class Football_Pool_Pagination {
public $show_total = true;
public $page_param = 'paged';
public $current_page = 1;
public $wrap = false;
private $total_pages = 0;
private $total_items = 0;
private $page_size = 20;
public function __construct( $num_items, $wrap = false ) {
$this->total_items = $num_items;
$this->total_pages = $this->calc_total_pages( $num_items, $this->page_size );
$this->current_page = $this->get_pagenum();
$this->wrap = $wrap;
public function get_page_size() {
return $this->page_size;
public function set_page_size( $size ) {
$this->page_size = $size;
$this->total_pages = $this->calc_total_pages( $this->total_items, $this->page_size );
$this->current_page = $this->get_pagenum();
public function show( $return = 'echo' ) {
$current_url = set_url_scheme( 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
if ( $this->total_pages ) {
$page_class = $this->total_pages < 2 ? ' one-page' : '';
} else {
$page_class = ' no-pages';
$output = '';
if ( $this->wrap ) $output .= sprintf( '<div class="tablenav top%s">', $page_class );
$output .= sprintf( '<div class="tablenav-pages%s">', $page_class );
if ( $this->show_total ) {
$output .= sprintf( '<span class="displaying-num">%s</span>'
, sprintf( _n( '1 item', '%s items', $this->total_items, FOOTBALLPOOL_TEXT_DOMAIN )
, $this->total_items
$disable_first = $disable_last = '';
if ( $this->current_page == 1 ) {
$disable_first = ' disabled';
if ( $this->current_page == $this->total_pages ) {
$disable_last = ' disabled';
$output .= '<span class="pagination-links">';
$output .= sprintf( '<a class="first-page%s" title="%s" href="%s">«</a>'
, $disable_first
, esc_attr__( 'Go to the first page' )
, esc_url( remove_query_arg( $this->page_param, $current_url ) )
$output .= sprintf( '<a class="prev-page%s" title="%s" href="%s">‹</a>'
, $disable_first
, esc_attr__( 'Go to the previous page' )
, esc_url( add_query_arg(
$this->page_param, max( 1, $this->current_page - 1 ),
$current_url ) )
$output .= sprintf( '<span class="paging-input"><input class="current-page" title="%s" type="text" name="%s" value="%d" size="%d"> of <span class="total-pages">%d</span></span>'
, esc_attr__( 'Current page' )
, $this->page_param
, $this->current_page
, strlen( $this->total_pages )
, $this->total_pages
$output .= sprintf( '<a class="next-page%s" title="%s" href="%s">›</a>'
, $disable_last
, esc_attr__( 'Go to the next page' )
, esc_url( add_query_arg(
$this->page_param, min( $this->total_pages, $this->current_page + 1 ),
$current_url ) )
$output .= sprintf( '<a class="last-page%s" title="%s" href="%s">»</a>'
, $disable_last
, esc_attr__( 'Go to the last page' )
, esc_url( add_query_arg( $this->page_param, $this->total_pages, $current_url ) )
$output .= '</span></div>';
if ( $this->wrap ) $output .= '</div>';
if ( $return == 'echo' ) {
echo $output;
} else {
return $output;
private function calc_total_pages( $num_items, $page_size ) {
return ceil( $num_items / $page_size );
private function get_pagenum() {
$page_num = Football_Pool_Utils::request_int( $this->page_param, 0 );
if( $page_num > $this->total_pages ) {
$page_num = $this->total_pages;
return max( 1, $page_num );
class Football_Pool_Ranking_Page {
public function page_content()
global $current_user;
$output = '';
$pool = new Football_Pool_Pool;
// $userleague = get_the_author_meta( 'footballpool_league', $current_user->ID );
$userleague = $pool->get_league_for_user( $current_user->ID );
$userleague = ( isset( $userleague ) && is_integer( $userleague ) ) ? $userleague : FOOTBALLPOOL_LEAGUE_ALL;
$league = Football_Pool_Utils::post_string( 'league', $userleague );
$ranking_display = Football_Pool_Utils::get_fp_option( 'ranking_display', 0 );
if ( $ranking_display == 1 ) {
$ranking = Football_Pool_Utils::post_int( 'ranking', FOOTBALLPOOL_RANKING_DEFAULT );
} elseif ( $ranking_display == 2 ) {
$ranking = Football_Pool_Utils::get_fp_option( 'show_ranking', FOOTBALLPOOL_RANKING_DEFAULT );
} else {
$user_defined_rankings = $pool->get_rankings( 'user defined' );
if ( $pool->has_leagues || ( $ranking_display == 1 && count( $user_defined_rankings ) > 0 ) ) {
$output .= sprintf( '<form action="%s" method="post"><div style="margin-bottom: 1em;">'
, get_page_link()
if ( $pool->has_leagues ) {
$output .= sprintf( '%s: %s',
__( 'Choose league', FOOTBALLPOOL_TEXT_DOMAIN ),
$pool->league_filter( $league )
if ( $ranking_display == 1 && count( $user_defined_rankings ) > 0 ) {
$options = array();
foreach( $user_defined_rankings as $user_defined_ranking ) {
$options[$user_defined_ranking['id']] = $user_defined_ranking['name'];
$output .= sprintf( '<br />%s: %s'
, __( 'Choose ranking', FOOTBALLPOOL_TEXT_DOMAIN )
, Football_Pool_Utils::select(
'ranking', $options, $ranking )
$output .= sprintf( '<input type="submit" name="_submit" value="%s" />'
$output .= '</div></form>';
$output .= $pool->print_pool_ranking( $league, $current_user->ID, $ranking );
return $output;
public function print_pool_ranking( $league, $user, $ranking_id = FOOTBALLPOOL_RANKING_DEFAULT ) {
$output = '';
$rows = $this->get_pool_ranking( $league, $ranking_id );
$ranking = $users = array();
if ( count( $rows ) > 0 ) {
// there are results in the database, so get the ranking
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$ranking[] = $row;
$users[] = $row['user_id'];
} else {
// no results, show a list of users
$rows = $this->get_users( $league );
if ( count( $rows ) > 0 ) {
$output .= '<p>' . __( 'No results yet. Below is a list of all users.', FOOTBALLPOOL_TEXT_DOMAIN ) . '</p>';
foreach ( $rows as $row ) {
$ranking[] = $row;
$users[] = $row['user_id'];
} else {
$output .= '<p>'. __( 'No users have registered for this pool (yet).', FOOTBALLPOOL_TEXT_DOMAIN ) . '</p>';
if ( count( $ranking ) > 0 ) {
// get number of predictions per user if option is set
$show_num_predictions = ( Football_Pool_Utils::get_fp_option( 'show_num_predictions_in_ranking' ) == 1 );
if ( $show_num_predictions ) {
$predictions = $this->get_prediction_count_per_user( $users, $ranking_id );
$userpage = Football_Pool::get_page_link( 'user' );
$all_user_view = ( $league == FOOTBALLPOOL_LEAGUE_ALL && $this->has_leagues );
$i = 1;
$output .= '<table class="standen">';
if ( $show_num_predictions ) {
$output .= sprintf( '<tr>
, __( 'predictions', FOOTBALLPOOL_TEXT_DOMAIN )
, ( $all_user_view ? '<th></th>' : '' )
foreach ( $ranking as $row ) {
$class = ( $i % 2 != 0 ? 'even' : 'odd' );
if ( $all_user_view ) $class .= ' league-' . $row['league_id'];
if ( $row['user_id'] == $user ) $class .= ' currentuser';
if ( $show_num_predictions ) {
if ( array_key_exists( $row['user_id'], $predictions ) ) {
$num_predictions = $predictions[$row['user_id']];
} else {
$num_predictions = 0;
$num_predictions = sprintf( '<td>%d</td>', $num_predictions );
} else {
$num_predictions = '';
$output .= sprintf( '<tr class="%s"><td style="width:100px; text-align: center;">%d.</td>
<td><a href="%s">%s%s</a>%s</td>
esc_url( add_query_arg( array( 'user' => $row['user_id'] ), $userpage ) ),
$this->get_avatar( $row['user_id'], 'medium' ),
Football_Pool::user_name( $row['user_id'], 'label' ),
( $all_user_view ? $this->league_image( $row['league_id'] ) : '' )
$output .= "\n";
$output .= '</table>';
return $output;