while do != 'hit rat with sword' or 'run away':
enemyhp= 50
enemyattack= [0,1,3]
OldSwordattack= [0,1,4]
print('What do you do?(attack or run away)')
if do == 'run away':
print('You can\'t leave mom like that!')
if do == 'hit rat with sword':
hit= random.choice(OldSwordattack)
if hit == OldSwordattack[0]:
print('Your swing missed')
print('Enemy\'s HP=' + str(enemyhp))
if hit == OldSwordattack[1]:
print('Your swing hit, but very lightly.')
enemyhp= enemyhp - 1
print('Enemy\'s HP=' + str(enemyhp))
if hit == OldSwordattack[2]:
print('Your swing hit head on!')
enemyhp= enemyhp - 4
print('Enemy\'s HP=' + str(enemyhp))
>In front of mom you see a giant, yellow-teethed rat.
>What do you do?(attack or run away)
>hit rat with sword
>Your swing hit, but very lightly.
>Enemy's HP=49
>What do you do?(attack or run away)
>hit rat with sword
>Your swing hit, but very lightly.
>Enemy's HP=49
>What do you do?(attack or run away)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
enemyhp= 50
enemyhp= 50
while do != 'hit rat with sword' or 'run away':
答案 1 :(得分:0)
为了好玩,我扩展了你的示例程序,以包含一些更高级的语言结构。愿你觉得它很有趣:(Python 3)
import random
import re
def dice(s, reg=re.compile('(\d+d\d+|\+|\-|\d+)')):
Executes D+D-style dice rolls, ie '2d6 + 3'
total = 0
sign = 1
for symbol in reg.findall(s):
if symbol == '+':
sign = 1
elif symbol == '-':
sign = -1
elif 'd' in symbol:
d,s = [int(k) for k in symbol.split('d')]
for i in range(d):
total += sign * random.randint(1, s)
total += sign * int(symbol)
return total
class Character():
def __init__(self, name, attack, defense, health, weapon):
self.name = name
self.attack = attack
self.defense = defense
self.health = health
self.weapon = weapon
def hit(self, target):
if self.is_dead:
print('{} is trying to become a zombie!'.format(self.name))
return 0
attack = self.attack + self.weapon.attack_bonus + dice('2d6')
defense = target.defense + dice('2d6')
if attack > defense:
damage = int(random.random() * min(attack - defense + 1, self.weapon.damage + 1))
target.health -= damage
print('{} does {} damage to {} with {}'.format(self.name, damage, target.name, self.weapon.name))
return damage
print('{} misses {}'.format(self.name, target.name))
return 0
def is_dead(self):
return self.health <= 0
class Weapon():
def __init__(self, name, attack_bonus, damage):
self.name = name
self.attack_bonus = attack_bonus
self.damage = damage
def main():
name = input("So, what's your name? ")
me = Character(name, 4, 6, 60, Weapon('Old Sword', 2, 4))
mom = Character('Mom', 2, 2, 50, Weapon('Broom', 0, 1))
rat = Character('Crazed Rat', 5, 2, 40, Weapon('Teeth', 1, 2))
print("You are helping your mother clean the basement when a Crazed Rat attacks. "
"You grab your Grandfather's sword from the wall and leap to defend her!")
actors = {me, mom, rat}
coward = False
killer = None
while (me in actors or mom in actors) and rat in actors:
x = random.choice(list(actors))
if x is mom:
if rat.is_dead:
killer = mom
actors -= {rat}
elif x is rat:
target = random.choice(list(actors - {rat}))
if target.is_dead:
actors -= {target}
if target is mom:
print('Your mother crumples to the floor. AARGH! This rat must die!')
me.attack += 2
print('Well... this is awkward. Looks like Mom will have to finish the job alone...')
else: # your turn!
print('Me: {}, Mom: {}, Rat: {}'.format(me.health, 0 if mom.is_dead else mom.health, rat.health))
do = input('What will you do? [hit] the rat, [run] away, or [swap] weapons with Mom? ')
if do == 'hit':
if rat.is_dead:
killer = me
actors -= {rat}
elif do == 'run':
if me.health < 20:
actors -= {me}
coward = True
print("Don't be such a baby! Get that rat!")
elif do == 'swap':
me.weapon, mom.weapon = mom.weapon, me.weapon
print('You are now armed with the {}'.format(me.weapon.name))
print('Stop wasting time!')
if rat.is_dead:
if mom.is_dead:
print('The rat is gone - but at a terrible cost.')
elif me.is_dead:
print("Your mother buries you with your trusty sword by your side and the rat at your feet.")
elif coward:
print("The rat is gone - but you'd better keep running!")
elif killer is me:
print("Hurrah! Your mother is very impressed, and treats you to a nice cup of tea.")
print('Your mother kills the rat! Treat her to a nice cup of tea before finishing the basement.')
print('I, for one, hail our new rat overlords.')
if __name__=="__main__":