
时间:2013-11-26 16:48:21

标签: opencv image-processing computer-vision feature-detection feature-extraction



My pseudocode:

1.Detect keypoints and the corresponding descriptors of both the images via surf detector and descriptor .
2.a.Calculate the matching vector between the query and each of the trained example .Find number of good matches / total number of matches for each image .
2.b.OR Apply RANSAC algorithm and find the highest number of closest pair between query and training algorithm
3.The one having the higher value will have higher score and better similarity.


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


1) You create a training set and  store all its feature-points .
2) Perform ratio test for matches with the query and train feature-points.
3) Apply ransac test and draw matches (apply homograpghy if you want highlight the detected note).


答案 1 :(得分:0)


1. Location of the part where denominations are written on the image.

2. Information about how denominations are written - Script knowledge.

3. Homo-graphic information as you know the original image and The observed image
