我想通过使用C#创建这样的项目: http://www.math.odu.edu/~bogacki/cgi-bin/lat.cgi?c=rref
我已经创建了一个表单,但我不知道这背后的代码是什么?我觉得有很多公式? 有谁知道制作矩阵的完整代码?我想我需要下面的课程?
MultiplyRow() for multiplying a whole row by an integer/fraction/double.
AddRow() for adding multiple of one row to another.
InterchangeRow() for interchanging two rows.
Concatenate() to concatenate two matrices column wise (this function is helpful when we want to create augmented matrix for solving equations).
Adjoint() to find adjoint of the matrix.
Transpose() to return transpose of the matrix.
Determinent() there are two functions, one finds the determinant by the common minor method while the other is a very fast. algorithm that makes use of reduced echelon form to find the determinant.
Inverse() there are two functions, one finds the inverse by the common adjoints method while the other uses reduced echelon form method to find it. Obviously, the second one is far more efficient that the first one which slows mainly due to recursion.
EchelonForm() can be useful in equation solving by Gaussian Elimination method.
ReducedEchelonForm() can be useful in equation solving by Gauss-Jordan method.
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