
时间:2013-11-16 05:56:01

标签: java


import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.font.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.text.*;

 * A class that represents a picture.  This class inherits from 
 * SimplePicture and allows the student to add functionality to
 * the Picture class.  
 * Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2004-2005
 * @author Barbara Ericson ericson@cc.gatech.edu
public class Picture extends SimplePicture 
  ///////////////////// constructors //////////////////////////////////

   * Constructor that takes no arguments 
  public Picture ()
    /* not needed but use it to show students the implicit call to super()
     * child constructors always call a parent constructor 

   * Constructor that takes a file name and creates the picture 
   * @param fileName the name of the file to create the picture from
  public Picture(String fileName)
    // let the parent class handle this fileName

   * Constructor that takes the width and height
   * @param width the width of the desired picture
   * @param height the height of the desired picture
  public Picture(int width, int height)
// let the parent class handle this width and height

   * Constructor that takes a picture and creates a 
   * copy of that picture
  public Picture(Picture copyPicture)
    // let the parent class do the copy

  ////////////////////// methods ///////////////////////////////////////

   * Method to return a string with information about this picture.
   * @return a string with information about the picture such as fileName,
   * height and width.
  public String toString()
    String output = "Picture, filename " + getFileName() + 
      " height " + getHeight() 
      + " width " + getWidth();
    return output;


  * Modified version of method from page 154 of the textbook for copying pictures
 public void copyPictureTo(Picture sourcePicture, int xStart, int yStart)
   Pixel sourcePixel = null;
   Pixel targetPixel = null;

   //loop through the columns
   for (int sourceX = 0, targetX = xStart;
        sourceX < sourcePicture.getWidth();
        sourceX++, targetX++)
     //loop through the rows
     for (int sourceY = 0,
          targetY = yStart;
          sourceY < sourcePicture.getHeight();
          sourceY++, targetY++)
       sourcePixel = sourcePicture.getPixel(sourceX,sourceY);
       targetPixel = this.getPixel(targetX,targetY);
  }catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException ex){System.out.println("Either xStart or yStart is out of bounds");System.exit(0);}
 //morphStage() method is located here.

 public void morphStage(Picture startPicture, Picture endPicture, int numStages, int k)
   Pixel[] pixelArrayStart = startPicture.getPixels();
   Pixel[] pixelArrayEnd = endPicture.getPixels();
   Pixel pixelObjEnd = null;
   Pixel pixelObjStart = null;
   Pixel pixelObjNew = null;

   //Colour values for starting picture.

   int startingRedValue = 0;
   int startingGreenValue = 0;
   int startingBlueValue = 0;

   //Colour values for ending picture.

   int endRedValue = 0;
   int endGreenValue = 0;
   int endBlueValue = 0;

   //Colour values for intermediate pictures.

   int redValue = 0;
   int greenValue = 0;
   int blueValue = 0;

   //Loops through each entry int he first array, getting the RGB values
   for (int i = 0; i < pixelArrayStart.length; i++)
     //Loops through each entry in the second array, getting the RGB values
       for (int j = 0; j < pixelArrayEnd.length; j++)
         pixelObjEnd = pixelArrayEnd[j];
         endRedValue = pixelObjEnd.getRed();
         endGreenValue = pixelObjEnd.getGreen();
         endBlueValue = pixelObjEnd.getBlue();
         pixelObjStart = pixelArrayStart[i];
         startingRedValue = pixelObjStart.getRed();
         startingGreenValue = pixelObjStart.getGreen();
         startingBlueValue = pixelObjStart.getBlue();
         redValue = startingRedValue +((endRedValue - startingRedValue)/(numStages + 1))*k; 
         greenValue = startingGreenValue +((endGreenValue - startingGreenValue)/(numStages + 1))*k; 
     blueValue = startingBlueValue +((endBlueValue - startingBlueValue)/(numStages + 1))*k;

 // end of class Picture, put all new methods before this

想法是使用等式创建一系列中间图片,redValue = startingRedValue +((endRedValue - startingRedValue)/(numStages + 1))* k。


代码编译得很好,但是当我尝试用两张图片运行它时,会出现错误。 (注意:TestMorphing是我为测试编写的类)

    at Picture.morphStage(Picture.java:149)
    at TestMorphing.main(TestMorphing.java:19)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:57)
    at     sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)
at     edu.rice.cs.drjava.model.compiler.JavacCompiler.runCommand(JavacCompiler.java:272)




import java.awt.Color;

 * Class that references a pixel in a picture. A pixel has an x and y
 * location in a picture.  A pixel knows how to get and set the red, 
 * green, blue, and alpha values in the picture.  A pixel also knows
 * how to get and set the color using a Color object.
 * Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2004
 * @author Barb Ericson ericson@cc.gatech.edu
public class Pixel

  ////////////////////////// fields ///////////////////////////////////

  /** the digital picture this pixel belongs to */
  private DigitalPicture picture;

  /** the x location of this pixel in the picture (0,0) is top left */
  private int x; 

  /** the y location of this pixel in the picture (0,0) is top left */
  private int y; 

  ////////////////////// constructors /////////////////////////////////

   * A constructor that take the x and y location for the pixel and
   * the picture the pixel is coming from
   * @param picture the picture that the pixel is in
   * @param x the x location of the pixel in the picture
   * @param y the y location of the pixel in the picture
  public Pixel(DigitalPicture picture, int x, int y)
    // set the picture
    this.picture = picture;

    // set the x location
    this.x = x;

    // set the y location
    this.y = y;


  ///////////////////////// methods //////////////////////////////

   * Method to get the x location of this pixel.  
   * @return the x location of the pixel in the picture
  public int getX() { return x; }

   * Method to get the y location of this pixel.
   * @return the y location of the pixel in the picture
  public int getY() { return y; }

   * Method to get the amount of alpha (transparency) at this pixel.
   * It will be from 0-255.
   * @return the amount of alpha (transparency)
  public int getAlpha() {

    /* get the value at the location from the picture as a 32 bit int
     * with alpha, red, green, blue each taking 8 bits from left to right
    int value = picture.getBasicPixel(x,y);

// get the alpha value (starts at 25 so shift right 24)
// then and it with all 1's for the first 8 bits to keep
// end up with from 0 to 255 
int alpha = (value >> 24) & 0xff;

return alpha;

   * Method to get the amount of red at this pixel.  It will be
   * from 0-255 with 0 being no red and 255 being as much red as
   * you can have.
   * @return the amount of red from 0 for none to 255 for max
  public int getRed() { 

    /* get the value at the location from the picture as a 32 bit int
     * with alpha, red, green, blue each taking 8 bits from left to right
    int value = picture.getBasicPixel(x,y);

    // get the red value (starts at 17 so shift right 16)
    // then and it with all 1's for the first 8 bits to keep
    // end up with from 0 to 255 
    int red = (value >> 16) & 0xff;

    return red;

   * Method to get the red value from a pixel represented as an int
   * @param value the color value as an int
   * @return the amount of red
  public static int getRed(int value)
    int red = (value >> 16) & 0xff;
    return red;

   * Method to get the amount of green at this pixel.  It will be
   * from 0-255 with 0 being no green and 255 being as much green as
   * you can have.
   * @return the amount of green from 0 for none to 255 for max
  public int getGreen() { 

    /* get the value at the location from the picture as a 32 bit int
     * with alpha, red, green, blue each taking 8 bits from left to right
    int value = picture.getBasicPixel(x,y);

    // get the green value (starts at 9 so shift right 8)
    int green = (value >>  8) & 0xff;

    return green;

   * Method to get the green value from a pixel represented as an int
   * @param value the color value as an int
   * @return the amount of green
  public static int getGreen(int value)
    int green = (value >> 8) & 0xff;
    return green;

   * Method to get the amount of blue at this pixel.  It will be
   * from 0-255 with 0 being no blue and 255 being as much blue as
   * you can have.
   * @return the amount of blue from 0 for none to 255 for max
  public int getBlue() { 

    /* get the value at the location from the picture as a 32 bit int
     * with alpha, red, green, blue each taking 8 bits from left to right
    int value = picture.getBasicPixel(x,y);

    // get the blue value (starts at 0 so no shift required)
    int blue = value & 0xff;

    return blue;

   * Method to get the blue value from a pixel represented as an int
   * @param value the color value as an int
   * @return the amount of blue
  public static int getBlue(int value)
    int blue = value & 0xff;
    return blue;

   * Method to get a color object that represents the color at this pixel.
   * @return a color object that represents the pixel color
  public Color getColor() 
     /* get the value at the location from the picture as a 32 bit int
     * with alpha, red, green, blue each taking 8 bits from left to right
    int value = picture.getBasicPixel(x,y);

    // get the red value (starts at 17 so shift right 16)
    // then and it with all 1's for the first 8 bits to keep
    // end up with from 0 to 255 
    int red = (value >> 16) & 0xff;

    // get the green value (starts at 9 so shift right 8)
    int green = (value >>  8) & 0xff;

    // get the blue value (starts at 0 so no shift required)
    int blue = value & 0xff;

    return new Color(red,green,blue);

   * Method to set the pixel color to the passed in color object.
   * @param newColor the new color to use
  public void setColor(Color newColor) 
    // set the red, green, and blue values
    int red = newColor.getRed();
    int green = newColor.getGreen();
    int blue = newColor.getBlue();

    // update the associated picture

       * Method to update the picture based on the passed color
       * values for this pixel
       * @param alpha the alpha (transparency) at this pixel
       * @param red the red value for the color at this pixel
       * @param green the green value for the color at this pixel
       * @param blue the blue value for the color at this pixel
      public void updatePicture(int alpha, int red, int green, int blue)
        // create a 32 bit int with alpha, red, green blue from left to right
        int value = (alpha << 24) + (red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue;

        // update the picture with the int value

       * Method to correct a color value to be within 0 and 255
       * @param the value to use
       * @return a value within 0 and 255
      private static int correctValue(int value)
        if (value < 0)
          value = 0;
        if (value > 255)
          value = 255;
        return value;

       * Method to set the red to a new red value
       * @param value the new value to use
      public void setRed(int value)
        // set the red value to the corrected value
        int red = correctValue(value);

        // update the pixel value in the picture
        updatePicture(getAlpha(), red, getGreen(), getBlue());

       * Method to set the green to a new green value
       * @param value the value to use
      public void setGreen(int value)
        // set the green value to the corrected value
        int green = correctValue(value);

        // update the pixel value in the picture
        updatePicture(getAlpha(), getRed(), green, getBlue());

       * Method to set the blue to a new blue value
       * @param value the new value to use
  public void setBlue(int value)
    // set the blue value to the corrected value
    int blue = correctValue(value);

    // update the pixel value in the picture
    updatePicture(getAlpha(), getRed(), getGreen(), blue);

   * Method to set the alpha (transparency) to a new alpha value
   * @param value the new value to use
  public void setAlpha(int value)
    // make sure that the alpha is from 0 to 255 
    int alpha = correctValue(value);

    // update the associated picture
    updatePicture(alpha, getRed(), getGreen(), getBlue());

  * Method to get the distance between this pixel's color and the passed color
  * @param testColor the color to compare to
  * @return the distance between this pixel's color and the passed color
 public double colorDistance(Color testColor)
   double redDistance = this.getRed() - testColor.getRed();
   double greenDistance = this.getGreen() - testColor.getGreen();
   double blueDistance = this.getBlue() - testColor.getBlue();
   double distance = Math.sqrt(redDistance * redDistance + 
                               greenDistance * greenDistance +
                               blueDistance * blueDistance);
   return distance;

  * Method to compute the color distances between two color objects
  * @param color1 a color object
  * @param color2 a color object
  * @return the distance between the two colors
 public static double colorDistance(Color color1,Color color2)
   double redDistance = color1.getRed() - color2.getRed();
   double greenDistance = color1.getGreen() - color2.getGreen();
   double blueDistance = color1.getBlue() - color2.getBlue();
   double distance = Math.sqrt(redDistance * redDistance + 
                               greenDistance * greenDistance +
                               blueDistance * blueDistance);
   return distance;

  * Method to get the average of the colors of this pixel
  * @return the average of the red, green, and blue values
 public double getAverage()
   double average = (getRed() + getGreen() + getBlue()) / 3.0;
   return average;

   * Method to return a string with information about this pixel
   * @return a string with information about this pixel
  public String toString()
    return "Pixel red=" + getRed() + " green=" + getGreen() + 
      " blue=" + getBlue();


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您的问题似乎源于您尝试使用Pixel类型变量pixelObjNew,而它仍为null。您似乎正在使用第三方库,可能是您的Ga Tech类代码的一部分,而且我们不了解此代码将限制我们的能力帮助,但话虽如此,最重要的是您应首先分配有效在尝试使用它之前,实例化该变量的对象。这可能就像调用一样简单,

pixelObjNew = new Pixel();



  • 查找和检查抛出NPE的线路对解决它至关重要。
  • 您尝试在该行上使用的变量为null,并且您尝试取消引用它会导致您的问题。
  • 通常通过查看该行来查看哪个变量出错是显而易见的。
  • 在其他时候你需要一个调试器或System.out.println(...)`语句(所谓的“穷人的调试器”)来帮助你。




答案 1 :(得分:0)
