
时间:2013-12-01 19:49:22

标签: c++ matrix double-precision

我有一个项目要做,我们要解决x的矩阵方程AX = B,假设A是三对角矩阵。我在C ++中完成了这个项目,得到了生成正确的Matrix X的程序,但是当试图将错误报告回用户A*X-B时,我得到了一个错误的错误!!这是因为我正在减去A*XB,其条目彼此任意接近。我有两个关于如何处理这个问题的想法,逐个元素:

  1. 根据这篇文章http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_of_significance,在直接减法-log2(1-y/x)中可能会丢失x-y位。让我们按x缩放ypow(2,bitsLost),减去两者,然后再除以pow(2,bitsLost)
  2. 缩小它们
  3. 在数值方法课程中非常强调这是为了:取算术共轭!而不是double difference = x-y;使用double difference = (x*x-y*y)/(x+y);

  4. 好的,那么为什么你没有选择一种方法并继续前进?


    1. 在“缩放和除垢”方法(我故意选择2的幂)和算术共轭方法之间,哪一个产生较少的误差(就减去大数而言)?
    2. 哪种方法在计算上更有效? /*For this, I was going to say the scaling method was going to be more efficient with a linear complexity versus the seemed quadratic complexity of the conjugate method, but I don't know the complexity of log2()*/
    3. 欢迎任何和所有帮助!!

      P.S。:所有三种方法似乎都在示例代码中返回相同的double ...

      让我们看看你的一些代码 没问题;这是我的Matrix.cpp代码

      #include "ExceptionType.h"
      #include "Matrix.h"
      #include "MatrixArithmeticException.h"
      #include <iomanip>
      #include <iostream>
      #include <vector>
          //default size for Matrix is 1 row and 1 column, whose entry is 0
          std::vector<long double> rowVector(1,0);
          this->matrixData.assign(1, rowVector);
      Matrix::Matrix(const std::vector<std::vector<long double> >& data)
          this->matrixData = data;
          //validate matrixData
      //getter functions
      //Recall that matrixData is a vector of a vector, whose elements should be accessed like matrixData[row][column].
      //Each rowVector should have the same size.
      unsigned Matrix::getRowCount() const { return matrixData.size(); }
      unsigned Matrix::getColumnCount() const { return matrixData[0].size(); }
      //matrix validator should just append zeroes into row vectors that are of smaller dimension than they should be...
      void Matrix::validateData()
          //fetch the size of the largest-dimension rowVector
          unsigned largestSize = 0;
          for (unsigned i = 0; i < getRowCount(); i++)
              if (largestSize < matrixData[i].size())
                  largestSize = matrixData[i].size();
          //make sure that all rowVectors are of that dimension
          for (unsigned i = 0; i < getRowCount(); i++)
              //if we find a rowVector where this isn't the case
              if (matrixData[i].size() < largestSize)
                  //add zeroes to it so that it becomes the case
                  matrixData[i].insert(matrixData[i].end(), largestSize-matrixData[i].size(), 0);
      //+ and - operators should check to see if the size of the first matrix is exactly the same size as that of the second matrix
      Matrix Matrix::operator+(const Matrix& B)
          //if the sizes coincide
          if ((getRowCount() == B.getRowCount()) && (getColumnCount() == B.getColumnCount()))
              //declare the matrixData
              std::vector<std::vector<long double> > summedData = B.matrixData;    //since we are in the scope of the Matrix, we can access private data members
              for (unsigned i = 0; i < getRowCount(); i++)
                  for (unsigned j = 0; j < getColumnCount(); j++)
                      summedData[i][j] += matrixData[i][j];   //add the elements together
              //return result Matrix
              return Matrix(summedData);
              throw MatrixArithmeticException(DIFFERENT_DIMENSIONS);
      Matrix Matrix::operator-(const Matrix& B)
          //declare negativeB
          Matrix negativeB = B;
          //negate all entries
          for (unsigned i = 0; i < negativeB.getRowCount(); i++)
              for (unsigned j = 0; j < negativeB.getColumnCount(); j++)
                  negativeB.matrixData[i][j] = 0-negativeB.matrixData[i][j];
          //simply add the negativeB
              return ((*this)+negativeB);
          catch (MatrixArithmeticException& mistake)
              //should exit or do something similar
              std::cout << mistake.what() << std::endl;
      Matrix Matrix::operator*(const Matrix& B)
          //the columnCount of the left operand must be equal to the rowCount of the right operand
          if (getColumnCount() == B.getRowCount())
              //if it is, declare data with getRowCount() rows and B.getColumnCount() columns
              std::vector<long double> zeroVector(B.getColumnCount(), 0);
              std::vector<std::vector<long double> > data(getRowCount(), zeroVector);
              for (unsigned i = 0; i < getRowCount(); i++)
                  for (unsigned j = 0; j < B.getColumnCount(); j++)
                      long double sum = 0; //set sum to zero
                      for (unsigned k = 0; k < getColumnCount(); k++)
                          //add the product of matrixData[i][k] and B.matrixData[k][j] to sum
                          sum += (matrixData[i][k]*B.matrixData[k][j]);
                      data[i][j] = sum;   //assign the sum to data
              return Matrix(data);
              throw MatrixArithmeticException(ROW_COLUMN_MISMATCH); //dimension mismatch
      std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& outputStream, const Matrix& theMatrix)
          //Here, you should use the << again, just like you would for ANYTHING ELSE.
          //first, print a newline
          outputStream << "\n";
          //setting precision (optional)
          for (unsigned i = 0; i < theMatrix.getRowCount(); i++)
              //print '['
              outputStream << "[";
              //format stream(optional)
              for (unsigned j = 0; j < theMatrix.getColumnCount(); j++)
                  //print numbers
                  outputStream << std::setw(17) << theMatrix.matrixData[i][j];
                  //print ", "
                  if (j < theMatrix.getColumnCount() - 1)
                      outputStream << ", ";
              //print ']'
              outputStream << "]\n";
          return outputStream;

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


您编写的公式为计算差异提供了最大误差,但此错误与存储的中间结果xy有关(同样:舍入)。除了x-y之外,没有其他方法可以为您提供“更好”的结果(就完整的计算而言,不仅仅是差异)。简而言之:使用除<{1}}之外的任何 foruma,差异可能更准确。

我建议您查看任意精度算术数学库,例如GMPEigen。使用这些库来计算方程式系统。 不要将x-y用于矩阵计算。这样,您可以确保中间结果doublex(或矩阵yAx的精确度与您希望的一样精确< / em>,例如512位,对于大多数情况来说肯定是足够的。

答案 1 :(得分:1)



您需要重新校准您的期望,以匹配有限精度浮点数据类型的实际情况。起点是What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic

答案 2 :(得分:1)


答案 3 :(得分:0)


答案 4 :(得分:0)


你如何最终得到共轭方法的O(n ^ 2)复杂度?你有一套固定的操作,两个加法,一个减法和一个除法。假设所有三个操作都是O(1),那么你可以得到O(n)来将它应用于n个数字。

答案 5 :(得分:0)


