
时间:2013-11-14 22:57:29

标签: java multithreading deadlock

请问,请知道以下程序是否可以保证死锁?以下是详细信息: 线程:process1和process2。 对象:扫描仪和打印机。 process1锁定扫描仪和打印机,但放弃扫描仪。 process2锁定扫描程序但无法获取打印机,因为process1已将其锁定。也许我的线程概念不清楚,但请问,我可以知道我哪里出错了吗?

class DeadLock extends Thread {

    //creating a scanner object
    private static Object scanner = new Object();

    //creating a printer object
    private static Object printer = new Object();

    //the process name
    private String processName;

    //initializes process2 is not created yet
    private boolean process2IsCreated = false;

     * the constructor which sets string to process1 or 2
     * @param string
    public DeadLock(String string) {
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
        this.processName  = string;

     * deadlock() for process1
    public void deadlock1() {

        //process1 locks scanner
        synchronized (scanner) {

            //process1 locks printer, too
            synchronized (printer) {

                //create process2 after process1
                if(process2IsCreated == false && processName.equals("process1")) {
                    new DeadLock("process2").start();
                    process2IsCreated = true;

                try {
                    //process1 is waiting on scanner and releases its monitor. 
                    //After regaining access, process1 tries to acquire scanner
                    //but cannot do so because process2 has locked it already.
                    //. . .too late, process1!

                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block


     * deadlock() for process2
    public void deadlock2() {

        //process2 locks scanner
        synchronized (scanner) {

            //process2 notifies process1 which is waiting on scanner

            //process2 locks printer, but cannot lock printer because process1 has it
            //. . .too late, process2!
            synchronized (printer) {

     * both threads are scheduled to execute run()
    public void run() {

        //if process1 then enter deadlock1()
        if(processName.equals ("process1")) deadlock1();

        //if process 2 then enter deadlock2()
        else deadlock2();

     * the main method which creates thread process1
     * @param a
    public static void main(String a[]) {
        new DeadLock("process1").start();

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

这似乎对我有用,这里是Intellij中的Thread Dump:

enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:0)


//create process2 after process1
                if(process2IsCreated == false && processName.equals("process1")) {
                    new DeadLock("process2").start();   <---------------HERE
                    process2IsCreated = true;

答案 2 :(得分:0)

I guess, the flow is.. 
Thread 1 : takes scanner lock
Thread 1: takes printer lock
Thread 1: creates and starts 2nd thread

Possible flow: 

Thread 2 : Starts, executes run and goes into deadlock2()
Thread 1: waits for object scanner
Thread 2: Enters lock Scanner 
Thread 2: Notifies lock scanner
Thread 2: stuck as it cant get into printer block as Thread 1 has it
Thread 1: Is waiting for Thread 2 to leave scanner block which it does not.

Result: Thread 2 can not have Printer & Thread 1 can not start executing as Thread 2 even when it is notified scanner , has not left Scanner block.

This is not a proper deadlock as thread 1 has not returned for execution.

答案 3 :(得分:0)


线程1锁定扫描仪 线程1锁定打印机 线程2启动 线程1暂时释放扫描仪,等待通知等待 线程2锁定扫描仪。

线程1永远不会唤醒,因为线程2永远不会释放扫描仪 线程2永远不会被唤醒,因为线程1还没有完成打印机。


你也有可能过度使用同步;通常,简单synchronized块(监视器)或wait / notify调用(信号量)可能就足够了。你正在使用它们。

认为这里的经验法则是,“如果您打算使用wait / notify,请将它们包装在最小synchronized块中”。线程2中的扫描程序块延伸超过notify调用,进入打印机块。


synchronized (x) { A; }
synchronized (x) { B; }


synchronized (x) { x.wait(); } B;
A; synchronized (x) { x.notify(); }


答案 4 :(得分:0)

是的,这是一个几乎完美的死锁示例,原因如下(Oracle wait()doc):


线程发布   监视器的所有权,并等待另一个线程通知   在此对象的监视器上等待的线程唤醒[...]


您的代码只有一个问题,即spurious wakeups。它可能发生(虽然它不太可能),等待呼叫突然醒来,没有人曾经通知过。这更多是操作系统中锁定实现的原因,而不是与Java有关,但是在正确的操作系统上运行,您的死锁最终可能会在几天,几个月或几年后醒来。