它是576 X 256像素,所以我有这个功能从中提取图像:
def sprite_sheet_load(colorKey, spriteLocX, spriteLocY, spriteSizeX, spriteSizeY, fileName):
'''Purpose: to extract a sprite from a sprite sheet at the chosen location'''
'''credit to Stackover flow user hammyThePig for original code'''
sheet = pygame.image.load(fileName).convert() #loads up the sprite sheet. convert makes sure the pixel format is coherent
sheet.set_colorkey(colorKey) #sets the color key
sprite = sheet.subsurface(pygame.Rect(spriteLocX, spriteLocY, spriteSizeX, spriteSizeY)) #grabs the sprite at this location
return sprite
playerImages = [] #lists for the player images
playerDeathImages = [] # ""
###Image Gathering Section VVV ####
spriteXLoc = 0 #starting x location for the sprite
spriteYLoc = 0 #starting y location for the sprite
spriteXSize = 64
spriteYSize = 64
#Grab the images for the main character's walking poses
for y in range(0,9): #handle the columns of sprite sheet
for x in range(0,4): #handle the rows of sprite sheet
playerImages.append(sprite_sheet_load(black, spriteXLoc, spriteYLoc, spriteXSize, spriteYSize, "mainCharacter.png"))
spriteXLoc += spriteXSize
spriteXLoc = 0 #reset the inital x value
spriteYLoc += spriteYSize #increment the y value
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "game.py", line 97, in <module>
player = Player() #create a player object
File "game.py", line 63, in __init__
playerImages.append(sprite_sheet_load(black, spriteXLoc, spriteYLoc, spriteXSize, spriteYSize, "mainCharacter.png"))
File "game.py", line 33, in sprite_sheet_load
sprite = sheet.subsurface(pygame.Rect(spriteLocX, spriteLocY, spriteSizeX, spriteSizeY)) #grabs the sprite at this location
ValueError: subsurface rectangle outside surface area
spriteXLoc = 0 #reset the inital x value
spriteYLoc += spriteYSize #increment the y value
我之前使用过此代码没有任何问题。出了什么问题?另外,除了将宽度和高度分别除以列数和行数之外,还有更准确的方法来获得Spirte Size X和Y尺寸吗?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
您尝试获得9行和4列 - 将x
for y in range(0,4): #handle the rows of sprite sheet
for x in range(0,9): #handle the colums of sprite sheet