id frame lane class
1 2 13 1 1
2 2 14 1 1
3 2 15 2 1
4 2 16 2 1
5 4 18 3 3
6 4 19 3 3
7 4 20 3 3
8 5 15 2 2
9 5 16 2 2
10 5 17 2 2
11 5 18 3 2
12 5 19 3 2
13 6 14 1 3
14 6 15 1 3
15 6 16 1 3
16 6 17 2 3
17 6 18 2 3
'frame'是视频记录帧ID,'lane'是车辆占用的车道#,'class'是车辆分类,即1 =摩托车,2 =车,3 =卡车。
Origin (lane # in the first occurrence of id)
Destination (lane # in the last occurrence of id)
input$first <- !duplicated(input$'id')
input$last <- !duplicated(input$'id', fromLast=T)
ODTable <- subset(input, m$'first'==T | m$'last'==T)
id frame lane class first last
1 2 13 1 1 TRUE FALSE
4 2 16 2 1 FALSE TRUE
5 4 18 3 3 TRUE FALSE
7 4 20 3 3 FALSE TRUE
8 5 15 2 2 TRUE FALSE
12 5 19 3 2 FALSE TRUE
13 6 14 1 3 TRUE FALSE
17 6 18 2 3 FALSE TRUE
答案 0 :(得分:1)
input <- as.data.table(input)
setkey(input, "id")
# First
input[.(unique(id)), mult="first"]
id frame lane class
1: 2 13 1 1
2: 4 18 3 3
3: 5 15 2 2
4: 6 14 1 3
# Last
input[.(unique(id)), mult="last"]
id frame lane class
1: 2 16 2 1
2: 4 20 3 3
3: 5 19 3 2
4: 6 18 2 3
first <- input[.(unique(id)) , mult="first"]
last <- input[.(unique(id)) , mult="last"]
Destination <- copy(first)[last, destin := i.lane]
id frame lane class destin
1: 2 13 1 1 2
2: 4 18 3 3 3
3: 5 15 2 2 3
4: 6 14 1 3 2