Worklight v6.0中的JSON Store

时间:2013-11-07 09:41:35

标签: ibm-mobilefirst lodash jsonstore

我正在尝试将JSONStore独立应用程序集成到我的多页面应用程序中。当我尝试初始化集合时,我收到以下错误“未捕获的TypeError:undefined不是函数”。我想知道的一件事是,在Worklight 6.0版中,我观察到使用了下划线(Lo-Dash)模板。但是我找不到给予lodash的参考。另外,我没有在任何地方找到lodash文件。谁能告诉我怎么做? 这是我的javascript代码

window。$ = window.jQuery = WLJQ; currentPage = {};

currentPage.init = function(WL,jQuery,lodash){     alert(“当前页面:: init被叫”);

'use strict';

var $ = jQuery,
    _ = lodash;

    NAME_FIELD_EMPTY_MSG = 'Name field is empty',
    AGE_FIELD_EMPTY_MSG = 'Age field is empty',
    ID_FIELD_EMPTY_MSG = 'Id field is empty',
    EMPTY_TABLE_MSG = 'No documents found',
    DESTROY_MSG = 'Destroy finished succesfully',
    INIT_MSG = 'Collection initialized',
    ADD_MSG = 'Data added to the collection',
    REPLACE_MSG = 'Document replaced succesfully, call find.',
    REMOVE_MSG = 'Documents removed: ',
    COUNT_MSG = 'Documents in the collection: ',
    CLOSE_ALL_MSG = 'JSONStore closed',
    REMOVE_COLLECTION_MSG = 'Removed all data in the collection',
    LOAD_MSG = 'New documents loaded from adapter: ',
    PUSH_MSG_FAILED = 'Could not push some docs, res: ',
    PUSH_MSG = 'Push finished',
    PASS_CHANGED_MSG = 'Password changed succesfully'; 


//Log messages to the console and status field
var _logMessage = function (msg, id) {
    //Get reference to the status field
    var status = _.isUndefined(id) ? $('div#status-field') : $(id);

    //Put message in the status div

    //Log message to the console;

//Show JSONStore document in a table
var _showTable = function (arr) {

    if (_.isArray(arr) && arr.length < 1) {
        return _logMessage(EMPTY_TABLE_MSG);

    //Log to the console
    WL.Logger.ctx({stringify: true, pretty: true}).info(arr);

        //Get reference to the status field
        status = $('div#status-field'),

        //Table HTML template
        table = [
            '<table id="user_table" >',
                '<% _.each(people, function(person) { %>',
                        '<td> <%= person._id %> </td>',
                        '<td> <%= %> </td>',
                        '<td><%= person.json.age %></td>',
                        '<td><%= JSON.stringify(person.json) %></td>',
                '<% }); %>',

        //Populate the HTML template with content
        html = _.template(table, {people : arr});

    //Put the generated HTML table into the DOM

//Scroll to the top every time a button is clicked
$('button').on('click', function () {
    $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 'slow');

function initCollection() {
     console.log("init collection method called");
     alert("init collection method called");
    //Get references to the input fields DOM elements
        var usernameField = $('input#init-username'),
            passwordField = $('input#init-password');

        //Get values from the input fields
        var username = usernameField.val() || '',
            password = passwordField.val() || '';

        //Create the optional options object passed to init
        var options = {};

        //Check if a username was passed
        if (username.length > 0) {
            options.username = username;

        //If if a password was passed
        if (password.length > 0) {
            options.password = password;

        //JSONStore collections metadata
        var collections = {};

        //Define the 'people' collection and list the search fields
        collections[PEOPLE_COLLECTION_NAME] = {

            searchFields : {name: 'string', age: 'integer'},

            //-- Start optional adapter metadata
            adapter : {
                name: 'people',
                add: 'addPerson',
                remove: 'removePerson',
                replace: 'replacePerson',
                load: {
                    procedure: 'getPeople',
                    params: [],
                    key: 'peopleList'
            //-- End optional adapter metadata

        //Define the 'keyvalue' collection and use additional search fields
        collections[KEY_VALUE_COLLECTION_NAME] = {
            searchFields : {},
            additionalSearchFields : { key: 'string' }

        //Initialize the people collection
        WL.JSONStore.init(collections, options)

        .then(function () {

        .fail(function (errorObject) {



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


我观察到使用了下划线(loadash)模板。但我无处可去   找到了对loadash的引用。另外,我没有找到   在任何地方加载文件谁能告诉我怎么做?


worklight使用的lodash版本位于WL_变量中。查看代码,您可能希望将_ = lodash替换为_ = WL_。或者,当您带上自己的版本lodash或下划线时,它将自动分配给_变量。

或者,您可以通过修改String原型来使用其他字符串模板库,如Handlebars.jsbasic string interpolation