没有@EndConversation的Struts 2会话范围插件

时间:2013-11-06 07:21:57

标签: java struts2 struts2-convention-plugin

考虑下面的例子,我认为这是一个非常常见的步骤形式样本。 我有一个三步形式,想要从一个帐户转账到其他:

First  page gets user source account
Second page shows source account and gets destination account and the amount
Last   page shows a confirmation which mention source account + destination account + amount


问题是我的行为都没有用@EndConversation注释。可以吗?! 模型是否会驻留在内存中,还是会自动清理?我无法找到什么时候自动清洁。

1 个答案:

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<!-- monitoring frequency in milliseconds -->
<constant name="conversation.monitoring.frequency" value="300000"/>

<!-- idle conversation timeout in milliseconds -->
<constant name="conversation.idle.timeout" value="28800000"/>

<!-- max instances of a conversation -->
<constant name="conversation.max.instances" value="20"/>

<!-- number of timeout monitoring threads -->
<constant name="conversation.monitoring.thread.pool.size" value="20"/>


@ConversationAction(conversations = "form")
@Action(value="formSecondLast", results={@Result(name=SUCCESS, type = "redirect", location="formLast")})
public String formSecondLast() throws Exception {
    //Here goes the code you want it to manipulate the conversation field data.
    //Maybe save to the database or send it to the business tier.
    return SUCCESS;

@EndConversation(conversations = "form")
@Action(value="formLast", results={@Result(name=SUCCESS, location="/jsp/form-end.jsp")})
public String formEnd() throws Exception {
    // This is a dummy action that does not do anything.
    // It is called just after formSecondLast ends and sends the user the jsp page.
    return SUCCESS;