我有两张纸。在第一列是一个列,其中包括“一”,“一+两”,“onetwo +三”等。第二列是两列,第一列有“查找”部分,第二列有“替换”部分(例如A栏中的“一”和B栏中的“1”)
我想使用宏进行查找和替换,以便它只使用第二张表中的替换键替换“+”字符前面找到的内容。我希望得到“1”,“1 + 2”,“12 + 3”作为结果。
Sub multiFindandReplace()
Dim myList As Range, myRange As Range, cel As Range
Set myList = Sheets("sheet2").Range("A1:B20") 'two column range with find/replace pairs
Set myRange = Sheets("sheet1").Range("A1:A20") 'range to be searched and replace
For Each cel In myList.Columns(1).Cells
myRange.Replace What:=cel.Value, Replacement:=cel.Offset(0, 1).Value, LookAt:=xlPart
Next cel
End Sub
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Sub ReplaceTest()
Dim replaceRange() As Variant
Dim replaceSht As Worksheet
Dim marker As String
Dim myRange As Range, values As Variant
Dim firstReplacementColumn As Long
Dim replaceEndRow As Long
'this is the sheet that the replacement values are in
Set replaceSht = Sheet1
'first replacement column is "A"
'(so the values to replace will be in the next column "B")
firstReplacementColumn = 1
'range that we want to replace
Set myRange = Sheets("sheet1").Range("E1:E6")
'what we want to match in our string
marker = "+"
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
'get end row of the replacements
replaceEndRow = replaceSht.Cells(replaceSht.Rows.Count, firstReplacementColumn).End(xlUp).Row
'add all the replacements into an array
ReDim replaceRange(1 To replaceEndRow, 1 To 2)
replaceRange = replaceSht.Range(replaceSht.Cells(1, firstReplacementColumn) _
, replaceSht.Cells(replaceEndRow, firstReplacementColumn + 1)).Value2
'cycle through our range of stuff we want to check and replace
For Each cell In myRange
'split the values on + to an array
values = Split(cell.Value, marker)
'if the value has been split then there must be at least 1 + in the string
If UBound(values) > 0 Then
'loop through all the replacement array and replace
For i = LBound(replaceRange) To UBound(replaceRange)
'we're only interested in doing replaces before the first + (so just values(0))
values(0) = Replace(values(0), replaceRange(i, 1), replaceRange(i, 2))
Next i
cell.Value = Join(values, marker)
End If
Next cell
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
MsgBox err.Description, vbCritical, "An error occured"
End Sub