Android SQLite自定义查询

时间:2013-11-06 09:12:00

标签: android database sqlite

我有一个包含5列的数据库,名为col_1,col_2,col_3,col_4,col_5 所有这些列都是TEXT类型。 比如,表的名称是my_table,我在数据库表中有10个条目

col_1  col_2    col_3   col_4     col_5

001     01       001    John1   Wright1
002     02       002    John2   Wright2
001     02       003    John3   Wright3
003     01       004    John4   Wright4
001     01       005    John5   Wright5
004     01       006    John6   Wright6
001     03       007    John7   Wright7
002     01       008    John8   Wright8
002     02       009    John9   Wright9
005     01       010    John0   Wright0


说,我想查询col_1 =“001”AND col_2 =“01”,我希望结果是一个包含{John1,John5}的字符串数组

String [] tableColumns = new String[1];
tableColumns = "col_4";
String whereClause = "col_1=? AND col_2=?";
String [] whereArgs = {col_1_val, col2_val}; //where col_1_val = "001" and col_2_val = "01"

Cursor c = qb.query(db, tableColumns, whereClause , whereArgs , null, null, null, null);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



String [] tableColumns = {"col_4"};
String whereClause = "col_1=? AND col_2=?";
String [] whereArgs = {col_1_val, col2_val}; //where col_1_val = "001" and col_2_val = "01"

Cursor c = query(
    true,        //boolean distinct
    "my_table",   //String table
    tableColumns,//String[] columns
    whereClause, //String selection
    whereArgs,   //String[] selectionArgs
    null,        //String groupBy
    null,        //String having
    null,        //String orderBy
    null,        //String limit
    null         //CancellationSignal cancellationSignal


Cursor c = db.rawQuery(
    "SELECT DISTINCT col_4 FROM my_table WHERE col_1=? AND col_2=?",
    new String[] {col_1_val, col2_val}


for (c.moveToFirst(); c.isAfterLast() == false; c.moveToNext()) {