quad(f, 10, 0.2, 3.2, 'T', area)
     call Out(10, area, 'testf.txt')
     write(*, *) Quad(g, 10, 5.0, 10.0, 'L', area) 
     call Out(10, area, 'testg.txt') 
     write(*, *) Quad(h, 25, 1.0, 10.0, 'L', area)
     call Out(10, area, 'testh.txt') 

  end program Main


  subroutine Out(n, area, filename) 
  !PRE: n > 0
  !     area is the initialized array area(1...n)
  !     filename is initialized
     implicit none 

     integer, intent(in) :: n 
     real, dimension(n), intent(in) :: area 
     character(20), intent(in) :: filename

     integer :: i

     open(unit=1, file=filename, form='formatted', !Writes area(1...n) to a file
 +      action='write', status='replace')

     do i = 1, n, 1
        write(1,*) area(i)
     end do

  end subroutine Out

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 数组溢出 - 即如果您的数据是大小为10的数组,后跟内存中的filen,并且您写入数组元素11则会损坏文件名。
  2. 正在运行的数组 - 类似于上面但在数组的开头
  3. 参数损坏 - 如果文件名的文本作为读写参数传递,则可以在代码中覆盖它。
  4. 您通常可以通过以下方式解决此类问题:a)打开所有编译器错误检查并修复所有警告和/或b通过类似{1}}等lint运行代码并修复发现的问题