如何在C ++中创建“默认”流插入运算符?

时间:2010-01-07 21:24:22

标签: c++ templates overloading iostream

我有一个类似于boost :: any的类,因为它是一个模板化的容器类。我想有一个方法将包含的值写入字符串。但是,如果包含的类型不提供流插入操作符,我希望我的方法返回一些默认的tring而不是无法编译。下面就像我来的那样接近,并且应该明确我要做的事情:

namespace W {
    namespace hide {
        template <typename T>
        std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const T& t) {
            return std::operator<<(out, typeid(T).name());

    template <typename T> struct C {

        T t_;

        std::string ToString() const {
            using namespace hide;
            std::ostringstream oss;
            oss << t_;
            return oss.str();


任何已经拥有非成员std :: operator&lt;&lt;的类型也存在问题,例如char和std :: string。如果T是这些类型之一,则上面的oss << t_行变得模糊不清。这可以通过在W名称空间内为这些类型添加重载来解决,例如:

std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& out, const std::string& s) {
    return std::operator <<(out, s);

我的问题是,有没有人找到比这更好的方法?为什么我必须为std :: string之类的东西添加自己的重载?这是根据标准支持的,还是我利用非标准行为? (我正在使用g ++ 4.3.3进行测试)

1 个答案:

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   // If data of type T can be printed with the usual << operator, then
   // print<T>(out, p) will interpret *p as a T object and print its
   // value to out.  Otherwise, a message is printed to out, indicating
   // that objects of type T are not printable.
   template<typename T> void print(std::ostream& out, const void* p)
    // The first part of this code sets an enum value, is_printable, to
    // be 1 if the data type T can be printed with the usual <<
    // operator.  Otherwise, is_printable is set to zero.  The programming
    // technique is based on a note from Herb Sutter at
    // http://www.gotw.ca/gotw/071.htm
    class object
        object(T convert) { };
    char operator << (std::ostream&, const object&);
    enum { is_printable = sizeof(std::cout << (*static_cast<T*>(0))) == sizeof(char) ? 0 : 1 };

        // Notice that the boolean expression in the if-statement is known at
    // compile time, so that only one of the two output statements will be
    // compiled into object code.
    if (is_printable)
        out << *static_cast<const T*>(p);
        out << "(value of type " << typeid(T).name() << " cannot be printed)";


void (*printer)(std::ostream&, const void*); 
printer = print<T>;

