puppet apply error:在节点uys0115上找不到默认节点或名称为'uys0115'

时间:2013-11-26 04:13:01

标签: puppet

我在两个节点上安装了puppet,服务器节点主机名为“uys0115”,客户端节点主机名为“uys0119”,服务器节点已经设置了客户端节点。当我执行commad:puppet cert list --all时,我们可以看到:

+ "uys0115" (24:55:95:77:8E:60:33:77:C8:D4:74:EA:01:21:BD:5A)
+ "uys0119" (86:53:1B:81:E5:4F:88:23:E8:34:E1:AB:03:D4:AE:7C)

puppet主目录是/ etc / puppet /,我写了一个例子和文件组织如下:



class test1 {
package { "bison":
exec { "puppet test":
        command=>"/bin/touch /tmp/puppet-test",
file { "/tmp/test.txt":
        ensure => "present",
        source => "puppet:///modules/test/test.txt"

/etc/puppet/modules/test/manifests/init.pp中的代码只是import "*"; 以及/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp中的代码如下:

import "test"
node default {
        include "test1"

当我在客户端节点uys0119并执行命令puppet agent --test --server uys0115时。 它成功执行并在目录/ tmp /中创建了两个文件puppet-test和test.txt。 在我执行命令puppet apply site.pp时的服务器节点中,它也成功执行并创建了两个文件。但是,终端输出了两条警告信息:

warning: Could not retrieve fact fqdn
warning: Host is missing hostname and/or domain: uys0115


import "test"
node "uys0119" {
        include "test1"

并在服务器节点执行命令puppet apply site.pp,输出错误消息失败:

warning: Could not retrieve fact fqdn
warning: Host is missing hostname and/or domain: uys0115
warning: Host is missing hostname and/or domain: uys0115
Could not find default node or by name with 'uys0115' on node uys0115

但客户端节点也可以成功执行命令puppet agent --test --server uys0115。任何人都可以解释一下吗? 如果我想要服务器节点发送一些repuests到客户端节点并驱动一些客户端节点响应服务器并产生结果。使用木偶时该怎么办?有人能举个例子吗?非常感谢!!!

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import "test"
node default {
    include "test1"

连接到puppet master的所有puppet节点都将执行类“test1”中定义的操作。因此,您在uys0115uys0119中找到了两个文件(视为木偶节点)。


import "test"
node "uys0119" {
        include "test1"

puppet node uys0119无法在site.pp和puppet master输出错误信息中找到它的定义,如下所示:

Could not find default node or by name with 'uys0115' on node uys0115


import "test"
node "uys0119" {
        include "test1"
node "uys0115" {
        include "test1"


warning: Host is missing hostname and/or domain: uys0115